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[1.0.4] SteamGauges V1.7.2 - 27 July '15


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I've finally gotten home from a weekend away, and I've tracked down something to do with that problem.

The scenario I used turns out to be really simple, but involves MechJeb2. I put a ship with MechJeb on the pad, open up the "Ascent Guidance" panel, and click on "Show navball ascent path guidance". As soon as I do that, the SteamGauges orbital panel loses it's mind. :) It also happens if I go to any ship with MechJeb from the tracking station, and toggle that same option.

In the Alt-F2 log, there's tons of this:

[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

And I found a lot of this in output_log.txt

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.SwappedOrbitNormal (.Orbit o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.AscendingNodeTrueAnomaly (.Orbit a, .Orbit [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.TimeOfAscendingNode (.Orbit a, .Orbit b, Double UT) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.drawAPPEP (.Orbit o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Ok, thanks. I think I might know what's causing it, namely trying to calculate some stuff that is undefined for an orbit that isn't an ellipse. Anyway, I'll just throw in some TRY/CATCH's, and the gauge should stay put.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I have a problem that I can't really figure out. When I open steam gauges in flight mode and select node and rendezvous gauges, they just don't appear. I've had this problem before where the gauges were just off screen, but it seems this time that I can't get by this problem. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what the cause might be?

Edit: solved, didn't realize that I needed a node or a target for the two gauges to appear :P

Edited by SDIR
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Can we get toolbar buttons to turn on/off individual gauges (like Optional MechJeb Modules)?

I often turn on altimater shortly before landing, and turn off after touch down so this woudl be seving me few seconds. Good idea.

By the way Trueborn, is it possibility for alternate altimater? I dont really like shape of current one :) Standard from IVA of capsules looks better, in my opinnion.

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I really didn't want to do a huge toolbar spam, since there are 8 gauges and the settings menu, but now that there are folders I'll probably make it an option somehow. Also, I can make the radar altimeter auto-hide when you're landed. If anybody wants to come up with an icon for all the gauges, that would be cool :D

I'm also not happy with the RA design. Some day it will be re-done, but not right away.

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Is there a way to make the mach speed indicator and the g meter appear permanently on the HUD?

There are only appearing(for me) when I am above of mach 0.5 and above 2 g.

EDIT: also, how can I prevent the HUD from appearing when I press "h"?

Edited by goldenpeach
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That's an automatic declutter feature, the idea being if your mach is below 0.5 you don't really care about it, and if your G's are below 2 you also really don't care. I suppose I could put the minimum values in the config file for people who want them showing at different times. And speaking of the config file, that's where the HUD toggle is found. Just find the HUDkey entry, and change it to some other key. Some day I'll make it assignable in the settings window, but for now you'll have to do it manually.

Yesterday I finished the "lots of toolbar buttons" mode, and I'm currently working on a TWR display in the HUD. Once that's done, I think I'll finally release 1.4. Expect a redone radar altimeter in 1.5, and hopefully stage fuel and delta V readouts.

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A value for the dissapearing gauges in the config file would be great! I have the gauges on another screen so they dont get in the way, but laying them out with some missing is a pain...

also thanks for the tip on the HUD button. You have set it to the same key as the default for RCS thrust forward which I use all the time when docking, crazy flashing hud was driving me mad :)

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That's an automatic declutter feature, the idea being if your mach is below 0.5 you don't really care about it, and if your G's are below 2 you also really don't care. I suppose I could put the minimum values in the config file for people who want them showing at different times. And speaking of the config file, that's where the HUD toggle is found. Just find the HUDkey entry, and change it to some other key. Some day I'll make it assignable in the settings window, but for now you'll have to do it manually.

Yesterday I finished the "lots of toolbar buttons" mode, and I'm currently working on a TWR display in the HUD. Once that's done, I think I'll finally release 1.4. Expect a redone radar altimeter in 1.5, and hopefully stage fuel and delta V readouts.

Cool. I hope that TWR will not only be visible in hud.

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Unfortunately, TWR is only at the bottom of the HUD for now, below the throttle gauge. I'm really not sure where else I could fit it at the moment. Possibly the radar altimeter after it gets redesigned?

Anyway, expect version 1.4 to be released later today.

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SteamGauges 1.4 is released!

SpacePort Download

There is one new gauge and several functional additions to existing gauges.


Introducing the Air Gauge

The Air Gauge is here to aid all your atmospheric flights! It features a radial airspeed gauge that can display either True airspeed (KSP's native mode) or Equivalent airspeed. Equivalent airspeed is uncorrected for altitude and mach, and so it will always be lower than TAS. The EAS/TAS button toggles between the two modes. Around this airspeed indicator you will see three needles. The orange pointer is your current airspeed. The red and white "barber poll" indicates the current terminal velocity, and the blue arrow is the speed of sound.

In the top center of the gauge is your current mach number, accurate to two decimal places.

Below that is an Angle of Attack readout, and a stall warning indicator. It will display pitch AoA from 99.9 to -9.9 degrees. The red stall light illuminates when AoA goes above a user specified value (default is 25).

