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United Kerbin Space Agency Mission Reports


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Work had already begun on designing a permanent Munar settlement when the UKSA suddenly remembered about Minmus. A mapping satellite was sent out to Kerbin's second moon, and a rocket was hastily designed. The satellite revealed a single anomaly, and to explore it UKSA engineers came up with the Minpollo 1. It was determined that using a Kerpollo style landing system would not work. The Kerpollo Mun Buggies would prove too small for Minmus's lower gravity and something heaver would be needed. With Minpollo 1 the craft's command pod itself would also act as the Minmus Buggy and would be attached to the ships engines with a Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port. Upon landing the buggy would undock and detach from the engines to rove about and explore. When the exploration is complete it returns to the engines, and using the newly acquired skills gained from building the KRASH station in orbit, docks back to the engines and the whole craft takes off to return to Kerbin. Unlike the Kerpollo missions where the majority of the landers and the Mun Buggies would remain on the Munar surface with only a small return vessel used to get home, with this Minpollo mission nothing will be left behind except a few planted flags, so if nothing else this craft would at least be more environmentally friendly than the Kerpollo missions.


Bill Kerman and Jebediah Kerman were selected for the honor of being the first Kerbals to walk on Minmus. Mission control decided that Jeb's fly by the seat of your pants skills could prove necessary with this quickly designed, hastily built and entirely untested ship. The pair took off for Minmus and arrived without incident. Bill and Jeb planted their flag to mark their landing site and claim this moon in the name of the crown and then undocked from the engines to head off and explore the anomaly.


The Minmus's terrain with its smooth undulations proved much easier to traverse than the crater scarred surface of the Mun, still the low gravity did provide for some airborne buggy moments, but Jeb and Bill managed to arrive at their destination in one piece. When they got to the location of the anomaly nothing could be found, the smooth green surface of Minmus was all that could be seen for miles around. Jeb planted a flag to make the spot and the two headed back to the landing site. When the arrived back to the engines they and began the docking procedure, they found that in the weak gravity of Minmus the magnetic force of the two docking ports was enough to lift the Minmus Buggy up and redock with the engines. The landing legs equipped to end of the buggy originally intended to lift the it up to the engine's docking port proved to be completely unnecessary. With the craft redocked they took off from the surface and headed home. They entered Kerbin's atmosphere with a fiery show, opened the chutes and touched down intact, in the desert region of the plant. Mission Control was relieved to see another successful landing.



Craft Files:

Minpollo 1

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Make a bus you can load up with 12 Kerbals so you can make rotational stays on the station. Take it up with Kerbals in it and switch the occupants.

The UKSA does has future plans for such a mission, but at present all the expendable new recruits are being groomed for the up coming Munar Colony project.

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  • 8 months later...

With all the success the UKSA enjoyed with the Munar and Minar Exploration missions and with the successful construction of the KRASH Station, the scientists of UKSA decided to reward themselves for all their hard work with a vacation to clear their heads before the upcoming Munar Colony project. Well no one told them how long a vacation to take so what management thought would be a week long break stretched into 7 months. Slow the booze wore off and one by one the UKSA scientists stumbled back in. With so much time off they had a lot of time to think about how to go about constructing a Munar base, in the end this is what the boffins came up with:


Introducing the Kerbal Munar Modular Base! The KMMB consist of 7 pieces put together from 4 different types of parts. A central core contains the Munar observation decks, with three radial attachment points in the form of Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Attached to these are the living and work & research areas consisting of either 3 Hitchhiker Storage Containers or one Hitchhiker Storage Container & two Mobile Processing Labs - one of several new parts dreamed up by the UKSA scientists during their extended vacation. These pieces can be docked to gather in as many chains as you like or expanded later one to create more space as needed. To the ends of these attaches a smaller observation post with more living/work space. The modular design means each piece is flown and landed on the Mun separately where final construction takes place as each piece is docked together. This latest project from the UKSA is sure to extend Kerbal's reach towards the stars and the first foundation towards stellar colonization.

Each part sold separately, some assembly required.

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Before undertaking and Munar Colony its important to first get some infrastructure in place. The Kerbals aboard the KRASH Space Station remained in orbit during the long vacation of the UKSA staff back on Kerbin, and while while 7 months with out service or resupply mission left them rather hungry and with a over flowing septic system that had managed to survive with no ill effects (although perhaps a little ill will towards Mission Control) proving that long duration exposure to space and low gravity is possible.

