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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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  sirkut said:
Probably using the close hinge. Mine is a close clone of it.

Heh, I was going to suggest that maybe he was using the pitch vector engine from another mod, but then I actually... you know, watched the video. It wasn't until he took it out for a test flight that I recognized the bouncing movement of a tank on a hinge (since he left out the part where he actually put the engine in). :D

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Hey Sirkut, give us a speed control via tweakables AND in the servo control window? Yes, I'm all for that. Just like a waffle bar. I'm all over waffle bars.

  sirkut said:
Yikes? Could you zip these up next time? I'm on DSL and this is taking quite a while.

This. It's a text file. It'll compress REALLY well without even trying. And if you try...REALLY REALLY well.

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  ggibsonjr said:
Yeah this is still not working for me. I have the toolbar installed. Parts show up in game but don't work. Its like they don't exist once I launch.

Output Log: https://www./?va9udsqwtjhjhtq

Your problem is you are also installing the old Damned Robotics dll:


Line 122: AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\My Files\KSP_win\GameData\DamnedRobotics\Plugins\MuMechLib.dll

You need to remove that dll as it is no longer working.

THEN you have this:


C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\My Files\KSP_win\GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugins\InfernalRobotics.dll



C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\My Files\KSP_win\GameData\PegasusPX2_2.3fixKSP032\Plugins\InfernalRobotics.dll

Your solution is to remove MuMechLib.dll and the InfernalRobotics.dll that is in the Pegasus directory.

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Hey sirkut! Just stopping in to add some feedback, since it seems this was up for debate at the moment.

So my KSP experiences with IR is mainly used for actuating cameras and "telescope lens" for deep space photography. It's really been a blast to see how well these parts have gotten with time, and how important it can be for moving a severely zoomed in picture... however with that said, with a minimum value of .1, it would seem that the animations are STILL too quick for acquisition of targets at ultra resolution scenes. Is this the set-in-stone minimum value of motion the parts can use at the current edition of IR?

I see there might be a tweakable setting in the works, and I might say that both the box AND the VAB tweaks for speed could be the best option, but I'm a bit more biased towards using very low speeds, rather than high.

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  KolourBlynD said:
Hey sirkut! Just stopping in to add some feedback, since it seems this was up for debate at the moment.

So my KSP experiences with IR is mainly used for actuating cameras and "telescope lens" for deep space photography. It's really been a blast to see how well these parts have gotten with time, and how important it can be for moving a severely zoomed in picture... however with that said, with a minimum value of .1, it would seem that the animations are STILL too quick for acquisition of targets at ultra resolution scenes. Is this the set-in-stone minimum value of motion the parts can use at the current edition of IR?

I see there might be a tweakable setting in the works, and I might say that both the box AND the VAB tweaks for speed could be the best option, but I'm a bit more biased towards using very low speeds, rather than high.

Funny you say that because I too use them for cameras and telescopes. I'll make it work. :)

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  Arcamean said:
I've got a rather... serious problem with your mod in that it's randomly falling apart. I created a rover using the Gantry Rails because they were long and thin and had several attachment points. On the launch pad they survive just fine, but at 6-7k it fell apart causing the entire rocket to spin like mad and ultimately blow up. So I tried JUST the rover and before I even left the launchpad the main rail literally just dropped off despite being snapped on in the VAB. Maybe I'm not using them for their intended purpose? If not what the hell are they for then? All I wanted was to create a rover with fairly low tech and use it to both harness science and have some fun.

edit: I will TRY to get some pictures but KSP does NOT like MSI at this time it seems.


First page, original post, this line:

Gantry - 4 sizes. Centered platform gantry for moving things back and forth. You can only have ONE attach point as your base. If you ignore this warning, you will have objects that will float with the platform. You've been warned.

You ignored the warning, and the Kraken struck. Simple as that really. :/

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Sirkut, are those tweakables values saved when you save the ship?, and by any chance are the group speeds saved now when you save the ship? ^^

when you make complex robots it takes a few time to set all the group speeds every time you test them :P


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  m1sz said:
Sirkut, are those tweakables values saved when you save the ship?, and by any chance are the group speeds saved now when you save the ship? ^^

when you make complex robots it takes a few time to set all the group speeds every time you test them :P


Yes to both. :)

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  Arcamean said:
Well looks like I won't be needing this mod then. >.<

Since the post was edited I would have liked to have seen a craft file jus to see what exactly the problem is but I will repeat what Phoenix_ca said about attachment points. The others points if not done correctly will just float. It's a limitation of the code and it's always been this way.

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Sirkut, I'm getting framerate drops whenever I use the telescopic pistons in the editor. I recorded a video of it (shame you can't see the FRAPS counter in the left though - it went from 40 normally to about 8 in the drops) so you can see when the lag occurs.

