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[v0.4] Probodobdyne Construction Kit


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The day I see a 'warp drive' in the parts menu is the day I close down my KSP window for good. [/opinion, man]

Then get ready to close it in the future, since HarvesteR has talked about the concept he wishes to implement before.

Time compression has already been added, so even the furthest solar-systems should be within reach for an intrepid space explorer.

Time Compression should not be used for deep-space travel unless you want a bunch of dead Kerbals to arrive to your target planet from another system. Even with the scaling in the Kerbalverse stars and planets outside the Kerbal\'s solar system would simply be too far for conventional travel. It would take a monstrosity of a design to house the amount of fuel and thrust needed to get to any form of reasonable speed needed to reach out and touch the void of space, and the supplies / life support (Breathable air) to sustain themselves for the entire trip. And lastly, you\'d need the level of Time Compression needed to make the trip from the Kerbal solar system to System B last less than a week.

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I think you should strike photon sails off your list of interstellar propulsion plans. The acceleration is just too slow. It\'s just not the kerbal way.

Well, the ship in the picture is meant to be accelerated by gigantic ludicrously powerful laser beams, rather than the sun, giving higher acceleration-which sounds pretty Kerbal to me.

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What\'s the point of the engine when it can\'t do crap with it in atmosphere?

Quite frankly, it\'s because the engine isn\'t SUPPOSED to be able to do anything in-atmosphere. NASA actually has several engines ( take VASIMR as an example) that simply would not work in the atmosphere, simply because they have too low thrust and require a vacuum for operation.

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Nova is currently absent, without indication whether or not he\'ll be back.

This due to too much prodding from certain community members.

Note to those who feel offended by how I phrased that: guilty conscience? Regardless, I\'m not saying anything beyond what happened. Prods were given, Nova got angry. That\'s it.

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Man don\'t these parts look great for space stations. Here is my KOS-2 (Kerbin Orbital Station-2, We don\'t talk about KOS-1 anymore not after the incident *Shutters*) Getting KOS-2 into orbit was a pain though I almost thought it wasn\'t going to make it but that probe engine just kept on chugging until I saw we had a 130 KM by 70 Km going. I slowly adjusted that orbit into a more balanced 144 Km by 140 KM orbit and was satisfied with my creation.

Before Orbit I had the Kubble telescope but when I thought I wasn\'t going to make it I decided to jettison it.



After I magically Achieved orbit I snapped loads of screens.



I love watching the sun rise from the KOS-2



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