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The KSP-TV discussion thread!


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I thoroughly enjoyed the first day of streaming, I caught the tail end of Yarg and well into PD's stream. Both deserve a medal. They were entertaining informative, had fun ideas, read the chat and were enjoyable to watch. I tried to watch Majir's Mod showcase but schedule conflicts stopped me from catching more than a few seconds of the map view. However in the future it might be a good idea to let Modders stream their own mods. It might be more effective. Majir spent almost as much time trying to help Skunky find a button as he did talking about the mod in the short period of time I was able to watch. It's not Skunky's fault that he hadn't used Kethane much, it just wasn't as effective as it could have been. Or maybe you could have on of the other KSPTV streamers do it who use the mod frequently. Many of them are experts in a number of mods as I have watched. PD is particularly good example. All in all I am thoroughly enjoying the streams. Keep up the good work guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  satcharna said:
In light of today's latest stream, I'd like to inquire as to what exactly the requirements for entries to be approved for KSPTV were.

I must agree. Today's stream is just painful to watch. Not even being able to build a rocket with a positive thrust to weight ratio for several minutes straight, crashing on purpose over and over and over...

How is this worthy of an official stream?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to urge you to reconsider the Professor Kerman spiel, I feel like it's only been weighing the streams down, and it gives off the wrong impressions. Looking back at the streams this evening, and most previous streams as well, KSPTV has made KSP look like a children's game, and I hope you will try to bring some professionalism to it soon.

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Let's put it this way:

The idea of giving a certain number of messages or hidden tips or hidden clues as a reward to those who stick to the stream is good.

Using the LOL SO KERBAL XD mentality to do that was what pissed most of the "nasty troles" and "haturrs" off.

By promoting that kind of bull, the only thing you do is harm and divide the community even more.

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Agreed. Yargnit, you're a great guy and I hope you stick with KSP. You're a fantastic streamer and a great person that can handle stress. Just sorry you had to get back on stream when you looked ready for sleep. :P Also, Ted, C7, EJ, N3X15, and PD for the streams, I liked them a lot as well.

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There were a few overly excited people I think, and it was a bit painful to watch some as a consequence.

Yargnit did an exceptional job given some of the silliness, and it's always great to see Chickenkeeper build impossible stuff and make it fly. I hope Squad can find a few new folks to fill the spots. It's an amazing opportunity.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Since I'm unable to connect to Twitch chat from work (due to firewall restrictions), I wanted to give a huge 'Thank You' to the streamers running over the holiday week. Tanuki in particular did a X-Mas evening stream that ran *forever* - I work nights, and was shocked to still see it running at 2 AM (EST) when I pulled it up during a quiet moment.

Today, its nearly 5 AM here, and I'm half-listening to an interesting presentation of a replacer mod (Alternis?), beautiful stuff there. Terrifying in some ways too.

Again, thanks guys. Hoping y'all are having a good holiday season. *salute*

--TSK (Sungak on Twitch)

Edited by T_S_Kimball
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  • 2 months later...

I am considering moving up my Saturday 23:00 GMT stream forward by 3 hours (to 20:00 GMT). Clearly this thread isn't the most active place in the world, but what are thoughts on this? Would it be a good or bad thing for your personal viewing experience? Feel free to respond here or let me know privately! Thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

Something I really wish KSP-TV did and I know you guys had it in the thought bubble is having a guest streamer hour or even half an hour where other people who stream KSP could show what they do on KSP-TV. I'm probably not the only one who would like this. Hey Lolb! Sure that would make it noon here in Washington I think and I like that time better.

See you all in a few weeks! It's vacation time.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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