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The Kerban Max-Security Prison Challenge

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The Kerban Max-Security Prison Challenge


Space programs! A contract is available for the first Kerban Maximum Security Prison to be constructed off Kerbin. This prison will be designed to hold a variety of dangerous individuals who pose a threat to Kerbin in captivity as far away from the planet as possible. After a spate of escapes by notorious Kerbans it has been decided that the only safe place for these prisoners is in the depths of space; that’s where you come in. Your task is to draw up a working design for a sustainable functioning prison within the Kerbol system.

You will need to construct a ship capable of ferrying prisoners to the prison facility, as well as a security ship, which can reach your prison facility from Kerbin in the quickest possible time.

No weapons will be taken into consideration in the scoring. It is presumed that your Kerbal Security Forces just need to reach the prison to re-establish order.



The prison facility must be located either in a stable orbit or on the surface of a planet or moon. If in orbit, the location will be measured by its minimum distance from Kerbin at any one time. Bonus points will be awarded if the environment is hostile or difficult to escape.


Each cell must consist of a manned command pod with the hatch blocked so that Kerbans cannot exit the cell (it is presumed that they are all serving life sentences). Every Kerban prisoner must be provided for with a minimum: 1 Z-500 Rechargeable Battery Bank, 1 Illuminator Mk 1, 1 Circular Intake (which will serve the purpose of an air converter) and 1 Round-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank. More fuel or better air intake facilities will result in a more luxurious prison environment.

Points will be awarded for guards being assigned to the prison. If guard facilities are constructed, guards must also be provided with these same basic amenities.


All accepted


The prison designs will be judged on the following factors:

Escapability: The minimal distance from Kerbin, the escapability of the location (bonus points for high gravity, volcanic regions and so forth), plus the security of the complex and the guard-prisoner ratio (to a maximum of 1 guard per prisoner).

Facilities: How many prisoners the complex can cater for, as well as how adequately they been provided for.

Logistics: How many prisoners can be transported at a time to the prison, as well as how fast a security ship can arrive in the event of a breakout.

Top 5 Prison Designs

1 – Escapability -/10, Facilities -/10, Logistics -/10

2 – Escapability -/10, Facilities -/10, Logistics -/10

3 – Escapability -/10, Facilities -/10, Logistics -/10

4 – Escapability -/10, Facilities -/10, Logistics -/10

5 – Escapability -/10, Facilities -/10, Logistics -/10

Edited by Synapse
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I'm entering this. I normally don't do challenges because I suck at Kerbal Space Program. However, I've got an idea that seems to be working and it will fit perfectly with this challenge.

I'm mostly putting this here to bookmark it as I'll be gone for the weekend with no hope of completing anything.

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Note on the scoring:

This is largely opinionated and contentious, I will be open to arguments regarding escapability in particular. Eve I think is a good place for a prison due to the high gravity. However, it's a lot easier to escape back to Kerbin from there with a home made spacecraft than from Eeloo orbit, or from a very long Kerbol orbit path.

My plan is that if there are very similarly inescapable prisons, I will test them with a variety of craft to determine which is more difficult to reach Kerbin from.

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  Umlüx said:
is the score based on KSP physics?

because i am thinking of a spaceprison in lower sun orbit with a giant heatshield. escaping prisoners would burn to a crisp.

The Delta-V for transferring prisoners would be ridiculous there... I sent a ship with 20k+ dv and didn't get very close. Experimenting to see how low you can go / how hard a return is from Kerbol (using HyperEdit to refuel the ship several times) - it's roughly 27k dv to return (I spent much more to getting there).

It's taking ages to get very low near the sun, due to no time warping allowed under 3.27Mm. Currently at 17km.

Okay, so I ended up overheating at exactly 1337m over the surface


Edited by KerputKerbin
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So far, I have the actual jail.


This is the jail. It orbits the Mun at around 150k. It has 8 docking ports for resupply (In the unlikely event that the jail is out of supplies), security (For jailbreaks), and transportation(If one of the inmates is found to be not guilty). Guards stay in the Cupolas with the minimum necessities (Bob is currently the only guard)


The doors are controled by O, L, I, K, U, J, Y, and H:


All cells come with 2x the basic necessities, and a urine dump system (What, it has to go somewhere)



That's it for now, making a reliable security vehicle

Edited by Agent30632
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I'm doing this as I play KSP. It will be a modular station in Kerboynchronous Orbit. Lander legs will be used to obsruct the hatch so that Kerbal prisoners won't escape. Warrenty void if used on Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Kerman.

