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Mun Rover Found Footage


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Ok, you know when Squad put a new update for KSP, and they made a video with it. Well, in the scene where the guy takes his helmet off and dies, then his helmet rolls across the munar surface. well the shadows for the two other astronauts go left. BUT, Kerbin in the background has a shadow going to the right. I would like to see what you think.

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There´s no evidence he died by taking off his helmet. The helmets may in fact be a snack-eating-prevention device, so they won´t empty their sparse supply of snacks too quickly.

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Only one thing to do. TO THE MUN!

Examine that video, determine the approx. location they were at, (this is done using Kerbin position in the sky) and land there. Warp until the shadow on Kerbin looks right. Then experiment!

Bonus if the Kerbals you take are named after the mythbusters.

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Of course it was fake. The tech we saw on this rover isn't available for the Kerbal Space Program. So this footage is obviously from kerbwood. They took some crappy parts from the yard and put them together to a buggy which they thought would look like a munrover. And the shadows. And the waving Flag. Wretched I say!!!

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