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The Kerban Max-Security Prison Challenge

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Here's my first challenge attempt so it may be rubbish :P

I present to you, The Tartarus Prison. Orbiting Minmus at roughly 570,000m above the surface it contains the six of the most dangerous Kerbals ever to be captured. Seetrey, Shepwin, Dermund, Mitfrey Rodbart and Richsey Kerman, are each contained within their own private cell with a dual locking system, firstly and electromagnetic block over the door stops it from being opened and in the event of a power failure, landing gears can be activated to contain the prisoners and restore order.

Equiped with facilities to house two Wardens and four perminent Security Forces, communications relays incase of a prison riot and a re-purposed Kethane Converter to produce water from... ( you can imagine :P ) it also has two docking ports for Tartarus Shuttles which can be seen in the links below.

I'm still getting the electromagnets to work so I hope to upload working images of those soon :)






Wolfen -

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Maximum Security SPACE Prison Update: Well, since I'm not that patient (it took a while to pile up about 7MB for my editor), plus my lousy editor (Note to self: Buy Windows and usable software from Microsoft only.), I decided to forfeit the editing and throw you this video.

Full description


Excuse for bad upload quality. My Microsoft Videos 1 failed to provide balanced videos and I have to use the Cinepak encoder instead, and I've just did the light effects. Sorry!

Also, I use no mods, but did use the lander leg to block the hatch. It worked fine, though.

Next task: A small executor vehicle and a security vehicle! For now MC will monitor all the actions these poor prisoners did.

EDIT: You can see that my nonsenses are all wiped out. This is on purpose, as I thought this would bore peeple. Anyway, here is a better version:

FFull descriptions

. Didn't change the thumbnail though so that no confusions could be made. Edited by Designer225
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Review: Munmax Prison

Designer: Agent30632

Overview:The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows:

Security – 7/10

The Minister feels that your facility is obviously very secure, with the highest quality mechanisms and procedures ensuring tight security. Your location of the Mun orbit is a double-edged sword, it means that Kerban accomplices do not have to travel far to rescue an inmate and return them to Kerbin. However it also means that security can be quickly dispatched if necessary. The Minister is unsure of your choice of a single guard however – can he be trusted?

Facilities – 8/10

You have provided all the proper facilities for a comfortable facility with all the necessary amenities. Your use of robotics is very well implemented. The Minister feels that additional lights would help implement docking, and more guards are obviously needed.

Logistics – 8/10**

You have plenty of docking ports and supplies and transportation can easily reach the facility. **The Minister wishes to see your security vessel before the scoring can be completed, We would also like to see some evidence of docking and resupply.

Total – 23/30

This is a very well made station for housing prisoners. We are confident that this design would be secure and within a Kerban budget to implement. However the security aspect could do with additional procedures as it is so close to Kerbin, relying on robotics at this stage seems to pose at least the risk of escape from the facility.

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Review: The 100 Million Mile Headache (Eeloo Facility)

Designer: Rondon


The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows:

Security – 10/10

The Minister cannot fault the security measures undertaken with this prison. The location of Eeloo is nearly unreachable by non-KSP staff, and such a rescue mission would take years to carry out. The actual prison camp is monitored from a distant guard post with a great view of the facility and the risk of prisoner escapes are virtually nil.

Facilities – 9/10

You have provided all the necessary facilities for both the prisoners and the guards. However the lack of a landing area for future vessels and additional spotlights and perimeter defences means that we cannot grant you a perfect score for facilities.

Logistics – 3/10

Logistical considerations are a serious worry here. With the facility being so far away supplies may be years apart. Have you added appropriate storage at the facility or stations along the route? The Minister would like to see a plan of resupply for the prison; at the very least a vehicle design for bringing fresh supplies and guards if necessary.

Total – 22/30

This prison is the perfect solution for disposing of unwanted criminals on the other side of the Kerbol system. However there are logistical concerns which need to be considered before making this design a reality.

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Review: Eve OWT Maximum Security Centre

Designer: Mellojoe


The Minister of Security has reviewed your prison design favourably, with the scoring as follows:

Security – 9/10

The security of this prison is very well designed. The high gravity environment of Eve presents zero opportunity of escape and the orbital guard posts mean that all activity can be watched on the ground. However the lack of guards on the surface, plus the fact that prisoners can be let out and may tamper with other cells without supervision means we cannot give you a perfect score.

Facilities – 10/10

Everything has been provided here, with excellent guard facilities and a well-lit prison facility with all necessary supplies.

Logistics – 8/10

The logistical side of things has been provided quite well here. Eve is close enough to Kerbin for regular re-supplies, and you have clearly shown with your vehicles that this is possible. The Minister would like to see designs for a security ship however to round off the logistical side of things.

Total – 27/30

This prison looks like a great and easily implementable facility closely watched and inescapable for prisoners. The Minister is thrilled by your design and see this could be a great way to rid Kerbin of it’s most feared and dangerous citizens!

