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Dedicated Space Vehicles


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Guest Flixxbeatz

thats a cheat though,only edited part on mine is fuel crosfeed on the wingloads for the solar panels =P

I haven\'t done something on the engine. I just made the solar collector much powerful 8)

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After about a week of development and a destroyed flash drive a new KSP release and the everyday hustle of life in general...

The WorkShops of RedRockets is proud to present...

Orbital denial vehicle!!

(Loosely Based on the CCCP\'s Almaz secret military space station.)

Spare no expense in keeping your orbit clear of all the unwanted new neighbors!

Long term space station!!

Like a nuclear sub only the crew\'s endurance is the limit.

Self recharge fuel tanks; solar powered sensors and cameras, RTG powered living quarters, crew return vehicle (if they last that long), and the best feature twin solid rocket orbital impactor missiles!!

The sequencing is very fidgety watch out!!

A polar orbit is the most realistic mission profile.

The rocket is designed to be flown with very minimal human inputs just like a military missile.

Only in this case it has two people on board.

Use the RCS and the SAS; burn the first two stages top dead center, the next two at 45 degrees as close to due north as you can, then just fire up the orbital motor and wait till apogee and circularize your orbit.

Not meant to start an arms race in space...but....You Feel Lucky Punk? Well Do Ya?

Throw Down!!

Also posted in the Space Station Design Forum

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