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Jeb 1 Fan art


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Welcome to the forums, friend! First off, I'd like to inform you that big font is kind of unnecessary and makes your post a bit uncomfortable to read. The default font will suffice. (This is not really a requirement or rule or anything, but still... I'm just warning you that many users will find huge text very annoying.)

Also, when posting pictures, use the direct file link. So, right click the image and select "Copy Image URL". Then, write %7Boption%7D and paste the link in the middle.

Anyway, as for that picture...That picture... That picture sure is... interesting? For those who can't see the picture, this is the picture he was trying to post: Link.

(By the way, it's spelled: "Jebediah" not "Jebidiah".)

Edited by AustralianFries
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  rewdew2 said:
Holy crap... that art looks so... wonderful!

I think we have a new awesome drawing guy here.

Agreed! He's even better than earthlight!

  deker13 said:
seriously? something is highly wrong with u.

Something is wrong with you. Next time you go to the doctors get your sarcasm detector checked out.

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