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The Space Jump (Volt.2)

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Some of you may have seen a post of mine known as 'The Space Jump'. Today; I saw it and decided to do a twist!

How high dare you jump from?!

Show us your creativity by making a ship that can just go and put a kerbal on EVa and 'jump' home!


The craft / ship must leave the atmosphere

The kerbal can jump from anywhere, even Jool if he for so wishes.

The capsule must safely return. Take up 2> kerbals as evidence. Only 1 shall jump.

Survival is not necessary if the 'jump' / 'fall' / 'dont judge me' is hilarious.


You must take up more than 1 kerbal to show that the pod can survive.

It is called 'Space Jump' for a reason; leave the atmosphere

All mods are allowed, even hyper-edit

The higher the jump the better

[To be continued]

Note: You are not judged upon points for this one; me and other administrators of TPU will judge the performance on the amount of humor, accuracy,skill and [sECRET]

Increase your 'score' by trying these!

More than 1 kerbal jumping

FTL travel (Hyperedit doesn't count, nor does editing the save file)



Jumping form another world

Accidental orbit (aerobraking)

[To be continued]

[Here there would normally be a message from an administrator of TP(U). There is currently none.] NotYorkiePudding - Administrator

Have fun! - PugSpaceProgram (OP) NyP (A TPU Admin) (TSRGP - [A donator])

(The rules and guidelines etc. are currently a WIP and will be updated when this thread 'picks up'. Cheers.) - PugSpaceProgram - OP

Edited by Pugspaceprogram
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I think part of the problem can be associated with the lack of scoring, points wise. If we get some points on it, you might have some more responses.

the mars one thing is obviously a scam. And I think you just donated $10 or whatever the sum is to a smart exploiter.

Edited by 1096bimu
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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