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How Did You Name Your Space Company/Corporation/Industry?


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I came up with the Kerean Committee of Space Technology because I chose my flag to be an edited NK flag, and later I decided to name my space program after theirs, the Korean Committee of Space Technology.

I probably even do the same thing as theirs. Based on what we know about the real KCST, I can guess that they either have barely done anything to explore space; or they have done extensive testing and planned several missions, only to have them cancelled because of lack of interest and desire for explosions, just like my KCST. :P

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I don't really have a name for mine. My save is my name I use here, most of my rockets I start with USC then whatever it does like "USC Kethane Driller mk1" etc. Then I'll change the name later on like "USC Minmus Prospector Probe mk1" for the kethane scanner I had around Minmus. Trying to get it into a Kerbin orbit since Minmus is done but trying to use aerobraking which isn't working out yet, but that would take us off topic. :P

I did however create my own flag:


It says "Sma Kerman" for lack of originality/imagination. Maybe I'll come up with something better at another time...or.....not. LOL

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  The Jedi Master said:
I used to use "(My First Name) Space Program", but I changed it because I'm rather sensitive about internet privacy, and I wanted something I could post on the forums. And The Jedi Space Program was born.
Time to start a hostile take over
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I name my stuff after mythology...primarily Greek mythology right now. I try and name stuff relative to its objective...below are some totally poorly named random things that demonstrate my point

Zeus Space Agency

Spartan Rocket

Ares Probe

Isis satellite


And yes I know Sparta was not a mythological entity...

Edited by Masochist
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Mason Shipyards and Industries, or MSI for short, is my research, development, construction, and exploration company. We build high-quality vehicles for multiple roles. When 0.21 strikes, I'll most likely start a thread in the Spacecraft Exchange :)


(See if you can guess what I based my logo on :wink:)

Another company I've thought of is the Plan-Ex Corporation, who specialise in unmanned exploratory space vehicles. They just want to study the planets and increase accessibility to all. A nice bunch :P

And then there's Firespitter Company (not affiliated with the Firespitter mod, before anyone get's touchy). These guys are ostensibly a legitimate company, but they develop weapons and space fighters. We're keeping close tabs on them, because it looks like they could be on the road to space piracy, despite not having done anything as of yet other than attack a military vessel once :huh:

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