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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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The launch site seem to be broken, I have a picture though when using Kerbin City. 209az5d.jpg As you can see, I spawn on the taxiway instead of the runway, and when using HoneyFox's ocean Odyssey I spawn on some random desert mountain.

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  mike9606 said:
The launch site seem to be broken, I have a picture though when using Kerbin City. http://i.imgur.com/209az5d.jpg As you can see, I spawn on the taxiway instead of the runway, and when using HoneyFox's ocean Odyssey I spawn on some random desert mountain.

HoneyFox changed the spawn point naming. If the launch site name is incorrect, the craft will spawn at the model origin.

I will correct this in the next build.

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For some reason all my Kerbtown stuff is not showing. I have the new fix installed and it was working a few days ago but now its not? It is still in GameData.

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out.

Edited by tygoo7
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Creating a spawn point is driving me mad.

Whenever I spawn a vessel on a kerbtown made launch site, the vessel gets flung into the air proportional to its weight (i.e a very heavy craft gets flung very far).

I can't even spawn a small rover without it getting flung 20 metres up.

How can this be fixed?

(It's a spawn point on the Mun if that makes any difference).

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so, any link to a tutorial how to make a model in, say, cinema4d (I got tons of models there even a nice somewhat procedural script for cities (yes, as in major landscape filling cities, but could be a RAM eater)) and then getting this into unity?

or how ´bout a joint venture? I do the modelling you do the placing...pm me or something :)

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  Hunne said:
so, any link to a tutorial how to make a model in, say, cinema4d (I got tons of models there even a nice somewhat procedural script for cities (yes, as in major landscape filling cities, but could be a RAM eater)) and then getting this into unity?

or how ´bout a joint venture? I do the modelling you do the placing...pm me or something :)

It's pretty simple, if c4d can export 3ds models, just do that, and there's a simple tutorial to getting it into ksp via unity in the kerbtown manual

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  Beale said:

Creating a spawn point is driving me mad.

Whenever I spawn a vessel on a kerbtown made launch site, the vessel gets flung into the air proportional to its weight (i.e a very heavy craft gets flung very far).

I can't even spawn a small rover without it getting flung 20 metres up.

How can this be fixed?

(It's a spawn point on the Mun if that makes any difference).

For reference here is my Unity set-up.


Could anyone please help me with this? It's driving me mad.

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  Beale said:
For reference here is my Unity set-up.

Could anyone please help me with this? It's driving me mad.

Looks like some weird collider issue, the best is to put the spawn point a few cms above the ground (10 or 50 for example).

Also, in your model, spawnpoint need to be the direct child of the unity Gameobject, not the model, have you read the kerbtown manual ? It explains everything.

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@HoneyFox: could it be possible to remove z coordinate/change coordinate system as there is one more than needed, unless Kerbtown also use time or a strange 4D space reference (it looks like X=Z in term of axis). It's seriously confusing to use 4 coordinates system on a 3D world.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
@HoneyFox: could it be possible to remove z coordinate/change coordinate system as there is one more than needed, unless Kerbtown also use time or a strange 4D space reference (it looks like X=Z in term of axis). It's seriously confusing to use 4 coordinates system on a 3D world.

I remember that i added the Lat/Lon input in the latest version so that you can use that to place your object roughly at the position you want and then play around with { Vector3 {X,Y,Z}, Alt } directly to fine-tune the position.

The {X,Y,Z} is a vector representing the direction from the main body's center to object's position. This vector will be normalized and then multiplied with (body radius + Alt) to get the final coordinate of your object (related to the center of the main body).

The Y axis is the north/south pole axis. hence if you still want to tweak the object's position by directly changing X,Y,Z values, you should first tweak X & Z values to setup the longitude of your object, after that tweak Y value to adjust the latitude. By following this order, the longitude will remain unchanged when you tweak Y.

Edited by HoneyFox
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Justin Kerbice said:

Another one:

playing with a building which has an issue, save to persistent file + session, change directory name where the object is located, start the game again and:

The plugin window don't show up anymore with ctrl+k. I can only choose a spawn point in SPH (and VAB surely, not tested).

