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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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  Pds314 said:
The .zip is invalid. Tried renaming, still invalid. Tried 7-zip, still invalid. Tried redownloading and doing that again twice, still invalid.

ZIP Repair managed to fix it, but still. That is a significant issue.

EDIT: it appears the repaired version cannot correctly install.

Re-download it. It was probably some pesky neutrino.

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  GavinZac said:
Re-download it. It was probably some pesky neutrino.

Sometimes a server out there in the WWW can have a too aggressive caching scheme and will get a corrupted version of a file stuck in cache. Also your browser can get a corrupt download stuck in its cache.

For Windows, download CCleaner and use it to blow out your local caches. The browsers' own empty/delete cache can miss some files.

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  GavinZac said:
Re-download it. It was probably some pesky neutrino.

Did you mean "cosmic ray" when you said "neutrino" here? (cosmic ray = proton traveling at near light-speed)

I'm not going to say it's absolutely impossible for a neutrino to flip a bit, however the likelihood of getting a neutrino to actually interact with normal matter in the first place is vanishingly small.

On the other hand, cosmic rays cause errors in computers on satellites so often that they are almost always designed to detect when it happens and automatically fix the problem.

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  Darren9 said:
<snip>"jointSpring =" value.<snip>

I've just realised this isn't what I mean. What I'm after is a part which is attached between two points like a strut or a fuel line, and contracts to exert a force then relaxes when the input is halted. Cheers anyway; the thing you linked is still pretty useful.

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  SciMan said:
Did you mean "cosmic ray" when you said "neutrino" here? (cosmic ray = proton traveling at near light-speed)

I'm not going to say it's absolutely impossible for a neutrino to flip a bit, however the likelihood of getting a neutrino to actually interact with normal matter in the first place is vanishingly small.

On the other hand, cosmic rays cause errors in computers on satellites so often that they are almost always designed to detect when it happens and automatically fix the problem.

No, uh, um, I... I meant these guys from the old Turtles series



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Oh, while I'm here, is there any way to get the IR window to stay hidden when I hide it in the VAB? Every time I undo an action or reload the VAB/SPH it pops up, and it's kind of in the way. Only a minor annoyance, so I'm not complaining, but it'd be nice if it could be dealt with at some point.


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  GavinZac said:
Re-download it. It was probably some pesky neutrino.

Did redownload. But it turned out to be a problem with some pesky tagalong-installing software with another program. Everything is working fine now.

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  SciMan said:
Did you mean "cosmic ray" when you said "neutrino" here? (cosmic ray = proton traveling at near light-speed)

I'm not going to say it's absolutely impossible for a neutrino to flip a bit, however the likelihood of getting a neutrino to actually interact with normal matter in the first place is vanishingly small.

On the other hand, cosmic rays cause errors in computers on satellites so often that they are almost always designed to detect when it happens and automatically fix the problem.



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  Hammer Tech said:
I've just realised this isn't what I mean. What I'm after is a part which is attached between two points like a strut or a fuel line, and contracts to exert a force then relaxes when the input is halted. Cheers anyway; the thing you linked is still pretty useful.
When you mentioned pulling control surfaces with cables I assumed you had KAS, I was thinking a small wing part on a springy joint being raised/lowered by extending/retracting a KAS winch. I might have a go but I see a horrific part count accumulating.
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Found an annoying issue: attaching a struct connector to the adjustable rail (despite it is on it fixed part*) summon the magic Kraken energy and create some unpredictable result like "dancing vehicle":



* in fact I think I do this but pic show the opposite, it looks like there is no easy way to pick the fixed part in the VAB.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Found an annoying issue: attaching a struct connector to the adjustable rail (despite it is on it fixed part*) summon the magic Kraken energy and create some unpredictable result like "dancing vehicle":



* in fact I think I do this but pic show the opposite, it looks like there is no easy way to pick the fixed part in the VAB.