Also, I didn't notice it in game, but you see that somehow my Min/Max boxes had gone from the GUI. I don't know if it's related or not. I checked the output_log and KSP.log and sure enough a whole bunch of errors were happening.

output_log.txt and KSP.log here (relevant section at around 13:02 in the KSP.log. Also, sorry about the different hosts, Google Drive wouldn't accept the output_log and I'm too lazy to reupload the KSP log to mediafire)

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  KolourBlynD said:
Hey sirkut! Just stopping in to add some feedback, since it seems this was up for debate at the moment.

So my KSP experiences with IR is mainly used for actuating cameras and "telescope lens" for deep space photography. It's really been a blast to see how well these parts have gotten with time, and how important it can be for moving a severely zoomed in picture... however with that said, with a minimum value of .1, it would seem that the animations are STILL too quick for acquisition of targets at ultra resolution scenes. Is this the set-in-stone minimum value of motion the parts can use at the current edition of IR?

I see there might be a tweakable setting in the works, and I might say that both the box AND the VAB tweaks for speed could be the best option, but I'm a bit more biased towards using very low speeds, rather than high.

I meant to add something. In the current version you can use decimal numbers in the servo control window.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Sirkut, I'm getting framerate drops whenever I use the telescopic pistons in the editor. I recorded a video of it (shame you can't see the FRAPS counter in the left though - it went from 40 normally to about 8 in the drops) so you can see when the lag occurs.

Also, I didn't notice it in game, but you see that somehow my Min/Max boxes had gone from the GUI. I don't know if it's related or not. I checked the output_log and KSP.log and sure enough a whole bunch of errors were happening.

output_log.txt and KSP.log here (relevant section at around 13:02 in the KSP.log. Also, sorry about the different hosts, Google Drive wouldn't accept the output_log and I'm too lazy to reupload the KSP log to mediafire)

I'm not so certain that it is an IR problem exactly. I'm seeing a lot of these errors(which not only show up for the Pistons, I see it for solar arrays, etc):


Part.hasAncestorPart: 'part' argument should not be null. Returning false.

As for the Min/Max not showing up for the Pistons. It's because it isn't set up yet to handle anything that isn't a rotateJoint. It's currently working as it should. :)

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  sirkut said:
I'm not so certain that it is an IR problem exactly. I'm seeing a lot of these errors(which not only show up for the Pistons, I see it for solar arrays, etc):
Part.hasAncestorPart: 'part' argument should not be null. Returning false.

As for the Min/Max not showing up for the Pistons. It's because it isn't set up yet to handle anything that isn't a rotateJoint. It's currently working as it should. :)

<sheepish>That's me. TweakableStaging is responsible for that noise. :( I noticed the same issue yesterday trying to copy a bunch of radiators around. It is officially on my to do list!</sheepish>

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  toadicus said:
<sheepish>That's me. TweakableStaging is responsible for that noise. :( I noticed the same issue yesterday trying to copy a bunch of radiators around. It is officially on my to do list!</sheepish>

It's all good! I did a search for hasAncestorPart and saw your github but I wasn't about to make any assumptions on your work.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Sirkut, I'm getting framerate drops whenever I use the telescopic pistons in the editor. I recorded a video of it (shame you can't see the FRAPS counter in the left though - it went from 40 normally to about 8 in the drops) so you can see when the lag occurs.

Also, I didn't notice it in game, but you see that somehow my Min/Max boxes had gone from the GUI. I don't know if it's related or not. I checked the output_log and KSP.log and sure enough a whole bunch of errors were happening.

output_log.txt and KSP.log here (relevant section at around 13:02 in the KSP.log. Also, sorry about the different hosts, Google Drive wouldn't accept the output_log and I'm too lazy to reupload the KSP log to mediafire)

  sirkut said:
I'm not so certain that it is an IR problem exactly. I'm seeing a lot of these errors(which not only show up for the Pistons, I see it for solar arrays, etc):

As for the Min/Max not showing up for the Pistons. It's because it isn't set up yet to handle anything that isn't a rotateJoint. It's currently working as it should. :)

Obsessed, I've looked over your log and I'm not certain TweakableEverything is causing your problem. It is causing those hasAncestorPart messages, and if you want to see if properly gating those calls helps anything, here's a fixed TweakableStaging dll that will avoid calling hasAncestorPart when it catches an event with bad data or the part hasn't finished starting up properly. If that fixes your issue, color me surprised.

I'd be more concerned about the NullReferenceException spam around EditorLogic.CheckSymPartsAttach(), which doesn't happen until later on and I'm guessing (just guessing) that it is happening when you pick up those pistons and dance them around to show off the bad frame rate for the video. Since no mod is directly implicated in that -- it's not happening during a mod call, and there's no mod error right around it, and all of your parts have been started for a few seconds already as evidenced by the KER "Total simulation time" spam -- it's really hard to even guess why that might be happening.

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I have the adjusted increment step almost working but I realized an alternative. What if I gave an array of options instead through another tweak option that allows you to define what step to use. I would be easier to code and wouldn't require any trickery and shouldn't require a redraw of the tweak window.

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