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Why Duna is like Mars and Eve isn't like Venus ?


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Eve's 'Oceans' are probably molten metal of some sort, and if you do science on it, You'll notice that it will mention the crushing pressure, which is like venus, we launched a Probe in Venus and it got crushed within hours. Eves thick atmosphere; also like venus, the only things that makes eve not look like venus is the oceans, the purpleness, and the lack of thick clouds.

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Realists vs. cartoonists: the war continues. We already know what our system is like. I'm all for plaid and paisley planets just to annoy the realists.

Developers don't share your view. Line must be drawn somewhere.

Eve's 'Oceans' are probably molten metal of some sort, and if you do science on it, You'll notice that it will mention the crushing pressure, which is like venus, we launched a Probe in Venus and it got crushed within hours. Eves thick atmosphere; also like venus, the only things that makes eve not look like venus is the oceans, the purpleness, and the lack of thick clouds.

The only metals which are in liquid state below 150°C are: mercury, cesium, gallium, rubidium, sodium and potassium, excluding extremely unstable radioisotopes.

Sodium, potassium, rubidium and cesium can't possibly exist in their elemental state in the form of blocks and pools of melt because they react with pretty much everything in nature. Gallium is much less reactive, but also can't exist alone.

Mercury can exist in its elemental state, but it's so heavy it sinks through the ground pores and will not pool itself into lakes.

Eve is nothing like Venus. Check the data yourself. 5 atmospheres is not crushing. It's what divers experience at roughly 50 metres. 92 atmospheres is crushing.

Ignoring the size, Eve looks like a strangely colored world where runaway greenhouse effect has just started to turn the planet into hell.

If the world has stable liquid surface, it means the evaporation is balanced with precipitation. In such environment, you expect fog, clouds.

When the temperature climbs above a certain value, everything evaporates and the rain cycle is transfered into the height. Rain never reaches the surface and the surface has no fog.

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It's like Hell, not boring at all, infernal wind, stifling atmosphere, volcanic activity, very rough terrain.

A Venus analogous would be a real challenge (hard to land, hard to survive, very hard to get back) :cool:

Well not exactly volcanic activity, while venus's atmosphere is hot enough to melt led, it isn't exactly tecktonicly active, it is more or less, filled with dead volcanoes and their last lava jets still pooling were they were left, due to the high temperature.

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