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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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Well, as Kaos mentioned, more than happy to throw you my biodomes for your release, they would go very well with this as they are rather large some of them (64m diameter)

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  KhaosCorp said:
Here is what I got ready so far...I know they are horrible =P been moddin 2 1/2 weeks....anyway

The Start/Finish line and Course Marker pylons for the First annual KC Keno AirRaces:


This is a tank farm I made for testing. If has LF/O in it and crossfeed capable.


First test will be trying to use KAS plug to get at the fuel.

Still working on my naval base....its big, but low poly as its all simple shapes. Maybe I have that done in a day or so.

And yes, I am aware that I cant texture things good at all...even when using good textures =P

I think you need to break the edges, Unity is rendering everything as smooth shaded and that is what's making your models look weird.

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  nubeees said:
I have a question. You said that it might support animations, will the animations be something which constantly goes, or will you be able to right click an object which is static and open up a menu for animations?

You should be able to apply looped animations that play on start for now. So if you're making an elevator, make sure you give the player a few seconds to get on/off it without dying haha.

  KhaosCorp said:
Not sure if you can make a context menu for static object. But I do know that you can have a looped or ongoing animation in both Unity and KSP. I assume this is how the radar dish on the tracking station is done. Hope these items can have context menus, would open up alot more useful anims.

Context menus will happen. :) After we get the bugs of the current release ruled out.

  Devo said:
Well, as Kaos mentioned, more than happy to throw you my biodomes for your release, they would go very well with this as they are rather large some of them (64m diameter)

I would love it if you placed them in-game and took some screens to add to the first post? :D

  KhaosCorp said:
Ahhhh, I have been adding the modifier after I smooth. Been using KSPdiffused on everything too

That sounds right. :)


You can all demo the plugin now! :D See the first post.

Please test it and post all the bugs you find so I can fix them.

My brain is flat at the moment, so I will update the documentation later. - If you have a question, please ask and I will answer.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Ahhhh, I have been adding the modifier after I smooth. Been using KSPdiffused on everything too

On the modifier is an apply button, you have to click that before it takes effect on an "exported" model.

Do not click it though until modelling is complete. To make edges sharp it has to duplicate vertices, which complicate editing.

If you apply the modifier and decide you want to change things after the fact. Mesh -> Vertex -> Remove Duplicates. This will weld everything Edge Split ripped apart back together. The whole mesh will revert to smooth shading though, and you will have to apply the modifier again.

Basically all Blender modifiers work this way. When you click "Apply" they are removed from the modifier list and the changes are put to the actual model rather than being simulated. Some of them can be quite demolishing, so make sure you're sure you're really sure you want to apply them.

You can also split ornery edges yourself by deleting one face attached to it, duplicating the edge, and then replacing the face you deleted, but attaching it to the newly made edge rather than the one it's sitting right on top of. This is exactly what the Edge Split modifier does. Having the vertices duplicated like that will stop smooth shading across the edge.

Also, also, it looks like you've already done this, but keeping certain parts separate rather than making the model from a single mesh is sometimes needed. Your tank farm for example, a lot of times it can be difficult to find an edge split angle that renders the rather square base nicely without also making the caps on the tanks blocky.

I may whip up a nice big static model or two now that I've seen its possible to drop them in without having to rig up some weird delivery system to place them.

EDIT: PS; make sure Auto-Merge editing is off when doing all this edge sharpening.

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Whenever I create a static object inworld it is right on top of the ship I'm in, destroying it, Im guessing an offset at spawn was not possible?

Also I cant seem to use '.' when typing in the input fields.

EDIT: Seems kerbals can not walk on mesh convex collider when its static object...you think maybe a terrain collider would work for areas where green dudes will walk?

Edited by KhaosCorp
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  KhaosCorp said:
Whenever I create a static object inworld it is right on top of the ship I'm in, destroying it, Im guessing an offset at spawn was not possible?

Also I cant seem to use '.' when typing in the input fields.

I was thinking one of two things for problem one:

1. Disable colliders when the object is selected.

2. Just place it to the side of the vessel.

For the second problem. I noticed that just now as I went to place an object somewhere. Will fix them very shortly.

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This... is kind of hack, but since the ship is basically a stand in just to get to the interface... could you use a model without a collider, and/or an origin well outside its own mesh for deployment?

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I have fixed the text problem Khaos.

As a temporary work around for the object spawn, when the static object is created and/or selected the collider will be disabled until the object translates to a new position.

Take advantage of this by changing the altitude (Radius Offset) to something higher than your vessel using the TextField then click "Update ^" and start positioning as normal.

I will work on fixing the problem after sleep. :)

The download link has been updated (as with the source code at GitHub).


I just tested the Kerbals on Mesh Colliders, they refused to do it lol - I'll have to test this more and implement a fix tomorrow (or rather, when I wake up). I need sleep. :confused:

Edited by Razchek
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Hmm. When I go to place an object on Pol it places it at Eeloo instead. Why is this?

EDIT: I found the problem, it seems Kerbtown doesn't spawn things correctly for EVA Kerbals?

EDIT2: Nope. It seems Kerbtown just really hates Pol.

EDIT3: Kerbtown hates all Celestial Bodies besides Kerbin.

Edited by Nutt007
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Obvious thing is obvious


Needs more fiddling and it's going to be a pain to texture nicely the way I have the tris laid out, but I can now have a runway at my remote kethane sites to make my transport jets much safer.

Would it be possible to open access to the stock static objects like you were messing with the island runway?

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  Greys said:
Confirmed, I deleted that runway, went to space center, reloaded, went back to rover and the runway was still there; perhaps after a restart... Nope, still there.

Edit: Also Kerbals can't walk on these things

Before I knew I had to use convex colliders I was making a lander can where Kerbals come out the lid, and they'd always fall through, or fall down and not be able to get up. Could it be something like that? Maybe just sheer size of the collider?

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  Greys said:
Would it be possible to open access to the stock static objects like you were messing with the island runway?

At this stage of the project I don't want to have stock objects cloned. Possibly in the future. :)

  KhaosCorp said:
Has anyone else noticed an issue with removing objects once placed? Or maybe I'm just being my usual dumb self?

Confirmed. I will attempt to fix this before the next update comes out. - In the mean time if it is necessary to remove the objects entirely from your scene you can delete all "Instance" nodes from the config file.

  Greys said:
.. Also Kerbals can't walk on these things

I forgot to mention that all objects should be set to Layer 15 in unity. I'll have KerbTown do this automatically if people would prefer?

I'm back to work on this now, so I'll hopefully get another update out shortly. :)


Edited by Razchek
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  Razchek said:

I forgot to mention that all objects should be set to Layer 15 in unity. I'll have KerbTown do this automatically if people would prefer?

Oh thanks for that! I was wondering why my Pol arch wasn't walkable earlier.

Speaking of which:


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So layer 15 fixes not being able to walk, and deleting instance in config get rid of placed item, all fixed.

I tested the KAS idea, did not work. No right click so cant even tell if there was actually fuel in there, let alone pump it out. Though a 2sec config edit and the EVA connector attached to my fuel farm, and i was able to plug the winch in docked mode. Kinda seemed like if i could right click the tankfarm I could have gotten some fuel....assuming it actually had fuel in it.

And even though you fixed how the objects are created I still managed to get a green dude killed during this rather simple test.... good thing there is no OSHA on Kerbin =P

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