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Your most travelled ship


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Hi all

Heres a question for my fellow KSP'ers

I built a ship to move rovers, a kerballed lander and a mapsat or 2 around the solar system

So far its done 3 round trips to Duna and a round trip to Laythe, the Laythe one being made possible by positioning a refuelling tanker in Laythe orbit first, and its back in a 140km orbit

around Kerbin ready for a another trip into the unknown

So whats the furthest travelled ship you've built (not including stuff on escape velocity out of the system )


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If this includes one rocket design on multiple mission, than Katyusha.

9000m/s Delta V monster with 3 man capsule.Can go anywhere you want.The missions it did include: going to Dres (right now i am burning to close the orbit), Duna, Eve ,Vall ;Sending a Kethane finder to Mun and Minmus ;Kethane miner version ;transporter version and the only failed one being the one that was supposed to send a rover to mun.

I just love this rocket...

This is the only good screen i have for now.I will post the whole ship later.Probably in an hour, i entered in Dres's sphere of influence on the wrong side and now i have to kill ALL the velocity and practically fall towards the planet.


Edited by SoldierHair
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This is quite an interesting idea Boris. I've never considered building a ship that was entirely reusable. I have the station in orbit with a huge fuel tank for refueling. Reliable launch vehicles to change out crews and top off the tanks. Now I feel I should attempt to build a ship capable of being reused for multiple interplanetary missions.

Thank you. haha

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I don't do very much interplanetary stuff, so I tend to have a lot of small, short-range SSTOs and orbital runabouts. I've sent a few things to Duna, but they were all once-use rockets to deliver probes and rovers. Thus, by default, the only ship that can be awarded the title of "most traveled" is the FAS Hyperion:


I built it for the Spiritwolf vs. Hanland fan submission thread. It was doing pretty well until it ran out of fuel on a wildly eccentric orbit somewhere in the Jool system. It's still there because the only thing I have with enough delta-V to reach it is another one of those ships, never mind actually getting them back again.

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Before restarting for 0.20 I had a shuttle that went from LKO to the Mun and back and did so 30-40 times during the version, refuelling at each end. Could only carry 2 Kerbals at a time, so it was never exactly difficult to push it along; I even finished off a couple of trips with the RCS :P

Most of my rockets are either 1-use or 'Multiple uses but not really for anything big'.

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My most travelled ship is Shuukou (means circle tour by ship in Japanese), a 5 man craft that I toured the solar system in (landed on everything except Jool and Eve). It was a mission that lasted nearly 8 years.


I've made a couple vids of it (link in sig), I intend to get round to making the other vids but I keep getting side tracked.

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Hey! I started a thread about re-useable ships, but a mod moved it to Spacecraft Exchange (for some reason) and it got almost no attention, so I thought there were only 2 of us trying this. :mad: Anyway, as noted there, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37952-Stock-Round-trip-ships I've got one that has been to Eve, Dres, and 3 times to Duna, and another that has been to Vall and Eeloo.

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My most traveled ship is the UKSS Odyssey:


So far it has landed Kerbals on all the moons of Jool (in one mission!), landed Kerbals on Dres, and now it's currently towing equipment to Duna for a base there. The next exploration mission I have planned for it is to somehow return Kerbals from the surface of Eve, but that won't be for a while because its crew (Jeb, Bill, etc...) are on vacation (I locked them up in a base next to KSC:sticktongue:).

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Snapped this just now, coming home from a successful landing on Dres. Not this ship, the one kerbal lander below it. :)

It's a pig, though. Need more TWR. Dunno how I do that without sacrificing too much dV, but burns take forever.



Edited by DChurchill
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My best was my Grand Tour ship, the Nimbus:


All of that was one long, long trip (although it actually landed on Mun twice, but I didn't want to duplicate pictures). Between a dozen fuel depots and an onboard Kethane refinery, I could have kept it up indefinitely if I'd really wanted to, but what'd be the point?

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I like the odessey and the grand tour ship

But everyone has a favourite launcher they use again and again to get bits into orbit... which dont count in this context.

This is mine refuelling at Laythe, its beautifully simple, the core craft is launched in 2 sections, then the lander,rovers,aux fuel tanks and the power/comms towers are added as needed.


And here she is just about to return from laythe after releasing everything apart from the lander and the comms system(the big antennas come from the remote -tech mod... only because I like them)



<<thinking about a mission to Moho and its mysterious north polar region .......... with my trusty well travelled sh... whaddya mean Jeb just crashed it into KSP2 ??! :D

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