*Might* be because you seem to have a strut between a moving part and a stationary part - struts don't stretch.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Found an annoying issue: attaching a struct connector to the adjustable rail (despite it is on it fixed part*) summon the magic Kraken energy and create some unpredictable result like "dancing vehicle":



* in fact I think I do this but pic show the opposite, it looks like there is no easy way to pick the fixed part in the VAB.

You can only attach things to the moving section of a robotics part. The fixed section has no selectable collision in the VAB/SPH, and AFAIK there is no way to change this.

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Toolbar 1.6.1 STILL doesn't hide Infernal Robotics? What am I missing? I've tried reinstalling both Toolbar and IR, and removing the toolbar-settings.dat file but it still doesn't hide. I notice that even Scott Manley and Bob Fitch are having problems. Is there a fix for this?

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  stom said:
Toolbar 1.6.1 STILL doesn't hide Infernal Robotics? What am I missing? I've tried reinstalling both Toolbar and IR, and removing the toolbar-settings.dat file but it still doesn't hide. I notice that even Scott Manley and Bob Fitch are having problems. Is there a fix for this?

Updates to toolbar will not fix IR issues, just like IR updates will not fix Toolbar issues.

What are you missing? How about post #1964 where the author of this mod gave his last update? "I just wanted to let you know guys that I've severely swamped with personal issues/work right now that I haven't had time finish the new rewrite of the dll. I'm still here just not for possibly a month or so. ZodiusInfusuer and crew are still working on the model redux." That was posted two weeks ago.

I would give the mod author some *more* time, and I would think about how I would go about asking what the status of a mod is without sounding... demanding.

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  smurphy34 said:
Updates to toolbar will not fix IR issues, just like IR updates will not fix Toolbar issues.

So what fixes a bug with the IR icon in the toolbar? Gotta be one or the other. I'm not demanding, just asking if anyone has been able to get this working. Am I to understand you're saying there is no known fix for the toolbar bug?

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  stom said:
So what fixes a bug with the IR icon in the toolbar? Gotta be one or the other. I'm not demanding, just asking if anyone has been able to get this working. Am I to understand you're saying there is no known fix for the toolbar bug?

It's not a toolbar bug.

When you're using the toolbar API, you have to code your own logic as to when the window should show, and when it should not show. All the toolbar mod does is provide a method to say "you can put a button here". The toolbar does not even control the clicking of the buttons.

It's an Infernal Robotics "bug", or rather, incomplete feature.

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Hey guys,

I'm trying to make a "compact ramp" for one of my planes that swivels down from a b9cargobay to the ground(it has ground access due to being next to an upside down cargobay). I'm trying to think how this could be done while still keeping it look somewhat nice but I just can't think of how to do it. I've tried using adjustable rails attached to hinges but that causes the rails + the ramp to hang over into my second bay which just won't work. Does anyone here have any ideas of how this might be done? If it's needed I can give pictures to see exactly what I'm working with



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Who saw (or maybe didn't see would be more appropriate) the manipulator arm annoucement in the kerbaldev tumblr feed?

Not intended to detract from MSI at all, because personally I think the most likely scenario is complementary

Hopefully the game technology behind it opens up even more possibilities for MSI-IR

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  NoMrBond said:
Who saw (or maybe didn't see would be more appropriate) the manipulator arm annoucement in the kerbaldev tumblr feed?

Not intended to detract from MSI at all, because personally I think the most likely scenario is complementary

Hopefully the game technology behind it opens up even more possibilities for MSI-IR

If anything, it's going to be the beginnings of stock's version of KAS.

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suggestion for a feature: a simplistic programming interface to move parts. Nothing as complicated as having to write code, but more along the lines of what Rawbots does, where you have the parts with inputs and outputs, along with various mathematical algorithms and sensor data that you can connect together on a grid. It could work side by side with the current control system, and meant for more advanced users, while still being more user friendly than actually having to know programming in any language.

I think a similar system for Infernal Robotics would be very beneficial.

Here's an example video of Rawbot's programming for those who are not familiar with the game.

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