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Bi-object orbit

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A challenge which I do not even know is possible, get into an orbit that takes you to the mun and back. (bonus for many repeats), (double bonus for an orbit without extra burns)

NB: you cant shot past the moon and return, it must be a figure 8 like orbit.

Is this possible?

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It\'s definitely possible to do a free-return trajectory, going around the Mun and coming back. Getting that to happen more than once without any correction burns will be extremely difficult, especially so without orbital instrumentation.

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If we can get a full list of orbital velocities for the Mun, we could probably use those in combination with one of the many orbital calculators to get a good idea of how fast we need to be going in Kerbin orbit to be swung back.

Edit: Also, how close must we be before getting changed to the Mun\'s gravity? That would help.

Edit Again: What is the acceleration of Munar Gravity at the surface? Was it 1/4 of Kerbin?

Edit Again Again: I\'m trying out a plan now. Not sure if it will work or not.

Edit #3: Failed. Was too fast and aim was off, hit the Mun.

Edit 4: I did much better this time. Here\'s some pictures.

1: Liftoff

2: Orbital insertion

3: Trans-munar injection

4: Escape orbit of the moon as achieved by the transfer orbit

5: New orbit around Kerbin after escaping the Mun

6. What the trajectory essentially looked like (VERY rough approximation)

Not free return, but a step in the right direction.

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