Spawn on a KT made building lead to a strange issue: an Aeris 3 appears somewhere (0.0486 °S, 74.7230°W) at 1274m, full black aera, uncontrollable at all, with reentry flames and engine smoke with 0% throttle. camera is frozen too.

The map tells me the plane is inside the star, exiting map shows the camera moving up on Kerbin orbit without no vessel.

All this. Pretty sure KerbTown is still very b0rked. I've spent most of my evening trying to diagnose a problem with a release for KerbTown (so much egg on my face) and stripped it down to a single additional spawn location and still no joy.

EDIT - Another theory didn't pan out.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Bug report. After working with KerbTown, sometimes it likes to re-write KerbCity's cfgs incorrectly. KerbCity assets have no default spawn point. KerbTown should not be writing to any config except that of a part that you're currently defining as a launchpad.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Bug report. After working with KerbTown, sometimes it likes to re-write KerbCity's cfgs incorrectly. KerbCity assets have no default spawn point. KerbTown should not be writing to any config except that of a part that you're currently defining as a launchpad.

That's not really a bug, I already report this but HoneyFox replay it may be too complicated to change how this code work.

By the way, I suggest not to use KC spawnpoint 'til Nothke fix them, I have made a dummy one for the airport ("parking" area beside the runway) which work's well. This dummy spawn point can also be use to drop vessels "everywhere" :).

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  Justin Kerbice said:
That's not really a bug, I already report this but HoneyFox replay it may be too complicated to change how this code work.

By the way, I suggest not to use KC spawnpoint 'til Nothke fix them, I have made a dummy one for the airport ("parking" area beside the runway) which work's well. This dummy spawn point can also be use to drop vessels "everywhere" :).

I'm using the KSC2 pad that you did to do the same :) Very useful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, quick question: Is kerbtown still alive? Or rather does it work in 0.23.5 without any or at least any serious issues. If there are minor issues, what would I have to watch out for? I'm considering making some generic road/runway/taxiway pieces and spicing up my KSC a bit...

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  the_bT said:
Uh, quick question: Is kerbtown still alive? Or rather does it work in 0.23.5 without any or at least any serious issues. If there are minor issues, what would I have to watch out for? I'm considering making some generic road/runway/taxiway pieces and spicing up my KSC a bit...

Kerbtown is technically dead as Razcheck don't work on it anymore, HoneyFox did a good job making it compatible with 0.23.x (it still have some issues).

Why not trying it ? 15 mins of your time may worth it.

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I really want to come back and work on this project, and all the other projects left behind. Especially the control room addition we almost had into the game. :(

Someone keep the mojo flowing!

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  Razchek said:
I really want to come back and work on this project, and all the other projects left behind. Especially the control room addition we almost had into the game. :(

Someone keep the mojo flowing!

Great news, if I king help please let me know.

One thing: in the kerbtown thread, you mention TimeOfDayController but AFAIK there is no example of usage at all. It would be great to get more informations on it.

Also, having some "cleaning launchpad" feature would be very great.

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  Razchek said:
I really want to come back and work on this project, and all the other projects left behind. Especially the control room addition we almost had into the game. :(

Someone keep the mojo flowing!

Until you do, you might want to edit the OP, because a lot of people are confused about the current state, and try to download the old files.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Kerbtown is technically dead as Razcheck don't work on it anymore, HoneyFox did a good job making it compatible with 0.23.x (it still have some issues).

Why not trying it ? 15 mins of your time may worth it.

I was going to try regardless of it being dead or not, I was just curious if there were problems to look out for. I got a 0.23 fixed version from this post. It seems to be working.

The only thing that confuses me a little is how objects are placed. First there are 3 axes + height to position things. That is one axis to much in my head. :confused:

Secondly I don't really get where the info about placed objects goes. There is Instances data inside the part.cfg files, those contain all the data I enter when placing a part. Additionally the same date is inside the savegame in a file named KTInstances.cfg. When I change data directly in the part.cfg, stuff gets duplicated. I have not yet tried what happens if I delete the KTInstances.cfg or change it to match the part.cfg.

I have the strong suspicion however that having different data inside the two files is a bad idea :P

I'm looking into automatically placing stuff neatly aligned between two positions so I don't have to line up dozens of street pieces by hand. I hope it's possible at all.

So whats what here, could anyone shed some light?

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