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What will you do when .21 hits?


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Me, I'm going to go out and re-conq -- err, reestablish footholds on every world I've visited. Then I may stop to contemplate the new terrain on Kerbin (provided that gets added this update) :)

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Let's see...

-Build a basic orbiter

-Visit Mun and Minmus and name lots of craters and ice lakes

-Set up a basic LKO comsat network and get bored and abandon it

-Build a space station (still thinking of a name)

-Build a crew ferry for the station

-Build my 2nd SSTO (I have learned to love them)

-Build a rendezvous-capable version of the SSTO for my station

-Send probes EVERYWHERE

-Manned Duna mission

-Manned Laythe mission (screw Eve)

-Manned Eve mission (when I get bored of Laythe)


Of course, all of this is over my head and I might never accomplish any of this. :D

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First thing I'll do is to crash-test all the custom mod parts I've made for compatibility and performance.

Then, if time permits, I'll recreate all my missions from scratch (I'm looking forward to starting afresh with a more sensible rocket family progression this time).

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Clean up my mod installs since I won't have to worry about ships/bases/satellites/missions disappearing

Furthermore delete all the fairings from other mod packs and just have procedural fairings

[Edit] Oh yeah, probably will have to update custom part.cfgs to account for changes to the base parts they're based on

Edited by NoMrBond
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I`ll make a new game install directory and play in tandem until I figure out if I can transfer my save somehow. If that ends up not being possible then I`ll use the old install to adapt all my craft files to be able to be loaded in the new install by selective mod part removal until the mods are updated. First though I will check out new parts, features and so forth and launch a few test vehicles to test new features, then I will launch 10 station fuel/engine cores, 10 station crew quarters and recreate all my orbital stations in orbit around every major body. Then I will shuttle base parts out and create bases. Then I may continue my examination of jet first stages.

So many rockets, so little time.

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Load up the new VAB, extinguish the smouldering wreckage of my processor, cry muchly. On the off chance that it /does/ work, I'll send my new mothership on a round mission to Laythe with a station and a load of stuff for a new Laythe colony. The game'll probably crash once I pass the start menu. Yay. Stupid bottom-end PC. :huh:

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Since saves are breaking, I'll finally have an excuse to start a new world. I'm planning on redoing the standard Mun landing, station building, and all the usual stuff. Then I'm going to set myself a challenge, perhaps some sort of colony mission or interplanetary grand tour.

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Clear out the Mods Wait for them to be updated.

While waiting, check out what's changed. Probably mostly fly around Kerbin planting flags (possibly Mun and Minmus) until at least Kethane and ISA are online. Then, back to exploring.

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