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Saturn IX -- Sandpiper Lander (Subassembly Compatible)

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[7/12/13 Update: Testing out new Whippoorwill CSM to go with the Sandpiper Lander.]

[6/25/13 Updates: Added a standalone version of the lander, which I have christened the Sandpiper. It has a decoupler as the root part, so it will work with subassembly loader.]

Apollo-style rockets are very popular around here. Mulbin's Munbug series is a work of art, for example. One thing I've found is that most people either make a mini version of the Saturn V, or a close to scale version with 5 Mainsails in the first stage to represent the mighty F1 engines. This got me thinking: why not go bigger?


For me, it all started with a name. The Saturn V had 5 engines in its first stage. Now, obviously it wasn't named for that reason, but it inspired me. My first thought was 10 Mainsails. That proved to be difficult due to the lack of either 10x symmetry, or 9x symmetry with an engine in the middle. So with that, I settled on 9 Mainsails. I would christen my launch vehicle the Saturn IX.

Similar to the Saturn V, the Saturn IX has a large payload capacity. It will comfortably deliver 100 tons to Low Kerbin Orbit. That is more than enough to deliver almost anything you could want to orbit and beyond. Mun landers? Check. Orbital fuel stations? Check. Mun base components? Check. It's a very capable platform.

The basic payload configuration is the boring old CSM, which you can see perched atop the rocket, and the Sandpiper Lander:


Total Payload mass 36.35 tons

Action Groups

1: Toggle gimbal on first stage. This keeps the craft from wobbling out of control

2: Jettison Launch Escape System

3: Extend ladder on lander

4: Jettison Payload Fairings

Backspace: Abort. Causes Launch Escape System to fire. Once clear of the rocket, press...

0: Jettison tower and deploy parachutes

Mun Mission Album:

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Duna Mission Album:

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Duna Mission Profile:


I accidentally found that this craft was capable of Duna and return without any modifications. The mission profile is a little different from a Mun mission. Here are the differences:

1. Instead of burning for the Mun with the third stage, line up a Duna intercept and make your burn.

2. You should have enough fuel at this point for a braking burn, but you can also aerobrake to save fuel.

3. Instead of doing the docking maneuver and pulling the lander away from stage 3 with the command service module (CSM), instead transfer the two Kerbals heading to the surface into the lander and decouple from the CSM.

4. Use the remaining fuel in stage 3 to deorbit and slow your descent.

5. Decouple stage 3 and begin a powered descent with the lander's descent stage.

6. Deploy landing gear and make a powered landing on the surface (I recommend hitting caps lock for fine control beforehand).

7. After landing and exploring the surface, return to the lander and prepare for ascent.

8. With the Mun landing, you can just use the ascent stage to make it to orbit. Duna takes a little more dV, so you will need to use the remaining fuel in the ascent stage to give you a boost. With ASAS turned on, burn straight up and make a gravity turn (not sure about he optimal ascent profile on Duna).

9. Jettison the descent stage and continue burning with the ascent stage. You should have plenty of fuel to make orbit.

10. Once in orbit, rendezvous and dock with the CSM. RCS is useful here.

11. Plot a course back to Kerbin! The CSM will have all of its fuel, so making it back is no sweat.


Craft Files:

Mun-shot configuration:


Lifter (no payload -- works with subassembly loader):


Sandpiper Lander (no lifter or CSM --works with subassembly loader)


[Note: In order to have the crew in the correct spot, there are two methods. 1. The stock method is to load the lander and pull it off the decoupler by selecting the docking port. Place the lander off to the side and build your command module off the top of the decoupler, as the first command pod will be the one the places a crew in. Then, reattach the lander below the decoupler and build your lifter under it. 2. Save the lander as a subassembly using Subassembly Loader. Then build your CSM first and load the lander, attaching it below the command module.]

Edited by GusTurbo
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  Mulbin said:
Great lander! I've spent so much time recreating Apollo now that I forgot how much fun you can have with unique designs... Going back to some fictional craft for a while I think :)

Credit goes to you for the idea of using rover bodies as body panels. :)

Edited by GusTurbo
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  GusTurbo said:
Not sure why it exploded on you. I'll look into it.

I think it might have been kerbal error. :confused: I might have forgotten to throttle up before releasing the first stage...

Second try I got her into orbit, just about to try circularizing now.

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This is the Nova Rocket designed for even heavier lifting than the Saturn V

I supposed that since it is a Saturn Series booster it should be the Saturn VIII


EDIT: also I am very interested in the lander It looks like I could really use it since my previous lander doesn't work in KSP because of clipping near the exit hatch, in .20 you can't get the little buggers to EVA

Edited by Halsfury
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Sorry about that giggleplex

Note to Self: Show AND Tell works :)

I know that you said it first but I had to go find the Nova and show everyone

Sorry I stole it though

Question: What shall we launch with the Nova? Saturn V kerbalized is perfect for mun/ minmus

Maybe it's a 1 launch station lifter? maybe mun base parts. obviously it will be used for Interplanetary manned missions but I am having problems thinking just what I'd put up in it

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