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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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Updated to version 0.11.2 Beta.

Visibility range bug has been fixed. All static objects should now react exactly as they should.

Other minor fixes were performed as well.

Please redownload the plugin and the content pack (the Mun Easter Egg has been slightly modified to fix a bug that was being caused in it's new location).


I know a lot of you still haven't found the Mun Easter egg and it is going to be leaving shortly, so make an effort. :P

It's near the North Pole of the Mun, about 2-4KM away from the absolute pole.

Wait, Does a static craft in orbit stay in orbit or not move in space?

A static will move with the celestial body's rotation.

I Bring you the Egg Hunter 2.0

Featuring a guest appearance by Mun 2.0 and the KT Powered Easter Egg!


That double plank bug is fixed, but as always brilliant video! :D

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Quick question.

When I tried importing a model, I got this error.


What does it mean that, "its not in visible range"?.

It has the exact same placement as that floating island thing.

That happened in 0.11.1, fixed in 0.11.2

Just to be sure you have got the latest version - download and install 0.11.2 from the first post again.

I know my server rolled back a few hours not too long ago, that's been fixed since.

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Could you pm me your part folder that contains the model and config you're having trouble with?

I'd like to find out why this is occurring for you. That error your getting is when the Game Object is not active, or there are literally no renderer or collider components.

But I'm guessing it's the former lol.

Try creating another Floating Launch Ground and see if that works as well. :)

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I made another Floating Launch Ground, it worked.

I'm messing with Unity now, I probably messed something up. (Its my first ever time using it!)

If I can't get it working in a bit I'll send it to you.

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Could you make something that interfaces with the space centre so you can click on a planet on a particular place on the map and place another ksp launch centre there?

I think you need to be in said planets SoI to place statics there. You can fly to any other planet, land a small rover and place a static launchpad.

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edit: Oops, somehow double posted

I didn't know that, thanks for the info.

Question, how do you import a UV map over a model? (Unity noob here)

If you're using Blender, just import the whole .blend file into Unity; it will come with UVMaps and all.

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Unless you're doing super-pro stuff, there's no functional difference between importing the .blend and export/importing a DAE, I for one use the DAE route because I want there to be a wall between my work in blender and my work in unity, so one only impacts the other when I say so; and it's much faster for me to export a DAE than it is to locate, copy, relocate, and paste the .blend.

It doesn't make a difference really.

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A static will move with the celestial body's rotation.

So, hypothetically speaking, one could import and place an orbital elevator object?


If the object is parented to the ground hundreds of kilometers away would it even be possible to see it or interact with it in space (render distance)? Perhaps it could be broken into sections so that it can be seen at different altitudes with the high detailed launch/docking station at the top?

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So, hypothetically speaking, one could import and place an orbital elevator object?


If the object is parented to the ground hundreds of kilometers away would it even be possible to see it or interact with it in space (render distance)? Perhaps it could be broken into sections so that it can be seen at different altitudes with the high detailed launch/docking station at the top?

Tried it, didn't work. It was not the viewing distance nor anything else that stopped it, it was getting the kerbal to stay attached to the elevator all the way up and down. In my experiments he tended to fly out the elevator door at around 5000m, the only way I could get him past that was a very very slow elevator ride.

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