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[0.20.2] Real Space Experience


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  Greys said:
It's absurd for Earth, but you could very likely have a planet with life on it near enough to nebula for them to be visible in the sky.

Nah, it's just kind of absurd in general. Even Homeworld-esque skyboxes have an air of believability. The KSP starfield is like, just a **** ton of big blurry galaxy-shaped blobs scattered *extremely* closely together of fantastic colors, and an overly-exaggerated galactic plane. I've been hoping we'd get a new one at some point.

There was a mod a long time ago that actually replaced the starfield with one featuring stars of considerably reduced size, density, and visibility.

Simply playing with the levels a bit I was able to get a much better starfield - it's less "glowy" and more muted, but still retains the beauty elements: http://i.imgur.com/NW8RYqG.jpg

You can really see just how much diffusion glow there is in the starfield which is probably what makes it seem so ridiculous.


Here's another before / after shot. Imgur's compression kind of makes the darker shot look a bit crap with the banding, but still, the gist of it is there.

Edited by Frostiken
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  Frostiken said:
Nah, it's just kind of absurd in general. Even Homeworld-esque skyboxes have an air of believability. The KSP starfield is like, just a **** ton of big blurry galaxy-shaped blobs scattered *extremely* closely together of fantastic colors, and an overly-exaggerated galactic plane. I've been hoping we'd get a new one at some point.

There was a mod a long time ago that actually replaced the starfield with one featuring stars of considerably reduced size, density, and visibility.

Simply playing with the levels a bit I was able to get a much better starfield - it's less "glowy" and more muted, but still retains the beauty elements: http://i.imgur.com/NW8RYqG.jpg

You can really see just how much diffusion glow there is in the starfield which is probably what makes it seem so ridiculous.


Here's another before / after shot. Imgur's compression kind of makes the darker shot look a bit crap with the banding, but still, the gist of it is there.

These were done with the mod mentioned in your post? That's a rather impressive improvement, Doable in .20?

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I was wondering if, in the future of this mod, sounds when aboard a ship in space, could have a muffled effect similar to the EVA sections of the dead space series. I don't know, I think it would be pretty nice. Something about the muffled sounds makes for an intense feeling of emptiness for me

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Well I belive the main reason Squad added the Galactic plane was to give the player some orientation in space. I found that in the old 0.13 demo I would frequently loose sight of Kerbin or the Mun if I wasn't orbiting right around it, and I can imagine that such loss of location can be detremental for things like docking or plane changes (or to just simply watch the orbiting body come closer to you as you approach it from interplanetary space.)

That said options are always good, so good luck with your skybox replacement.

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Yeah I've uninstalled this until you make the skybox optional or finish the dynamic one.

It is just WAAAAY to eery to not see stars on the dark side of the planet. But it kills me because i've already fallen in love with the EVA and command pod sounds haha.

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It would be great if you found a way to actually change the skybox. I agree that the one in the game is too bright and blurry, but I don't think that completely removing the background is the answer either.

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Thanks for all your feedback, guys, good and bad. I am for sure taking notes :)

  Vorgra said:
Just a heads up, you can actually see stars while in space.
And similar posts...

First, I want to clarify that I do not presume that this mod creates a fully realistic presentation of the visual and auditory characteristics of outer space. And it probably never will. But I wanted to make KSP a bit more realistic, and in particular do something about the bright, blurry background texture, which was just ridiculous in my opinion. I am sure Squad will improve upon it in the future, but I was just fed up with it. Removing it altogether was the simplest solution. I agree it makes space very empty and very eerie. I liked the change, and not least the fact that you can easily see Minmus and other objects from miles away.

I also do not pretend to be a scholar on this, and stars may indeed be more visible than I thought. However, I would still expect *this* background to be closer to reality than *that* background. I am not sure I can pull off a gradual dimming of stars, but I will certainly try. There are two problems. First, there is the dimming itself. You have probably noticed how the stars appear gradually at about 30km during launch. I will need to do something like that, but don't know exactly how it is done. Perhaps I need to create another camera for it and fade in/out between them, if that's even doable. If someone is familiar with Unity and cameras I am open for suggestions.

The second problem is the trigger - determining the moment the stars should start to appear. We probably agree that should happen in darkness, but I am worried that might be difficult to implement without causing a performance load. Taking bright nearby planets and moons into account is probably not going to happen.

The plan right now is to first add a configuration option to enable/disable the current background. That's a high priority since many of you seem to want it back. Next, I will see if I can replace the texture with another, and thus make it customisable. After that I will try to create the gradual visibility depending on brightness.

Oh, and by the way - if anyone has an idea for a better name for this mod I am all ears. It was a spur of the moment decision.

  Max Q said:
... I certainly like the breathing sound effects - it reminds me of 2001: a Space Odyssey. I read in one review of that movie the silence with only breathing was a little disturbing to some viewers, who felt the need to leave the theater ...
I am so glad to hear that, 'cause that was exactly what I had in mind when I made it. Awesome movie, awesome scene :)
  JebThrillMaster said:
One issue I encountered is if you time warp and stop timewarp it blew up >50% of my rocket. (while going to ap)

I think that is a known problem with time warp combined with big ships, and not directly related to my mod. Can anyone confirm whether my mod has made this worse?