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Welcome to K.O.P. AKA Space-catraz


Welcome to K.O.P. or the Kerbal Orbital Prison. This prison is designed to be self sufficient and live escape to be practically impossible.

General Population Area and Facilities


The Prison is Equipped with the HOME living modules, which includes a Gym, Game Room, and Greenhouse for hobby gardening and botany.

Prisoner Cells


The Prisoner Cells are designed that in the event of a minor or major breakout, one or all of the cells may be forcibly jettisoned away from the prison, the onboard probe body is designed to pilot the cell into a suicide dive into the Kerbin Atmosphere to burn up using reentry heat, in the unlikely event that the cell survives reentry the probe body is designed to pilot to impact with the ground, to prevent any likelihood of survival, a special decoupler has been placed in within the cell's ROUND-8 Toroidal fuel cells, if the probe body detects that impact speed alone may be insufficient to destroy the cell and it's occupant, the decoupler will activate, driving itself into the fuel tanks forcing a detonation.

Guard Section and Upper Tower


In the event of a full scale prison break, the station itself is designed to be decoupled from the Guard Section and Upper Tower, in this event, the guards retreat to the guard section, and the guard int he Cupploa activates the separation sequence, this causes all cells to be jettisoned, and the main station body to be jettisoned. Probe Bodies on each section are designed to pilot their respective pieces into suicide reentry angles to burn up on reentry. The station like the cells contains a special decoupler that will detonate the nuclear reactor, by using it's explosive force to peirce the wall of the reactor causing detonation in the event the dive speed is insufficient to cause detonation alone.

The guard section is purposefully not equipped with parachutes or any kind of equipment to provide for save reentry, this is done for security purposes in the unlikelihood that prisoners gain control of the main tower, the tower contains enough supplies to allow the guards inside to await rescue by the KPD station and it's emergency team.

The main guard tower is also equipped with a decoupler that will, when activated, completely destroy the guard tower. Each of the sections of the station, Guard Tower, Main Body and Prisoner Cells each contain a self destruct device of sorts to prevent anyone from escaping the facility alive.

Docking Area and Greenhouse/Life Support


In addition to the air converters required for this challenge, the station's primary lifesupport is the greenhouse, which is the primary provider of oxygen and food for the prison, the air converters are back ups in the event of failure in the green house's systems. above that is the docking area which allows for prisoner transfer and/or guard transfer and reinforcements.

Execution Facility and Nuclear Reactor


The Nuclear Reactor is the primary power providing system, with a Solar back up, and battery tertiary back up. The Prison is also equipped with an Execution chamber for Death Row inmates, the Execution device is the Kerbal Unreconstitutionalizer, which essentially vaporizes the Prisoner and renders him into base components one of which is Kethane.

Kerbal Police Department Backup tower and Watch Station


Nearby is the KPD Station, which allows for a full set of guards to reinforce the guards on the Prison station, doubling the amount of guards per prisoner in addition to back ups in less then 10 minutes.


Distance Between Watch Station and Main prison oscillates between 100m to 150m, back up can reach prison in 7 minutes by Police Shuttle.


Kerbal Police Vessel docked at KPD station, which has the ability to dock several police vessels, the Police vessel is equipped with Spotlights, Quantum Strut Guns and KAS Grappler, so that the police vessel can recover prisoners in the unlikely event they manage to go EVA, or reprogram the cell's guidance computer, this police vessel can interdict any potential escapees and return them to the prison.


Emergency Back up guards can reach Prison in 7 Minutes, bringing the guard ratio up to 2:1 with 4 Backups, not counting a single guard left to man the KPD station.

Prisoner to Guard ratio 1:1 with 3 back ups, and a Tower Guard manning the control cupola




Edited by agentexeider
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Just a quick update;

Sorry for the slow grading process. I've got some deadlines to meet with a publisher about a book I'm writing, I will do the other grades when I get chance. I already have drafted up the scoring, so don't worry that you will get graded differently later on!

Great submissions everyone!

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  Synapse said:
Just a quick update;

Sorry for the slow grading process. I've got some deadlines to meet with a publisher about a book I'm writing, I will do the other grades when I get chance. I already have drafted up the scoring, so don't worry that you will get graded differently later on!

Great submissions everyone!

Ooo congratz, hope everything bodes well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided to make mine on eve. Eve's close enough to Kerbin that you can get there pretty easily, but the gravity and atmosphere are too strong for a makeshift rocket to escape. Also, it's feverishly hot and walking there feels like swimming underwater, so Kerbals couldn't run very far. I'll build it on an island - the oceans are even harder to cross than the land. It's be like the prison camp in holes - there's no fence, so you cna run if you want to... but you won't get very far. I'll link you to it once I've finished.

