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Kerbals: What Are They Made Of?

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I was thinking, if we assume that all of the planets in the kerbal universe are very dense (We don't know what lies behind Kerbol.) Are kerbals Just as dense?... After about 30 mins of calculations with fuel i worked out that liquid fuel & oxidizer in Kerbal space program is actually less dense than real life I thought that this ramble through calculations would get me somewhere but it only opened up more possibilities and mystery in the situation so I ask of you, what are your ideas?

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If you go by Majiir's idea, they are made of either Kethane or energy.

Perhaps they are plants and thus produce complex sugars, and oxygen in exchange for CO2, thus giving to them being green, their 25Kg weight makes sense if they lack a skeleton of dense cells, and if they are adapted plants or plant - animal hybrids then they would benifit from either a shell like substance (think coconut shells) or a mixture of cellulose and calcium bones.

this is likely the exhaustion talking, please ask a real biologist if half what I said is true.

If you want the basics of non-terrestrial biology, watch this:


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Well, 90 kg including suit and KMU is generaly consistent with current puny human tech. Kerbals are roughly 1 meter tall, so.... scratch that. If the Kerbals only weight around 25 kg, then their full suit would weigh around 65 kg. The enhanced EMU for humans, allmost twice as tall, only weighted about 55 kg. Oh well, they are probably limited in regard to light weight materials, so they had to take what they found lying by the side of the road. Cast iron is probably usable for some things.

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Kerbals float in water (assuming Kerbin's oceans are water, which they appear to be since the planet has ice caps at Earthly temperatures), so they can't be overly dense.

And just because the planets are dense doesn't mean they aren't made of normal elements on the outside. They just need a dense chewy nouget center made out of something that need not concern us too much (since it’s inside where we can't get at it anyway).

So kerbals are probably made out of more or less normal elements, perhaps with funny names. They seem to be much more active and energetic than plants, so I'll assume for now they are made out of meat.

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And there's a lot of greenery on Kerbin.

And besides, one lesson we can take from Startrek in this regard is that both green skin and tails for humanoids can still look damn good.

As per my signature, I agree.

Kerbals are made of 49% Plasticium, 49% Adminium (yes, bedrock), 1% Adamantium and 1% Jool Gas.

Impossible, too many indestructible elements.

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