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KSP, the best sandbox free build physics simulation ever?


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I just wanted to say, that after seeing this game from about patch 0.16 up to this version, going to multiple planets, building and flying numerous different vessels, installing and playing with thousands of different mods that work beautifully with the game.

What I mean by "free build" is that you're free to build whatever you like with the parts available (and mods you add) in any order, in any way, and most times it will work quite well, and there's (for now at least, in the sandbox) nothing stopping you from building ANYTHING. Of course the physics are not spot on to real life, but what they intended it to be for know, it's done quite very a lot really well.

And just wanted to say, thank you, and very well done squad! You're work is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant (and of course here I've only focused on some of the features of KSP, apart from designing rockets, exploring the solar system, kerbin, and yeah, crashing massively!)

Squad, I take my hat off to you :)

Edited by Mihax209
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I agree, one of the best sandbox games I've ever played.

However, it's technically not the best physics simulator around. I think KSP is a victim of its own success. Had harvesteR known it would become so successful, he probably would have spent the considerable time and energy in order to incorporate a multi-core physics engine from the beginning. I just hope that's still possible to do when this game finally nears the end of the beta during optimization.

I still remember first playing the game when it was free (with no Mun, no map view, and if you landed on the dark side of Kerbin you insta-exploded). I thought "This game has true potential, too bad so few people know about it. Unfortunately it will probably die in development." Oh how wrong I was...

Edited by AceMgy
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I agree it's a great game and I really enjoy playing it, but as far as greatest sandbox free build (what do you consider "free build"?) physics simulation ever is concerned, no way. And that's fine because its purpose is not to be a physics simulator. It's supposed to be a game.

Have you not read the posts about wobbly rockets, atmospheric flight problems, the lack of N-body physics, etc.?

Edited by itsme86
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I think it does a great job of portraying the physics of space travel at a very high level, but the atmospheric flight physics seem way off (it is an extremely hard thing to get right though). However, I haven't seen many "sandbox type" physics based games with such a level of customization (a.k.a. modding), so yeah, it probably is the best one around.

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Well I didn't mean to derail this thread into yet another discussion about the physics in-game. I just have a condition where I must point out every minor technicality in somebody's comment, it's very debilitating. Sorry for that.

KSP has numerous positives that outweigh its negatives by far. We should celebrate the good things this game has to offer in this thread. Carry on.

Edited by AceMgy
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97 hours total... 97 hours in the last two weeks. (I finally transferred over to Steam...last Monday...). Too bad it doesn't record the time played from before; I would have had a Steam record.


  SuperWeegee4000 said:
Wait. KSP isn't free.

"Ksp, the best sandbox free build physics simulation ever?"

Free and build are conjoined, he doesn't mean its free of charge.

Edited by AustralianFries
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KSP is the best Sandbox box game ever. Period, if you just want to build rockets, the current flight model isn't what I'd call brilliant, or even competent, but the 200 odd hours I've sunk into this chasm of a sim have not been unenjoyable.

Squad, I would put on all the hats on all the TF2 players in the world, and take them all off to you. Thank you for the best use of my time since reading.

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  llamatoes said:
Squad, I would put on all the hats on all the TF2 players in the world, and take them all off to you.

That by itself would be able to shift planets in their orbits. Careful with such a power...

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Gotta say at least 80% of what I know about space, orbital mechanics, etc. comes from KSP. A game ... ! Before KSP, I thought there was no gravity outside the atmosphere, you could reach the sun by simply pointing a rocket at it, and the moon made an orbit around earth in 26 hours.

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