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Is there a trick to making structural parts stick, bond or otherwise stay together?

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I was attempting to build a stronger rover. In the VAB it seemed to be going ok, but when I took it outside I discovered a lot of the joints just weren't connected?

In the VAB it looked ok:


But when the physics engine started it became obvious that things just weren't right:


I took it out to drop test it and it looked like it had already been dropped ... a lot

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Thanks for the prompt replies, after further research, I did find another post asking this same question:


It seems I'm not the only one waiting for this one.. well... STRUTS! STRUTS! and MORE STRUTS!!!!

Edited by Coneshot
fixed fat fingered typing
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As has been said, it looks connected but it isn`t because you can`t make a loop currently in the VAB. You`ll need a strut (or 4) to close a loop. Another place to get strong struts is the novapunch pack but that has loads in it and I would say to just copy over the parts you want. It has a heavy strut and a heavier strut.

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Struts can solve your problem, but don't forget that struts create lag. For each strut, the physics engine has to work out the angular forces acting on the strut, in extension and compression, as well as the connections between each part. When you have lots of struts, this can bring your computer to its knees.

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