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Ultimate Kerbal Tank Challenge

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In this challenge you have to make a tank (DUH) and run it through multiple tests depending on how good it does i will score it. Here are the tests, Requirements and Achievements

Requirements 1. Stock only. 2. Must Be able to fire a missile. 3. A kerbal must be able to get in and out of the tank without bugs. 4. Bugs are allowed (accept for making a kerbal glitch out of the tank) like using a active winglet as a missile 5. Must be able to move

Tests Test 1. Time how long it takes for it to get from the start of the runway to the end of the runway (best three times get +5 +10 +15 points)

Test 2. Try to get the kerbal out of the Tank + 10 points

Test 3. Launch your missile at the preset Mk4 Plane (i will judge how well it is destroyed MAX 10)

Test 4. Launch a SRB at the tank and get a direct hit Note: You can shoot it down in midair (i will also judge how well its intact MAX 10)

Test 5. Repeat all these tests with the damaged tank (Dont do test 4 twice.)

Max Score Of 80 without any achievements

PICTURES NEEDED FOR PROPPER SCORING (i cant judge test 3 or 4 without a picture)


Troop Carrier (Carry more than 7 kerbals in your tank) + 5

It Swims!! (drive into the ocean without loosing a single part) +10

It Flies!! (Fly your tank around the KSC) + 15

Buzzed! (Fly by the tower) +10

Pwnage (Have no parts left of the Mk4 after one shot) +20

Why U No Break! (Survive the SRB without loosing more than 5 parts) + 20

Not Today (Shoot Down the SRB before it hits you) +25

Who needs Rover Wheels? ( The tank uses no rover wheels and still moves) +10

Best Tank EVER :cool: (Get all the Achievements using a single tank) +50

This challenge is possible even with a crappy tank you will still get a score. No Example needed

Your reward is taking part in the challenge. Plus you now have an awesome tank you can use to clear up junk on the ground and shoot down your rockets.

Tank you!:P

Top 5!






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Hey im working on building a tank, First, is the Best Tank EVER achievement even possible, what I am having trouble with is making the tank fly while still carrying two missiles that completely destroy the target. Second, how would you like us to be able to destroy the SRB while it is in mid-flight if switching to different ships is impossible while the SRB is accelerating in the atmosphere. How do I repeat step 3 with only one missile? Can I use the anti srb as a second missile? Can the "It Swims achive be completed by parachuting into the water? Finally do landing gears count as rover wheels? Tanks im having fun with this!

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Hey im working on building a tank, First, is the Best Tank EVER achievement even possible, what I am having trouble with is making the tank fly while still carrying two missiles that completely destroy the target. Second, how would you like us to be able to destroy the SRB while it is in mid-flight if switching to different ships is impossible while the SRB is accelerating in the atmosphere. How do I repeat step 3 with only one missile? Can I use the anti srb as a second missile? Can the "It Swims achive be completed by parachuting into the water? Finally do landing gears count as rover wheels? Tanks im having fun with this!

Yes it is will some smart building. It can fly if you put engines on it and control surfaces if its not too heavy. hmmmmm i diddnt think about the srb not working correctly... or you can use whack a kerbal's defualt projectile ( alt-f12 ).

Yes the anti srb can be used as a regular missile to destroy the plane. If your missile area isnt damaged you can reload the tank for test 3. yes you can parchute into the water. and landing gear dosent count as rover wheels.

Tanks for participating :D.

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