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Has Scott Manley helped you?


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I guess I'm on of the few who had never heard of him (save seeing his name dropped here in the forums) until about a month ago. Since most of my learning in KSP has been through trial and (violent) error, I haven't really resorted to watching the Youtube for tutorials, with the exception of docking. As I originally came into KSP through the (0.13?) demo, and then through a .15/.16 version of the game on a borrowed computer I had never dealt with it. Then I purchased the game for myself in .19 and I just couldn't figure out docking for the life of me.

Now, I haven't heard him mentioned, but before I'd heard of Manley, I had been watching 'KSP with Stomp,' and it was his videos that showed me some of the finer points of docking. The guy's also got an excellent speaking voice and some entertaining videos to boot. Unfortunately, he dropped off the face of the Earth a couple months ago and I've heard nothing of him since. Having recently started watching Manley's videos, I can say they're both on par with each other for entertainment value, although Stomp doesn't have the added physics explainations or Scottish accent (both of which I enjoy).

Edited by espm400
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While I learn most of the things from the forum, Scott videos helps me to build my first Mun lander that didn't blow up before landing lags is a thing, his video also helps me a lot on proficient my docking skill. And watching him doing things in "Manley mode" is a great fun as well.

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I started playing ksp way before he made his first video about it, though I admit, his skills are WAY beyond mine, so I mostly watch his vids for amusement, since I can't reproduce what he does anyway :D

Edited by bogpad
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  boa3532 said:
Scott and pebblegarden's vids I credit with helping me learn how to dock.

I credit their videos with helping me get any successful flight off the ground, let alone in orbit. Without them, I'd be nothing more than a habitual low-atmo rocket crasher.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He convinced me to get 0.18 or well I had more or less convinced my self but his preview was the first I saw before official release. But most of the other members in the media group had just as good previews so. So no cant say that he helped me build something.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Yes he has! He proved the 10Km is the best altitude to start a Gravity Turn.:cool:

Well I guess for some reason he affected the way I fly rockets in-game. Or that I've just saw some things here and there....

How I fly rockets before Scott Manley (not the graviturn altitude):

How I fly rockets after Scott Manley (basically, how I fly them now):

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If Scott wouldn't have put his tutorials on YouTube, i may never have left Kerbin's Surface.

Scott showed me how to ascent right, dock and land again. Everything you may need to know and I am still looking Forward for every Video he uploads.

I really have to appreciate his work.

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Absolutely he's helped me out. Mainly in the docking area. I started watching his videos 2 days after buying the game (was .18.4 I think back then). I had gotten to orbit already, but was having trouble not zooming by whatever I wanted to dock.

His tutorial taught me not to aim at what I want to shoot for, and to use a point of reference for alignment, as well as how important proper facing is for RCS (as in up is up, down is down). Now I can dock pretty much in my sleep :)

I've also used his videos for design inspiration.

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He is probably the best KSP player I have DVD seen, but by the time I started watching his videos I already knew what I was doing. There's only so much you can emulate him without getting a university degree in physics of your own...

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There are a few things about KSP I learned from Scott, and a few little tips I still learn to this day about certain manoeuvres. I already knew a lot of the basics about orbits, landing and rendezvous before getting addicted to his videos so I mainly watch his videos for entertainment purposes and the fact that he's hilarious rather than to learn stuff :P

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Mr Manley's videos put me into space and landed me on the Mun, yet when there was a poll some time ago saying "would you want Scott Manley to do the tutorials for KSP" i inexplicably voted no, i think my reasoning at the time was that i wanted the Kerbals to have those Kerblish voices they have in the update videos, and i thought that should be how the tutorial was presented, but in retrospect Scott's inimitable knack for teaching even someone as dim as me to understand KSP is a very valuable resource.

So, in the unlikely event that Scott is reading this, thank you Scott and sorry, i should have voted for you because you are top when it comes to explaining KSP.

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