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Interplanetary Space Science Organization


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Hmm, thats good! We need 1 more company to join the ISSO, but you'll have to wait for a response from Bioman, he is the "captain" of this organization. I hope you get in on this, its a blast, IF you have an assignment. Other than the waiting, its a very scientific and organized group of companies. Everyone here represents a different ksp company, I represent the RWSaCP, a satellite development research organization. See you on the forums!


Redwork One-

Edit: I can also set you up with a company banner for your sig.

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ISSO Update

7-29-13 12:41

I've been thinking recently, (Isn't that suprising?) about having us all simultaniosly work on diffrent assignments, where 4 groups of 4 all work on a planet/moon instead of 3 people working and everyone else sitting around. Anyways, if you have any questions or concerns about this idea, please express them. I will also be putting up a poll for this, which I'd like most everyone to vote in (Please?).

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Also, Bio, Im alright with doing less missions, if Im doing more of... designing satellites and parts for people to send up. Our company is a legitimate company IRL, and we are more along the lines of designing, not actually piloting, I myself am a rubbish pilot, but I can get mostly anywhere, given the time and resources.


Any reply to this?

Edited by Redwork Studios|Redwork1
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Well, My reply would be:

I understand. I'll see if I can get you something to do by designing rockets for us. Heck, I'll dub you the Official Rocket Engineer of ISSO.

Dubing you that just made me think. What if we had diffrent jobs in ISSO? Say, some people fly wheras others design what they fly. Anyone like that idea?

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Bio, I notice you have no data on Eve. I myself just launched a rover mission (which one slight miscalculation on decent caused a complete loss of the rover:() there. I am sure I can fix it, add some scientific instruments, and try it again to see if I can not screw it up and get some usable data. I don't have ISA (it does hell on my hardware) but I will be likely using KW for the launch vehicle.

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you should put down mechjeb as a recommended mod on the first post, also try to hyper-link those mod listings to their respective postings, and maybe color code the status letters for job status

Edited by Benzschwagel
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controversies? as in you're not doing it yourself, the computer is? or in that it sometimes has problems doing things? I know that I had to have it before I got my joystick because any correction I performed using the keyboard would automatically grossly over-correct to the point of frequent inevitable failure at lift-off, and I still use it most of the time because of it's ability to do stuff I just simply don't know how to do.

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controversies? as in you're not doing it yourself, the computer is? or in that it sometimes has problems doing things? I know that I had to have it before I got my joystick because any correction I performed using the keyboard would automatically grossly over-correct to the point of frequent inevitable failure at lift-off, and I still use it most of the time because of it's ability to do stuff I just simply don't know how to do.

Well, trust me, in the past year since I joined, you wouldn't belive how many people people that just though MJ was cheating. No, I'm not one of them, but just saying.

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Well, My reply would be:

I understand. I'll see if I can get you something to do by designing rockets for us. Heck, I'll dub you the Official Rocket Engineer of ISSO.

Dubing you that just made me think. What if we had diffrent jobs in ISSO? Say, some people fly wheras others design what they fly. Anyone like that idea?

Heck yah! Official Rocket Engineer! Also, +1 to the jobs, it would make it run more smoothly, without the giant bumps of no one doing anything. So, whatdoIhavetobuildasofficalrocketengineeroftheISSOSpacebarjustbroke!lolnospaces.Illgetitfixed.Ihope.NOSTAGING!AHHHHHH!!!!

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Well, trust me, in the past year since I joined, you wouldn't belive how many people people that just though MJ was cheating. No, I'm not one of them, but just saying.

hehe, that's funny. I thought that this was how we did it in real life. In the movie Apollo 13, they even showed a part where they had to maneuver the craft manually with a joystick during a hard burn, and they were really worried they were going to screw up since everything was usually computer controlled. And this was 1970... Oh, and here's the wikipedia site on Apollo 13 detailing the use of 2 different guidance systems on the craft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13

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hehe, that's funny. I thought that this was how we did it in real life. In the movie Apollo 13, they even showed a part where they had to maneuver the craft manually with a joystick during a hard burn, and they were really worried they were going to screw up since everything was usually computer controlled. And this was 1970... Oh, and here's the wikipedia site on Apollo 13 detailing the use of 2 different guidance systems on the craft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13

Yeah, you just kind of forget that all of the NASA missions are computer controlled. If anything, KSP should be part of KSP, so if you are trying to simulate a launch that NASA did IRL. Anyways, Im actually looking into the whole MechJeb thing. Its actually pretty cool!

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Yeah, you just kind of forget that all of the NASA missions are computer controlled. If anything, KSP should be part of KSP, so if you are trying to simulate a launch that NASA did IRL. Anyways, Im actually looking into the whole MechJeb thing. Its actually pretty cool!

I presume you mean MJ (and i agree fully).

MJ is one of the parts which makes KSP fun for me (i am quite a bad pilot without MJ). My failure-rate is magnitudes worse without it. Besides, it takes labourious repetitive work out of my hands.

However, let's not start a pro- vs contra MJ discussion here. Add it to the list, those who want to use it, use it and those who don't want to use it don;t.

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I would like to help.

Alright then, make up a fictional company name and post below :)

I ment to say, when do I start building stuff?

Well, when some one needs a ship, they'll contact you. (I need to reorganize the MT)

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Hey, just FYI, I will build stock rockets, so everyone will be able to use them, without having to download usless mods for one purpose. Also, Should I design the launcher AND the payload (satellite, pod, etc.), or just the launcher or vice versa?

Also, going to design a new logo soon, more oriented for the ISSO for my sig. As long as it took for me to make my present logo, it must go. Out with the old, and in with the new, as they say. Just need to get the software on my new computer.

(P.S. I got a new hardcore gaming computer!)

Edit: Im getting fairly good at pixel art, should I do that for the logo, or more of realism?

Edited by Redwork Studios|Redwork1
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Hey, just FYI, I will build stock rockets, so everyone will be able to use them, without having to download usless mods for one purpose. Also, Should I design the launcher AND the payload (satellite, pod, etc.), or just the launcher or vice versa?

Also, going to design a new logo soon, more oriented for the ISSO for my sig. As long as it took for me to make my present logo, it must go. Out with the old, and in with the new, as they say. Just need to get the software on my new computer.

(P.S. I got a new hardcore gaming computer!)

Edit: Im getting fairly good at pixel art, should I do that for the logo, or more of realism?

You just need to build a launcher for a payload

It's great that you got a gaming computer!

And, I don't care how you do your logo, but, if you want an ISSO feel, throw Kerbin in there.

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