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A little 3D render of Kerbin


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So I've been playing around a litttle, trying to create a somewhat realistic-looking render of Kerbin with Space Center-land looking at us through the clouds. I'm still not sure if I'm completely happy with the atmosphere, but whenever I try to improve it I usually end up messing it up. I'll leave it like this for now, but I'd love to get some feedback on how to improve it. :)


Many thanks to Chant778 for the surface texture and to NASA's Visible Earth for the cloud map. :)

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I was hoping someone would say that. :D

Thanks! I used 3ds max. :)

i presume you are using a gradiant map based on light direction to create the atmo then, if so, create a seperate render pass of the atmo and if you have after effects set the image layer to add, then add some glow effects to it along with a gaussian blur

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  • 8 months later...

Here's a little work in progress of Jool. The texture is based on the original, but with a little less intense colors and a hint of yellow near the equator to make whole thing look a little less unreal. I'll tweak it some more add some more detail later to make it look more interesting. You know, storms and stuff.


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