  Frostiken said:
Simply playing with the levels a bit I was able to get a much better starfield - it's less "glowy" and more muted, but still retains the beauty elements: http://i.imgur.com/NW8RYqG.jpg

You can really see just how much diffusion glow there is in the starfield which is probably what makes it seem so ridiculous. http://imgur.com/a/tnYUn#0

Here's another before / after shot. Imgur's compression kind of makes the darker shot look a bit crap with the banding, but still, the gist of it is there.

Wow, that looks awesome. I will try to figure out if I can somehow "play with the levels" for the background camera as well :)
  MAKC said:
... how about an option to force IVA? ...
Not sure how to enforce that, but I will have a look. Not high priority right now, though.
  Subcidal said:
... You should make the camera shake during liftoff when in IVA ...
Hm, I will look into it. But again, not the highest priority at the moment.
  LTClaydohman said:
I was wondering if, in the future of this mod, sounds when aboard a ship in space, could have a muffled effect similar to the EVA sections of the dead space series...
I don't think I can do that.
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  jeti140973 said:

Source code is so far not available. I may just include it in the download package later.

Please include the source code.


Because of the nature of these things, All plugin sourcecode must be made publically available, either by including it in your parts zip, or by posting it on a public code repository (like github). This will help prevent malware.

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Version 1.1.5 released.

Small change. I have split the single RealSpaceEnvironment.dll into two files: AudioTweaks.dll and VideoTweaks.dll.

If you disliked the missing background, you can delete the VideoTweaks.dll-file and you will still have the audio effects. This is just a quick temporary workaround until I have the time to do a more longterm solution. From the feedback I have gotten so far this should satisfy most of you for the time being.

  aftokinito said:
Please include the source code.

Source code is now included in the download. Ideas and suggestions for improvements are welcome, in fact.

  kyle.mk.howard said:
Could someone make some video with this so I can see exactly what I am getting into before downloading it?

I like the idea of it, not sure if the implementation is for me.

It's really easy to uninstall in case you don't like it. Just delete the JeTi-folder from your [KSP]\GameData-folder. But a video would be welcome indeed.

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  jeti140973 said:
Version 1.1.5 released.

Small change. I have split the single RealSpaceEnvironment.dll into two files: AudioTweaks.dll and VideoTweaks.dll.

If you disliked the missing background, you can delete the VideoTweaks.dll-file and you will still have the audio effects. This is just a quick temporary workaround until I have the time to do a more longterm solution. From the feedback I have gotten so far this should satisfy most of you for the time being.

Source code is now included in the download. Ideas and suggestions for improvements are welcome, in fact.

It's really easy to uninstall in case you don't like it. Just delete the JeTi-folder from your [KSP]\GameData-folder. But a video would be welcome indeed.

Good to hear. The audio effects I love but I almost get chills when looking at the empty black space while on the darkside of a planet =P

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Keeping my eye on this one, but the lack of star field is the worse of two evils methinks... not that the current star field is evil, but it's definitely gaudi. That said, there are also those who would be bored with less, so I'm not going to pass judgement on anything other than those damn identical swirly galaxies spamming the otherwise nifty vistas.

Also, is the Chatterer mod muted with the other sounds, or does it do it's own thing?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice work!

Here is a solution you could use if you don't want to mute all the Chatterer audio:

var allSources = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AudioSource)) as AudioSource[];
foreach (var source in allSources)
if (source.name != "rbr_chatter_player" ||
source.name != "rbr_quindar_player" ||
source.name != "rbr_sstv_player" ||
source.name != "rbr_beep_player" ||
source.name != "New Game Object")
source.mute = true;

Why the 'New Game Object'? I haven't had a reason to name the objects until now so they all still have the default name. :) I've now named them all as shown above for the next Chatterer.

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This is great. I find that things look a bit more cinematic to me now. I have encountered one bug. I was EVAd out of my space station and switched to my other vessel by hitting "[" and the EVA breathing sounds were still activated even though I switched to a vessel with kerbals in it.

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I'm not sure about having no sounds at all in space. Surly rockets have some sound in space, being all powerful. They should be quieter, but not completely muted.

And also having no stars seems more unrealistic than the way it is now.

Surly there's stars out there.

Edited by Benie
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  Benie said:
Surly rockets have some sound in space, being all powerful. They should be quieter, but not completely muted.

You can't hear a sound if there's nothing to carry the sound to you. In a vacuum, sound can't exist.

  Benie said:
Surly there's stars out there.

There's stars in the sky in the daytime, too. We just can't see them because they're too dim. Our eyes adapt to the ambient light level, and the sun's really bright.

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  Greys said:
There's plenty of not vacuum attaching the rocket to your atmosphere containment chamber

Depends entirely on how you interpret the game. Are "you" the pilot of the vehicle? When you're in first-person view, sure. But the rest of the time it's not so clear-cut.

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You would hear engine vibrations while in the capsule or cockpit, but nothing at all outside of the spacecraft.

EDIT - beaten to it by Captain Arbitrary!

For those desirous of an in-depth explanation: Can you hear sounds in space?

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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