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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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First up, great mod, really helps make rockets look like rockets and by far the easiest fairing mod to use.

I'm trying to make a Saturn V analogue using double ended fairings, with a 3.25 plate at the bottom and a 2.5 plate at the top. This works great until I mount an engine on the service module. Because the plates are quite tall there is a noticeable gap between the engine and the rest of the service module. Also the plates do not allow fuel cross feed.

Is it possible to make a second set of base plates which are much slimmer and have fuel cross feed?

I just did a Saturn V last night with Procedural Fairings and NovaPunch. My solution was to make the upper plate part of a bulkhead between the the LM and CSM that's jettisoned before docking with the LM. This also allows me to easily get rid of the CSM engine shroud, as it stays attached to the bulkhead instead of the LM.












Here's an album for the full mission: http://imgur.com/a/Ko014#0

Edited by RoboRay
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So I was trying to launch a large rocket yesterday, with a payload fairing atop, a weird thing was happening.

My rocket was stabilising to vertical, even with SAS turned off, the rocket would correct to vertical after any control inputs, not that I could get it very far from vertical in the first place. as well). This made it very hard to achieve orbit...

Turns out this effect dissappeared when I jettisoned the fairing (I checked any torque wheels, SAS and RCS effects).

I do have a lot of mods installed, anyone else got this phenomenon?

I'll provide whatever details are necesary, just ask.

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My rocket was stabilising to vertical, even with SAS turned off, the rocket would correct to vertical after any control inputs, not that I could get it very far from vertical in the first place. as well). This made it very hard to achieve orbit...

Are you using FAR or stock aerodynamics?

This might be caused by auto-strut joints, I'll add an option to disable them in the next version.

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I've been having an issue with PF - if I try to surface-attach an object to the fairing (like a strut), it won't separate until I engage timewarp (the fairings will behave like they're still connected to each other, even if I apply a force to them). If I connect a strut from an object TO a fairing, it's fine - but, if I connect a strut from a fairing to an object, that happens. Is this a known issue?

The reason I've had to do this is because I'm launching large, oddly-shaped, unbalanced payloads, and need to stabilize them inside the fairing to prevent the whole rocket from going kerboom (and I don't like having unconnected struts on my landed spacecraft :P)/

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Fairings have invisible auto-struts to prevent them from wobbling, and those might conflict with struts you attach.

I usually stabilize my payloads by adding struts from a big part (like a fuel tank) below the fairing base to the payload, and then attaching side fairings. That way the struts can go though the fairings. In case there are problems placing struts, I add a small cubic truss to the fuel tank so the strut path isn't blocked by other parts. Side fairings lower segment (base cone) has no collision on purpose, to allow struts to pass to the payload. Increase fairing radius if you get no base cone.

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When you make the low profile interstage fairing bases can you add fuel crossflow? Right now I have to attach little stubby fuel lines on the upper interstage fairing to get the engines to work. It's no real huge issue tio overcome to use such a BLOODY AWESOME mod but it's a little detail that could do with tweaking out. I just realised I can fix it for now in the .cfg file but I'm a lemon and forgot ;)

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I've already added toggle-able crossfeed in not-yet-released 2.1. I'm going to make textures for new bases (models are done already) and then release it.

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I really like this mod. I use it for all my designs.

Regarding Inline fairings:

They look great! However the bases are clunky and heavy in some cases. I use the inline fairings to cover up a lander and the inverted fairing base is an extra part between the two ships that needs to be disposed of.

Would it be possible to have very thin and light weight rings or plates as the top part of the fairings? Being able to toggle fuel cross-feed they would act as placeholders, not adding a lot of height to the craft while allowing the fairing to cover up the engine (think Apollo.

Anyway thanks for all your hard and excellent work.

Take care.

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Regarding Inline fairings:

They look great! However the bases are clunky and heavy in some cases. I use the inline fairings to cover up a lander and the inverted fairing base is an extra part between the two ships that needs to be disposed of.

Would it be possible to have very thin and light weight rings or plates as the top part of the fairings? Being able to toggle fuel cross-feed they would act as placeholders, not adding a lot of height to the craft while allowing the fairing to cover up the engine (think Apollo.

