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The Next Mission


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When you first start playing, you probably set yourself all sorts of goals and set new goals along the way, but what do you do when you did all that? I always simply asked myself "What didn't I do yet?" to come up with ideas or sometimes a Kerbal would whisper me a very kerbal design idea.

By now I've landed on and returned from every planet except Eve (I don't want to do deal with hours of 1/5 fps), built a space station, sent something with wings to every planet with an atmosphere and did some silly missions, like landing on Eeloo with 10 Kerbals for no reason. By now the question "What didn't I do yet?" becomes harder to answer.

What do YOU do when you launch the game, click on the VAB and realize there isn't even a mission plan yet? What are your plans right now?

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Yeah, I'm pretty much in your position for like ~3 weeks. Since then i try to do figure out some rather big projects.

For example try to get as many Orange Fuel Tanks into Orbit as possible (one of the easier ones) or (for the harder ones) Build a Colony "Train" in Kerbin Orbit (docking multiple colony modules together in a train formation with a Interplanetary Tug at the end) and send+land it on Duna or Eve (Parachutes). The last one was actually never finished and is still floating around in Kerbin Orbit waiting for the interplantary tug because it has 6 different Modules (3 Homes, 1 Kethane Miner, 1 Fuel Rover, 1 Small Space Station for Duna Orbit) and over 500 Parts, making it unplayable :(

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Soooo, you've never been to Eve? If not, you should.It is quite gorgeous and unique. Getting back; now thats the hard part. I am also wondering why you would expect the framerate on eve to be 1/5th fps, I have no abnormal lag trouble when visiting?

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Yeah, i went to Eve, beautiful place with no FPS probs.

However my engines did fall off during aero braking (a bit too hard, didn't know the atmosphere was that thick) so i now have stranded Kerbals :)

I'm sure you can guess what my next mission will be.

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Soooo, you've never been to Eve? If not, you should.It is quite gorgeous and unique. Getting back; now thats the hard part. I am also wondering why you would expect the framerate on eve to be 1/5th fps, I have no abnormal lag trouble when visiting?

I mean getting a Mk1-2 pod with 11km delta v all the way to Eve takes hours at 1/5 fps. My space spation is in orbit around Eve and could even refuel it, but docking has become a very very slow process there, so doing it with a massive lander is probably next to impossible :)

Yeah, I'm pretty much in your position for like ~3 weeks. Since then i try to do figure out some rather big projects.

For example try to get as many Orange Fuel Tanks into Orbit as possible (one of the easier ones) or (for the harder ones) Build a Colony "Train" in Kerbin Orbit (docking multiple colony modules together in a train formation with a Interplanetary Tug at the end) and send+land it on Duna or Eve (Parachutes). The last one was actually never finished and is still floating around in Kerbin Orbit waiting for the interplantary tug because it has 6 different Modules (3 Homes, 1 Kethane Miner, 1 Fuel Rover, 1 Small Space Station for Duna Orbit) and over 500 Parts, making it unplayable :(

That's a hilarious idea.

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I ask myself:

Are there any Kerbals that need rescue?

Are there any milestones from my last save that I have not yet set in this save?

Have I launched my update-ly polar orbit SAT?

Have any supposed new Easter Eggs been mentioned on the forums recently (big one)?

Are there AAR's that need attention?

Should I start a new AAR?

Are there any challenges that interest me?

What would just be fun to try?

I haven't done it yet, but I think that if all else failed, I would ask on the forums.

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Well I'm not entirely skilled enough to go to other planets, and I love missions to the Mun so much and building space stations that I focus on that entirely aside from probes that I launch to other planets every once and a while. I tried one manned mission to Jool and they blew up because I aerobroke too low. And I landed a doomed mission on Duna just to do it.

My next mission will be a series of missions, with which I will try to get coverage of all major areas with satellites and maintain a constant line of site to the KSC.

Then rebuild my space station (got rid of mods again). Then build a colony on the Mun and probably a space station in orbit of the Mun for refueling and have a specific lander that ferries Kerbals to and from the surface. I figure that saves weight on subsequent flights who will only need to bring enough fuel to rendezvous with the station and then return to Kerbin.

Does anybody know an easy way to get close to a specific LZ? I know I can get one down there, I'm just afraid my follow up missions won't make it close enough. Also, my current strategy for landings on the Mun is to just kill all horizontal movement when I'm high above the surface and let gravity center me. ASAS with a few burns to slow the landing and thats it.

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Does anybody know an easy way to get close to a specific LZ? I know I can get one down there, I'm just afraid my follow up missions won't make it close enough.

Load up with extra delta-V to make corrections. Then you can use your "burn retrograde" method to drop right on top of the previous landing, or at least get close enough to make rover rides fairly short. That or install MechJeb. vOv

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Well currently I am redesigning all my ships, and playing with the Kethane and Extraplanetary launchers.

Turns out alot of my ships builds died or became unstable in the last update so I am fixing them, including my basic Mun and Minmus launcher.

For the Kethane and EP mods I am buidling a full base on Duna. I have my primary Kethane extractor rig set up and a mobile (thats right bunnies MOBILE) extraplanetary launch platform. Still have to build a ORE mining rig and smelter facility. I have given up on the wheeled vehikels for these as 25 m/s is not gonna cut it as far as going from Ore deposit to the smelter and back.

Also I never did make the trip to Eeloo. I am thinking a three stage transfer ship in orbit with a single heavy push engine.

I never did get into the spaceplanes... the control was never what I would have called ... fun, and my wings never line up right so they tend to rip themselves apart during launch. getting them to a working altitude always turn into a nightmare of tapping 's'. I am liking the blimps more.

Alacrity Fitz

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