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How do I make a proper weapon?

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Not so much I can't make one, just that my guided missiles, won't do enough damage, can only destroy wings, not fuselages/tanks. More velocity = more KE, but if I go any faster than in the vid I phase right through it! Intangible missiles are not scary. I did use hack gravity for testing purposes.

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Are you talking about general destructive power (bash it until it dies) or explosive power (kaboom!)?

If you want to just destroy stuff in general put some landing legs onto your missiles to increase the cross-sectional area (it'll strike more of the target when it does hit).

If you're talking about explosions, well, I'm not sure that the KSP engine is built to model explosive power how you would like to use it.

So I would suggest using a larger striking surface (a la Atanar's I-beam).

Have fun destroying stuff!

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It only destroys the wing because it only hits the wing, what did you expect to happen? I don't really see a problem. A I-beam with 2 sepatrons could destroy enything for me so far.

Not what I meant. I meant that if i make it go any faster it phases though it like it wasn't there. Meaning I can't destroy parts with higher impact tolerances like fuel tanks or cockpits.

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Hmm...unless I'm mistaken, most modern missiles work on a proximity fuse system. When they get reasonably close to their target, they explode and expel a field of shrapnel at high velocity. You might be able to emulate that effect with stock parts; I'm thinking maybe a small stack of the tiny stack separators attached via BZ-52s. Set a separatron on the innermost seperator and set it up so that everything detaches/lights up all at once. For good measure you could put something small and pointy on the end, like a non-functional RCS block.

If nothing else it could increase the damage spread pattern a bit.

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Hmm...unless I'm mistaken, most modern missiles work on a proximity fuse system. When they get reasonably close to their target, they explode and expel a field of shrapnel at high velocity. You might be able to emulate that effect with stock parts; I'm thinking maybe a small stack of the tiny stack separators attached via BZ-52s. Set a separatron on the innermost seperator and set it up so that everything detaches/lights up all at once. For good measure you could put something small and pointy on the end, like a non-functional RCS block.

If nothing else it could increase the damage spread pattern a bit.

I meant proper as i being able to destroy important parts like fuel tanks and cockpits, but if i go too fast and it goes through it like a ghost. maybe it's from testing it on the ground?

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seperatrons with slight differences in angle stuck thruster side to a girder would provide a fair bit of destruction. The game doesn't model blastwaves as far as I know, so it's all about the shrapnel as capi3101 says.

for reference, check out http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-pirated-weaponry-jawrd-redux/ and or http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sunbeam/

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