Already planned, as detailed in the very first post of this thread.

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Are you using FAR or stock aerodynamics?

This might be caused by auto-strut joints, I'll add an option to disable them in the next version.

Thanks for the response, stock aero. I'll keep using the mod, not sure if it happens every time.

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Updated to 2.1:

  • Added low-profile fairing bases (base rings), intended for inline fairings. All of them have 4 side fairing attachment points.
  • Replaced base model with one that looks more lightweight. It has the same size etc., so it won't break your existing ships.
  • You can now toggle fuel crossfeed for fairing base: mouse over and press G in editor or use right-click menu in flight.
  • You can now disable auto-struts between side fairings: mouse over the base and press T.
  • Fixed inline fairings not connecting with the top base sometimes.
  • Fixed nested inline fairings not connecting to the proper base.
  • Fairing outline (blue lines) is not displayed now for inline fairings if sides are attached to any of the two bases.

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I am not really happy with the fairing shape, so I use basically still the nova ones.

1. Suggestion: Add a description what the parameters in the fairing cfg does.

2. Suggestion: Add a manual, since the keys are piling up it would be great to have them all in one place.

3. Suggestion: edit: a fairing with less excess space especially at the top, without changing the existing form too much sorry missed the R key

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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Fantastic update! Thanks for a great mod!

I've noticed something that may not be apparent, when creating double ended fairings with different sized end plates the end you attach the fairing part to defines the shape of the fairing. Attach it to the large end and you get a large cylinder with a blunt taper at the small end. Attach the part to the smaller plate and you get a more conical effect. This is great for customising your rockets. You can see the effect in the screen shot below.


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I just figured out and sometimes it is good looking, that the base determinate how thick the wall is (in the case that you use different sizes of plates.)

I also would suggest to drop the actual size (height) and to make the (normal) base plate more like in the nova punch mod, (well reattaching the parts is not that hard, and for rockets in the air ... well all flights end sooner or later)

edit: one thing I forgot: this mod should get rid of excess attachment nodes for Inline truncated fairings. e.g. if you use the thin bases you have for each fairing 8 nodes where you only use 4, the other 4 are now free to attach something else which leads to oddly floating rocket parts. So the .dll should delete the corresponding node on the other base as long as there is a fairing installed

Edited by Bizz Keryear
forgot something
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A tiny problem I noticed just now: the fairings work great when I first place them, but when I return from the launch pad to the VAB or I load a ship with procedural fairings, I get this:


It's easy to fix, you just pick up the fairings, place them again and all is great, just thought I should report it.


Oh, and the inline fairings can be a little difficult to place sometimes. Especially with the smaller ones because the connection nodes are so close together. They keep 'trying' to connect using one of the side nodes instead of the center one:


Edited by Awaras
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A tiny problem I noticed just now: the fairings work great when I first place them, but when I return from the launch pad to the VAB or I load a ship with procedural fairings, I get this:

Good that you said this. I have almost same problem. Except it doesn't happened with all fairings and oddly all (/most?) of them swapped placed. I used the small bases with 4 nodes to try different shapes, and left 1 segment open. after reloading the open space was turned 45° anti clockwise. Two fairing plates were "resetted", and one was in the same place as another (not resetted one, maybe its one that hasn't moved while all the other have)..

Oh, and the inline fairings can be a little difficult to place sometimes. Especially with the smaller ones because the connection nodes are so close together. They keep 'trying' to connect using one of the side nodes instead of the center one:

I also think that is trouble, but I dunno if you can do really something about that because its a KSP editor problem, maybe if the outer attachment points appear only after placing the part....

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Good that you said this. I have almost same problem. Except it doesn't happened with all fairings and oddly all (/most?) of them swapped placed. I used the small bases with 4 nodes to try different shapes, and left 1 segment open. after reloading the open space was turned 45° anti clockwise. Two fairing plates were "resetted", and one was in the same place as another (not resetted one, maybe its one that hasn't moved while all the other have)..

I also think that is trouble, but I dunno if you can do really something about that because its a KSP editor problem, maybe if the outer attachment points appear only after placing the part....

Yeah I had that too. Only a minor niggle though.

This mod just gets better and better. Totally loving it :D

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