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Skyrim players?


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I\'m playing Skyrim, though nothing can keep me away from KSP!

I\'d say it\'s a fair enough evolution of the Elder Scrolls series. Yes, it loses a lot of the fine detail in character generation, but arguably that makes it more approachable - which allows for a larger market. And these days any kind of First Person game needs a large market, because the amount of money that gets sunk into producing them is so enormous - the graphics design has to be so much more detailed, every single character needs voice acting, there have to be so many more ambient sound samples, etc etc. You can\'t depend on the rather small population of PC users who are prepared to spend 10 minutes creating a character before they even start the game any more.

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I was a skyrim player, for twenty minutes until my PC froze, then rebooted because of it.

I was a skyrim player for four hours after that until the same happened.

I was a skyrim player for five more minutes after that when I gave up.

I loved Morrowind so very much too, and the aesthetic side of it looked great.

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Like with most new games Bethesda are selling Skyrim the HYPE not Skyrim the GAME, which essentially means that what you get is an okay game hyped to fuck so that everyone will buy it. It\'s not good, but if you are a rabid fan of the other elderscrolls games you will probably enjoy playing it for a few hours. If not you should stay away from it.

TLDR: I\'m mad, game is mediocre, and the games industry is messed up.

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Its not that its a mediocre game, the game is a great game (few bugs, but Bethesda Game Studio is known for there bad coding). But is it a game for you. Chances are, it isn\'t. If you liked oblivion, there are some slight changes to the game design, nothing too big. If you liked morrowind, you will like this game. If you like Cod4 because it told you everything you needed to do, then the elder scrolls series is not for you.

The elder scrolls world has been changing since arena. It wasn\'t till morrowind that they ruled out random generation for the whole map. Skyrim is a great game, but you have to like western rpg\'s to like it.

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One of the things that greatly disappointed me in Skyrim was how linear and scripted it feels, in the Fallout games you could do more or less whatever you wanted, killing the wrong person might have broken a few quests on occasion but the game still allowed you to do so. Whereas in Skyrim nearly every npc with a name is set as essential (unkillable) and most dungeons inaccessible until the quest related to that place has been activated. Which for me ruined the entire large open world exploration gameplay I loved in the fallout series and was promised in Skyrim.

Cod4 was a great game for me since it promised shooting people in the face gameplay and delivered that, Skyrim promised open world exploration and delivered a quest/story driven hack and slash gameplay.

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One of the things that greatly disappointed me in Skyrim was how linear and scripted it feels, in the Fallout games you could do more or less whatever you wanted, killing the wrong person might have broken a few quests on occasion but the game still allowed you to do so. Whereas in Skyrim nearly every npc with a name is set as essential (unkillable) and most dungeons inaccessible until the quest related to that place has been activated. Which for me ruined the entire large open world exploration gameplay I loved in the fallout series and was promised in Skyrim.

Cod4 was a great game for me since it promised shooting people in the face gameplay and delivered that, Skyrim promised open world exploration and delivered a quest/story driven hack and slash gameplay.

I completely disagree, it is to me as open world as expected. I have left the main storyline at Whiterun and have seens been exploring dungeons and what not. Currently level 20 and still feel like I could go on for hours without touching the storyline.

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One of the things that greatly disappointed me in Skyrim was how linear and scripted it feels, in the Fallout games you could do more or less whatever you wanted, killing the wrong person might have broken a few quests on occasion but the game still allowed you to do so. Whereas in Skyrim nearly every npc with a name is set as essential (unkillable) and most dungeons inaccessible until the quest related to that place has been activated. Which for me ruined the entire large open world exploration gameplay I loved in the fallout series and was promised in Skyrim.

Cod4 was a great game for me since it promised shooting people in the face gameplay and delivered that, Skyrim promised open world exploration and delivered a quest/story driven hack and slash gameplay.

Put it this way, this isn\'t Fallout 3. This is The Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Just because you decided to not stray away from the main quest is no skin off my nose.

Also thats how its always been.




Fun Fact : Daggerfall is the only game of the elder scrolls game where you start out of being incarcerated.

Fun Fact : Arena is the only elder scrolls game where you can go to all the provenience.

Fun Fact : Daggerfall has 487,000 square kilometers or twice the size of Great Britain, and Morrowind is about 0.01% of the size of

Daggerfall at 25.9 square kilometers

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I don\'t mean to shit on daggerfall, and I don\'t mean to praise Skyrim more than it deserves, but comparing the size of the map is rather pointless in my opinion. Daggerfall had miles and miles of nothing, while the map of Skyrim is stuffed with.. well, stuff, for you to discover.

No, it\'s not the grand open world expierence with unlimited freedom that the hype suggested, nor is the whole dragon business as epic as it was made out to be.

But to me, it is a pretty good game, and I\'m enjoying it.

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Just spent most of my weekend (with a Monday holiday also), playing Skyrim. :D

Wow, that game is good.

What always bothered me most about Elder Scrolls/Fallout games was the dialogue system, where the camera would zoom in awkwardly on the NPCs. The dialogues (and in fact, all voice acting) in Skyrim is simply brilliant.

And the combat system does feel much improved from Oblivion... I shield-bashed and slashed my way through the whole main quest line, and it feels much sharper and more controlled, even though sometimes you still feel a little disoriented. :)

Granted, I did turn the difficulty down one level, not (well, not entirely) because I suck at first-person close combat, but also because I don\'t like how RPGs require you to repeatedly bash an enemy\'s head in, all the while he is standing up and fighting back. I was suprised to see then, that here you can beat an enemy just nearly to death, and put him out of the fight. That\'s good. Also good is that you can also overwhelm an enemy so that he cannot fight back properly... Not sure if this is explicit behaviour or an accidental \'feature\' of the combat-reaction systems, but it\'s cool.

And man, the game looks good. One of the hardest things to create visually in a game is a nice-looking, believable white-water scene. In skyrim there are so many it actually starts to feel like Bethesda artists were spamming them to rub it in all other developer\'s faces how good they are at it. :D I also liked very much how they handled the magic \'special effects\'. In most RPG games I\'ve seen, those are garish, ugly particle-and-mesh effects that pollute the screen with too much color and light. In Skyrim, they had the good taste to keep it toned down a notch or ten from the usual warcraft lightshow, and I liked that.

All in all, it\'s quite an awesome game. I\'ve never been a huge fan of the dungeons and dragons theme, but there are a few games I really did like, and Skyrim is very much at the top of the list now.

Now, if Bethesda comes up with a Skyrim-level Fallout game, I think I\'ll have to take a vacation. :D


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