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Jeb, Bob, Bill & Halnie


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The famous trio and my hardest working randomly generated Kerbal. She assembled my Kerbin station while the other three hung out in the hab module eating snacks. I gave Jeb the classic Kerbal hairstyle and tried to mix it up a bit with the other three.


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Does Halnie have a crush on Bill? She is looking at him kind of, well, interestingly.

Haha, well, that wasn't my intention but I identify with Bill the most so I may have done it unconsciously :wink:

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Haha, well, that wasn't my intention but I identify with Bill the most so I may have done it unconsciously :wink:

Is the redhead Bill? I've always imagined Bill to be the cool headed veteran astronaut, while Bob is the goofy new recruit (Like the redhead) who is good for nothing but screaming.

Whoops. Mixed up the name tags. Confusing Bill with Halnie. Bill looks way too feminine.

It's still fantastic art! I'd love to have your skill!

Edited by Nutt007
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Yes, Halnie's suit should probably be white.

The only thing I can think of that would be read as feminine in Bill is that I gave him long hair. I specifically set out trying to avoid culturally constructed gender signifiers and as such did not want Halnie to have the longest hair of the four. I did give her the roundest facial features (so far as Kerbals have facial features) and broad hips vs broad shoulders, but I wanted to avoid pink girl vs blue boy syndrome.

I imagined Bob as modest and friendly, likes people to underestimate him and is actually smarter than he looks. Bill is meek and analytical and generally more of a planner than a doer. Sort of an anti-Jeb.

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Their appearances match how I imagine their personalities perfectly. Bob looks like he walked in the room by accident and rolled with it, and Bill looks like the kind of guy who can achieve an orbital rendezvous using only the stars and three rocks.

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I meant light blue, yeah. Halnie flew the Hermes Orbital Tug for station assembly, no EVA necessary. However, she has since been reassigned to the Mun base. Jeb, Bob and Bill are still on the station awaiting an upcoming Duna mission.

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My criticisms:

Jeb: Awesome. Just... Awesome.

Bob: Too dumb looking. He seems like a stuffed animal just stuffed into the pod, without much personality.

Bill: Hair is too long, People in the military/space program have to have relatively short hair, and his mouth also looks kind of feminine, perhaps because it's so small compared to most Kerbal mouths.

Halnie: Awesome, although I think it'd be cool if she had a white/light pale blue suit on.

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My criticisms:

Jeb: Awesome. Just... Awesome.

Bob: Too dumb looking. He seems like a stuffed animal just stuffed into the pod, without much personality.

Bill: Hair is too long, People in the military/space program have to have relatively short hair, and his mouth also looks kind of feminine, perhaps because it's so small compared to most Kerbal mouths.

Halnie: Awesome, although I think it'd be cool if she had a white/light pale blue suit on.

I'd like to second this. Although Bob IS the dumbest one IMO.

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This is Kerbal space program. If they aren't worried about spacecraft exploding on the pad because they forgot launch clamps, they probably aren't too bothered about someone's hair getting trapped in their helmet-suit locking ring.

Then again, it might explain why all the Kerbals have the same haircut in-game [aside from Squad not having given them distinctive features yet.]

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