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Reduce rolling of plane?

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All my planes seem to be super-hyper-oversensitive when it comes to rolls. Single press of Q or E spins them really hard, with exception of the biggest ones. I even bought joystick hoping that this will help but still they are spinning like crazy. Using less control surfaces makes control of other axises really hard. I tried putting control surfaces close to main axis but it makes only a slight difference...

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Not sure why this is happening to you, try pressing the TAB key to turn on fine controls. This will make the buttons/joystick less sensitive. It would help if you could post some pictures of the planes that do this.

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It'll be the caps lock key that you want, not the tab key. Sometimes the Caps Lock key won't work for it so you may need to remap it, like I did.

You could also put on an avionics package and turn it on, this should help. The new update may help this problem anyway with the overhauled ASAS system.

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