At the bottom of the gauge is an air intake readout. The green arc means you have 200-500% more air than is required by your engines. The yellow arc is 100% to 200%, and the red arc is less air than needed. Try to keep the needle in the yellow or higher.

HUD Changes

The HUD has received several upgrades. The speed tape can now display TAS or EAS, selectable from the settings menu. There is also a terminal velocity carrot that will display on the left side of the speed tape, labeled Vt.

There is now a Thrust to Weight ratio display below the throttle display. With active engines, a display of the current and maximum TWR is displayed, from 0 to 99.99. This value is calculated with all active engines firing using the current gravity value (not surface value).

When controlling a Kerbal in EVA, the throttle gauge changes to a jetpack fuel readout, indicated by the Jetpack Fuel label.

The minimum G and mach for display on the HUD are now editable in the config file (HUDminMach and HUDminG). The 'H' key toggling the HUD may also be changed from here.

Radar Altimeter Changes

The Radar Altimeter has three new features. The first is a Time To Impact counter in the form of MM:SS at the bottom of the gauge. Only active when descending towards a body with no atmosphere, it gives the time to ground impact with no correction.

Additionally, there is a red needle to indicate the minimum altitude for a max performance burn to bring the vessel to a stop at the surface, aka a "suicide burn." This assumes all active engines are fired at full throttle, but doesn't account for remaining fuel. It is also only active while descending on worlds without atmospheres.

Finally, there are two buttons at the top and bottom of the gauge to automatically start a burn when suicide altitude is reached, and stop the burn just above the surface.

Maneuver Node Changes

Much like the radar altimeter, the node gauge now has automatic burn capabilities. Enabling auto burn will throttle up to 100% when the time to burn counts down to 0, and the vessel is pointed within 2 degrees of the burn direction. The auto shutdown occurs when there is less than 0.5 m/s of burn left, or the vessel moves off the burn target by more than 7.6 degrees.

Fuel Gauge Changes

The fuel gauge now displays remaining jetpack fuel when controlling a Kerbal on EVA.

General Changes

There have been a couple of architectural changes behind the scenes. If you run into any weird bugs, this might be the cause. Please pass them along!

The plugin should now handle missing gauge textures without crashing.

There is now an option to toggle all the gauges using toolbar buttons instead of the single window. This toggle is found in the settings window.


This image show the toolbar icons. From left to right they are: Air Gauge, Compass, Electrical Gauge, Fuel Gauge, HUD, Node Gauge, Orbital Gauge, Radar Altimeter, Rendezvous Gauge, and the SteamGauges menu.

Edited by Trueborn
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I'm not thrilled with the node or rendezvous ones, but I do like how the other ones turned out. Speaking of toolbar, I know you're working on images for folders, but might it also be possible to create buttons that automatically go into a folder? Or, define a folder in my code, and assign the buttons to it? Just wondering how much of a pain that would be for you.

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but might it also be possible to create buttons that automatically go into a folder? Or, define a folder in my code, and assign the buttons to it? Just wondering how much of a pain that would be for you.

Not sure, I'll need to think about it. You see, the problem with something like folder "hints" is that it gets tricky to decide if the folder should be added once the toolbar loads up or not. Like, is this the first time the hinting plugin is run? Or is this a subsequent run, but the user has decided to keep the folder? What do we do if the user throws the folder away (moving all buttons into the main toolbar), then restarts KSP?

The way things are right now is rather simple: Plugins add their buttons, and they usually go into the main toolbar. Then, if the user decides to add folders and put buttons into them, that information is saved, and can be used for subsequent toolbar plugin runs. There just is nothing a third-party plugin can do to override which buttons go into which folders.

(Just a quick note here, I'm not watching this thread on a regular basis, so I might be missing suggestions like this. Better post them into the Toolbar Plugin threads.)

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If by install, you mean add all the folders in the download into the GameData folder, then yes. I found that using "Unlock Position And Size" allowed me to move the menu containing said settings, but not any of the gauges...

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Hmm, the menu window(s) should always be movable. If you could, open up your KSP_Data/Output_log.txt. Preferably after you just start the game, enter the flight scene, and then exit (so the log is smaller). Then do a search for "exc," and see if there are any exceptions that mention SteamGauges. If not, go ahead and post the entire log and I'll take a look at it.

After re-reading your post, I realized something. "Unlock Position And Size" is for the icon toolbar only, not for gauges. To unlock the gauges themselves, click on the basic steamgauges icon (the furthest right one in the image above). This will open one of two windows, but towards the bottom both will have a selection called "Lock Gauge Positions." If the green light is off, you should be able to move the gauges around. Then lock it again once they are in place.

Edited by Trueborn
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Great MOD!!

Only thing I'm having issue with is that the HUD will not display.

I'm in Career mode in version 0.23 and have version 1.4 of your MOD installed.

I do have "Electronics" and "Advanced Electronics" unlock in the tech tree.

I noticed that the HUD button in the Settings menu, has no "ON" or "Off".

I can click the button but nothing seems to happen.



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