With that the Kerbal Astrological Base and Orbital Observatory of the Mun was launched. The KABOOM Station was created by repurposing parts from the KRASH station and assembling them in Munar orbit. The KRASH central core is used along with its Science and Communication Modules. The KRASH Station arms are omitted in this configuration and instead a slightly modified version of the solar boom is docked directly to the central core.



The KABOOM Station sits in Munar orbit and where 12 Kerbanauts will keep a watchful eye on the future Munar colony below as well as acting as a communications relay back to Mission Control on Kerbin.

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With the KABOOM Station in place, the UKSA set to work straight away on establishing the first Munar settlement. It was decided that the large Mun Arch discovered by Kerpollo 6 would be the site of the first colony because of it's potential as a money making tourist attraction site of scientific importance. The largest piece of the KMMB, central core was launched first, after successfully landing near its target it jettisoned its engine which flew off to be destroyed when they came back down and impacted the lunar surface. After lowering the ladders it was ready to be dock with the next components. While this was going on the next piece, the first of the two living areas, sat on the launch pad awaiting launch. It landed on the Munar surface and also jettisoned its engines, then drove to the KMMB core to dock with it. This was followed up by the 2nd KMMB living module.





Next came the Mobile Processing Labs. In a similar fashion to the other components it landed and jettisoned its engines before driving to and docking with the central core. Finally the three smaller observation posts were launched, landed and docked to complete the Mun Base.

The individual flights to and landings on the Mun went relatively straight forward, but docking the pieces together proved to be somewhat tricky in the low Munar gravity. It took much raising and lowering of individual landing legs to get the docking ports lined up, and even some undocking and redocking to get other pieces together. Still with the Mun Base complete, the United Kerbin Empire now has a foothold on the Mun. The is at full occupancy with 54 Kerbals becoming the first permanent lunar colonist.




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Tragedy Strikes the UKSA!

It is with great sadness the the UKSA announces this latest news. 12 brave Kerbanauts lost their lives today when a routine launch turned into disaster. The 12 Kerbanauts were aboard the living module for a Mun base being constructed at a 2nd location on the Mun. This would have been the third component of the new Mun base to be flown to the Mun. Immediate after launch the ship began pitching southward. The crew was unable to correct the flight path of the ships and it continued to roll until reaching a height of 2500 meter, after which it began flying back down towards the ground. Unable to shut down the solid fuel boosters the ship and the rocket crashing into the ground a few kilometers from the UKSA Space Center. An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the disaster.

Sheptry Kerman, Henfen Kerman, Melnand Kerman, Harzon Kerman, Doodemy Kerman, Ronler Kerman, Richemone Kerman, Ferrick Kerman, Wilke Kerman, Nelfel Kerman, Jermy Kerman, and Dudbart Kerman were all confirmed killed in the crash. There were no survivors. The 12 Kerbanauts had all been selected to become among the next Munar colonists to live at a 2nd Munar colony currently under construction. Thet are each survived by their clones.

Below is images from the final moments of the ill fated Munar voyage. Warning some readers may find these images disturbing


Today's tragedy highlights the dangers inherent in Space exploration. The 12 brave Kerbals who gave their lives today understood those risks all to well and yet still chose to be apart of this great mission. The UKSA remains committed to its mission of colonizing the stars and this Munar colony and all other future mission will carry on despite the tragedy that unfolded today. An investigation is already underway and we will be redoubling our commitment to safety, as we continue out into space in honor these brave Kerbals.

In Memoriam


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  • 3 weeks later...

Munar colonization continues and the construction of the second Mun base has been completed. The Munar anomaly explored by Kerpollo 2 was selected for the site as the site for the next Mun Base. The anomaly holds many scientific mysteries still to be discovered and the wide flat plain of room for future expansion and perhaps a theme park.

When all the pieces of the KMMB were assembled the base was official opened with a solemn ceremony. Twelve flags were planted around the base one for each Kerbal killed in the launch tragedy that occurred in the construction of this base, and a plack placed with each name so that those 12 brave Kerbals may at least live in spirit upon the Mun where they had hoped to call home. Additionally 12 spots on the Mun base have been left vacant in their honor.


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Nice Mun-base design. I've not tried modular surface bases yet, but that's really well done.

Too bad about the launch failure and the 12 Kerbals that got killed. Gotta have a launch escape system of some sort, or launch crew and cargo separately. Nice touch with the 12 flags, though.

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