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Mobile Refinery ain't rollin.

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So this is, well, all the mods. It's a mobile Kethane refinery for wherever, I'm happy with the design, but not with the wheels. They explode on impact of the vehicle load.

Okay, duh, look at their stats, they'd never handle this mass. What I'm looking for is some stronger wheels and I seem to not be searching the right names so far in the spaceport. In the mean time I am looking at lightening the vehicle but, /cry.


Thanks for any info.

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You could try removing some fuel tanks or replace them with smaller tanks, using a separate vehicle for the fuel tanks.

As for the mods, I don't think there are any with more resistant rover wheels.

Maybe you could try modular multiwheels but it's for planes and smaller things, also I'm not sure about it's resistance.

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I remember seeing a mod with caterpillar tracks. I don't know their exact weight-bearing stats but I'd bet that a tracked refinery would roll better than on wheels. If not, I'd say split the vehicle some more, maybe try and reduce the amount of tanks you've got strapped on there. Are you landing the refinery fully-loaded or completely empty?It might be worth burning up/venting all the fuel/kethane from the tanks before you try and do anything too massive with it!

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If it's just during landing that the wheels explode, you could add enough landing gear to the ship to take the landing shock, then fold them away to put the wheels on the ground (or even jettison them to get rid of the weight).

If the wheels are getting damaged during roving, you need to make a lighter vehicle for the number of wheels you have.

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There are a couple things I can see, both of which come back to the same point: wheels at an angle aren't handled well by the game. They can't handle nearly as much stress as a vertically oriented wheel assembly, and they tend to cause steering instabilities (most noticeable on spaceplanes). But also, look at the wheel assemblies themselves: it's a wheel with a shock absorber setup, and the wheels you see in the SPH are in the "compressed" position. So lining up the wheels like that won't work well, because those diagonal wheels won't touch down when the others do.

For reference, here's my own mobile Kethane refinery:


It's only a bit smaller than yours (110T versus your 161T), but only has four pairs of wheels (instead of the seven pairs you have), so it's clearly not an issue of you needing stronger wheels. Now, you might just have the wheels too close together, and it's exploding from what it thinks is contact between adjacent pairs. Spreading the sets out a bit might help.

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i don't really got your problems, do your wheels fall off or do they break, but are still attached?

anyway, i would get rid of the fuel tanks and focus on storring kethane. my rover had smililar problems, but i put about 2-3 struds on each wheel and now he can even take small jumps at 25 m/s on the mun.


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