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  Synapse said:
The Kerban Max-Security Prison Challenge


Each cell must consist of a manned command pod with the hatch blocked so that Kerbans cannot exit the cell (it is presumed that they are all serving life sentences). Every Kerban prisoner must be provided for with a minimum: 1 Z-500 Rechargeable Battery Bank, 1 Illuminator Mk 1, 1 Circular Intake (which will serve the purpose of an air converter) and 1 Round-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank. More fuel or better air intake facilities will result in a more luxurious prison environment.

Why do we need a fuel tank in the prison cell? wouldn't that just make it easier for them to escape?

also, can I use radial intakes instead of a circular one?

Edited by fenderzilla
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  fenderzilla said:
Why do we need a fuel tank in the prison cell? wouldn't that just make it easier for them to escape?

also, can I use radial intakes instead of a circular one?

The fuel tank in this case represents food supplies, providing you're playing stock. Yes, you can replace your intake but again this is to simulate additional weight of ventilation/oxygen supplies.

To people waiting to be judged please be patient I'm sorry :(

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I also used Eve as location for my prison.

What happens on Eve, stays on Eve.. forever.. :sticktongue:




The guard station has 3 big docking ports, so 3 cell modules could be docked at the same time.

Once processed and deployed on the surface of Eve, the next batch of prisoners can be sent to the station.

If Kerbals try to escape from their cells, the guard station drops bombs on them.

Prison break baaaad!


Eve basically becomes one giant prison colony, with no way of escaping the surface..

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I lost my One Way Trip Eve Prison. I did a clean wipe when moving to version 0.21, and I thought I saved all my ship designs that I really wanted to keep. I did not keep the Eve prison challenge ships. :( So, mine will remain unfinished for a while. Eventually, I'll get back to it. I've got too many other things to rebuild currently, and I have not yet left the Kerbin sphere of influence in v21. I'm almost done with my new space station. And then it will be time for the Curiosity 1-year event, which means Duna will come before Eve. But after that, I'll probably get back to Eve and rebuilding this station.

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Geosynchronous orbit over Kerbin.


The four prison pods at the bottom each can house 8 prisoners and are individually equipped with the required electricity, air and lighting.

The two upper guard pods are set up to each house four guards and also carry the required equipment.


Nearly impossible. None of the pods has doors, not even the guard pods. The only way to transfer prisoners is to use the robotic arm to physically move one or more pods to the guard section.


The station can hold a maximum of 32 prisoners and 8 guards. The geosynchronous position is chosen in such a way the station can be reached from KSC in under two hours any time of day. No launch window delays.

The large spherical fuel tank is equipped with a small rocket engine in case orbital corrections are necessary. Energy is provided by a single large RTG.

Edited by Tex_NL
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on the following:

Name: Eve Aquamax aka "Water World"

The Eve Aquamax security detention center is the first off-world Aquamax facility. Aquamax, a leader in under-water based maximum security solutions, has set its sights on such a facility.

It will consist of four components:


1. Underwater Detention Block (12 modules, each of them separable from the others, each module holding a single self contained inmate)

2. Underwater Security Center (single large module housing 12 duty guards)

Eve surface:

3. Security Center (single module housing 3 guards)

4. Submersible Land Transport Vehicle (2 guards from the surface Security Center pilot it)(capable of docking with supply pods, or prisoner pods)

Total: 12 inmates, 15 guards


-Supply pods

-Prisoner pods

Prisoner and Supply pods are parachuted in from the sky.

Guards are rotated two at a time via a single two man shuttle which is capable of docking with a prisoner pod for transport off Eve if needed.

New prisoner transported via single man parachuted drop pod. Prisoner has no means to gain control since pod has nothing to maneuver with but a parachute once separated from the Kerbin-Eve Transport Vehicle.

SLTV picks up prisoner and supply pods as needed, and transports them directly to the underwater Security Center.

KETV resupply vehicle comes once every available Eve transfer window.

Security measures:

Each prisoner is separated from all others. Each module is self sufficient. Guards enter an underwater detention module four at a time.

Four guards are needed to authorize access back to the underwater Security Center, the only building that the Aquamax SLTV docks with. This allows four guards to stay in the Security Center monitoring detached detention pods, and four off-duty guards.

Since each prisoner is self-contained, mass breakouts are impossible, or riots are impossible. Since each prisoner is visited by four guards at a time, corruption is highly unlikely to succeed, and overpowering of all four guards nearly impossible.


The Aquamax could easily expand to include additional underwater detention modules at any time. Dropped in from above, detention modules and additional security centers could be brought in as needed. Since the number of inmates is limited to only the number of inmates able to be visited on a daily basis by a single shift of four guards, Aquamax Inc. believes each shift could conceivably cover 8 detention blocks in a single shift, bringing the total number of inmates capable of being securely serviced to 24 by the 12 guards in the Underwater Security Center.

Edited by inigma
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  Synapse said:
There are way too many entries for me to keep up with, so I really commend you all but it will have to be a open competition now ie without scoring. I really didn't expect such a response!

I wasn't planning on replying or counting my score actually (luckily for you!). I guess it's a building idea for me.

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