EDIT: Core module has finished. This will trap the prisoners. Now building a rocket capable of reaching KSO.

Edited by Designer225
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Maximum Security SPACE Prison update: I have put a Maximum Security SPACE Prison into orbit with 3 Kerbals in it. :D Yes, that wasn't Jeb and his fellow crew members (Bill and Bob). It was a bunch of other Kerbals that have thought to have killed 3 of my Kerbals... :(

I've made a video with BB Express Video recorder. It's encoding and it should be done any time. After that I need to go into more editing.

UNEXPECTED UPDATE: Many of my softwares are so stupid that they think they don't have any space! (In this case, the encoder thought that D Drive --- the drive I store videos and documents and whatnots --- has no space left, when it actually have space! One more time and I'll [CENSORED DUE TO CONFLICT WITH RULE 2])

UPDATE: Encoding done. The quality is so terrible that I need to do another encoding, but until then, I have to leave it as.

ATTEMPT 2 UPDATE: Starting the encoding of the video. This time quality or not, I'm gonna post it on YouTube because I have little time...

ATTEMPT 4 UPDATE: Encoding complete. Time to edit it. Mann, the second attempt was a failure --- low quality. The third was cancelled due to high space storage... (Damn it Intel!) The fourth time needs quality improvement, but other than that, that's fine.

UPDATE 3: Just finished editing, it's still remixing. It should take some time.

Edited by Designer225
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Kerput, your Kerbolic experiments are very interesting - a Kerbol prison is sure to be a hellish nightmare from which there is no escape!

Agent306 your prison is a spectacular construction!

I'm going to wait for some more entries before I start scoring anything.

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By the way, i'm not sure if i'm getting the images right here but will see

Anyway, I've built a prison for 12 on Eeloo, there were plans for expansion ,but the thing will in all account blow up whenever something else gets with in 200-meters, and its fine as is for now.


The cells, before separation with the dropship.


The prison as seen from a nearby guard post, featuring a fuel containment area,a ventilation system, 12 batteries, and enough illuminators to be seen form space (at least till you get there).


There all broken inside, just trust me:cool:

Crumbs! the images wont work as intended, any help would be welcome, But For the Ministry of Security the design is called the "100-million mile headache"

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Kerbin Maximum Security Prison: Eve O.W.T. Maximum Security

Phase 1 - Feasibility Test of the One Way Trip security center.

Can we start a prison colony on EVE that is fully self-sustaining, requiring no input from guards or wardens other than resupply drops? Phase 1 is set to test just that. We have the first of the guard stations in orbit around EVE. Eventually we will have multiple guard stations in orbit using rotations of guard officers and wardens. The first station is in polar orbit in order to source out the most appropriate location for the cell blocks. Each guard station can hold 4 guards plus 1 warden and has a docking port in order to facilitate shift changes. The stations themselves have no propulsion in order to prevent a hijacking / hostage situation. Everything on Eve is designed for safety.


The second part of Phase 1 is to drop a Prison Unit on the face of Eve to test sustainability as well as security. It is a self-contained prison cell that can house 2 prisoners at once (technically 4 at a time, however for security concerns, we will only allow 1 per cell, 2 per unit). Each unit has locking bars on doors, so that each prisoner can be securely locked inside the unit for transfer to Eve as well as lockdown at night. None of the on-Eve units have any propulsion of any kind. They are dropped in place using detachable side-boosters which jettison off miles away and destroyed, leaving no debris. Plus, each prisoner is only allotted minimal survival gear, meaning a walk across Eve is extremely deadly for more than a few moments.



Our business model is such: Prisoners on Eve will live out the remainders of their days in modest comfort. Each will have all the trappings of daily life. Prisoners are to remain in their cell blocks throughout the majority of the day, with short exercise trips daily. Each outing on Eve's surface is automated, with doors from one block opening allowing those who wish to move freely on the surface wearing their safety gear. After a certain amount of time, reminder bells alert them to return to their bunk. The doors automatically shut, and anyone left outside will shortly run out of oxygen. Prison cells are staggered so that no more than one cell block is open at any time with enough time between excursions to safely ensure no prisoner can survive the wait between openings. Maintenance can be scheduled through guard stations above. Each prisoner is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the cell blocks. Should one unit fail beyond repair, and empty cell block will be dropped and those prisoners instructed to move to the new habitat. Nothing that is sent to Eve will ever return. This is a one way trip.

End of Phase 1.


Here is our landing mechanism. The side boosters have about 1/3 fuel remaining, or about as much fuel in the bottom pod. While they are 500 meters above Eve, they are jettisoned at full throttle to blast away and be destroyed.


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