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What makes this game so good?


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It's really hard for a game to interest me, to be honest my most suited playstyle nowadays is to go AFK in an MMO. I also easily get bitter with game developers, for all intents and purposes I'm a horrible videogamer these days.

But I can't put KSP down, I sink hours into it without noticing.

I can't put my finger on exactly what it is or what combination of things is doing it, but I love it!

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1) you are free to dream, invent, design, plan and USE YOUR BRAIN

2) it is not overstimulating (flashing lights, fast paced, noise, noise, noise) like most games nowadays

3) Zombie killing is so out

4) The developers are clever

5) its constructive

6) it relates to real world stuff with a real history and common challenges


8) Sandboxes are IN

9) Achieving your goals gives you a better sense of accomplishment than slaying the dragon, rescuing the princess, or killing the mob boss.


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For me what makes KSP great is a combination of smaller things that add up to make the whole package simply amazing. Things like the fairly realistic nerdy rocket science / physics, the unbridled freedom of expression in gameplay that I haven't experienced in such a way since David Braben's Elite franchise back in the day and a "Looney Tunes" style of comedy (I always find myself making Wile E. Coyote style blunders with rocket design, staging is wrong so things decouple in just the wrong order or upon ignition the rocket flips over and face plants into the launchpad type of thing :)) and probably other things I'm not even aware of.

Sure there are other games with the nerdy level of science, a good amount of freedom / depth or the wacky humour but Squad has done such a great job at combining them "just so" that it makes the game so very good :).

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The game has (for me at least) a correct balance between realism and gameplay. Planets are scaled down drastically but yet feel gigantic when traversing a crater or desert on foot or with a rover. Rockets and planes are fabricated very easily but the game still permits simulations of complex interplanetary missions. And last but not least; the game is still evolving and gets better on all fronts.

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because it combines three things humans love. building things, destroying things, and exploring.

this is also the reason minecraft is so good.

Be careful throwing that game around in these forums, some people will disagree with you in a rather inappropriate manner.

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1) you are free to dream, invent, design, plan and USE YOUR BRAIN

2) it is not overstimulating (flashing lights, fast paced, noise, noise, noise) like most games nowadays

3) Zombie killing is so out

4) The developers are clever

5) its constructive

6) it relates to real world stuff with a real history and common challenges


8) Sandboxes are IN

9) Achieving your goals gives you a better sense of accomplishment than slaying the dragon, rescuing the princess, or killing the mob boss.


I totally have to agree with this. The same could be said about my favorite game round Y2K: Mindrover.

The idea about Mindrover was to pick a scenario (race, puzzle, battle, etc.), a vehicle (wheel, hovercraft or tracked) and then add components like engines, sensors and weapons. Once you finished equipping the outside you switched to the 'inside' and started programming with a variety of wires and analog and logical switches to give it a basic intelligence. Once you released your rover in the arena all you could do was wait and see if your rover was capable of surviving or winning. I lost countless hours of sleep either building and programming or tossing and turning in bed trying to figure out a better strategy.

Edit: Forgot to mention it also had, just like KSP, great mods and community.

Edited by Tex_NL
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I'd have to say that it stimulated my engineering bit, gave me something to do after all my former friends went off to be skater dudes, the community and the devs are wonderful, it is one if the best looking games I've played (bar the starbox needs a severe overhaul, it has boosted my concentration and made all my other games' playtimes shrivel in comparison like a cold day in the changing room.

Squad I put on my trilby, flat cap, top hat, bowler, pith helmet, fez and deerstalker and take them all off to you.

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When something goes wrong in KSP, it goes wrong because I got something wrong. (Bugs excepted!) Either I didn't understand something, or I miscalculated, or I fluffed a manual operation. There are no random number generators making it easier or harder, no other players playing silly burgers, and no arbitrary and fiendish puzzles that demand I remember some chalked graffito from three levels back that was supposed to give me the clue. It's just me against physics!

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For me it's the new experience, i've never before played any game that allowed me to feel like an astronaut, in what other game have i landed on the Mun, and built my own rocket that got me there? KSP is full of firsts for me, like the first time i got into orbit around Kerbin, or travelled toward the Mun as it came ominously closer, the happiness i felt after landing there is frankly bizarre in it's intensity, the game is new and unique to me, and as an older gamer that's been around games a very long time that's of great importance.

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IMO Entertainment is directly related to the learning value of something. If its challenging and you can improve at it you learn. Sandbox games are as simple or complex as you want them to be, and they scale with your skill level over time, this providing you with almost limitless challenges at whatever difficulty you can imagine them to be.

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I can build the spaceship, launch it into space and fly to another planet. Or at least cause a glorious explosion :D For me it's a dream come true. And it still gets better and better - resources, science stuff and kerbonaut training will add so much fun to this already excellent game :cool:

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To me, it's the joy of seeing what's out there for myself. I've always been interested in astronomy. I care less about having to learn how to make something work. I rather cheat my way to victory instead of being forced to use my brain. :P

One thing I love about this game, it's Single Player. I got no one making fun of my crappy rocket designs. I can save and quit, and know my craft will still be where I had it instead of smashed by a griefer using Whack-A-Kerbal.

Some times I get lucky, of having an idea for a craft that actually works as I thought of it. But most of the time, my 'brilliant' ideas are trashed by "It's not good enough for the game engine!" :mad: Dang Space Kraken.

Also, KSP is what Spore's Space Stage should had been, instead of what it is. Not having to worry about your homeworld being attacked while you're in deep space to set up a base on a planet.

KSP also reminds me of Garry's Mod's SpaceBuild mod. Though I actually find it being slightly better (as in the "editor" is 10x better than the VAB), and you're not restricted to "you can't place that there because there's no attachment node!" And I can build ships with more precision than KSP (again, the editor).

But SpaceBuild also lacks realism, as in planets actually looking like planets, and the fact you can land anywhere you want on the surface (except for Laythe of course). The planets that map makers make aren't anything like what KSP has. Plus, the "map" is humongous, as in it will literally take you months IRL to reach a planet (without Time Warp). That, is realism.

So yeah, KSP has its ups and downs, but it's still an amazing game, and one of its kind.

Edited by Benie
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because it combines three things humans love. building things, destroying things, and exploring.

this is also the reason minecraft is so good.

yes, but minecraft is more building then destroying and exploring...

and what makes the game good is... the explode n' exploring pattern. yep, explodin' stuff and explorin' stuff. and building too! and sometimes making random stuff... -insert picture of jeb getting launched by a kerbal cannon here- .... and also what makes the game good...

Edited by Firenexus13
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For me, two things. One are the kerbals themselves, taking them on adventures, and watching their little smiley (or screaming) faces as they go. It provokes the imagination.

Second, is the shear versatility. One day I'm flying an elaborate probe mission to Jool, next, tweaking a space shuttle, and learning to glide to a landing. Next, playing around with boats and cranes. All in the one game.

Plus, it's your own goals, and own achievement. Nothing arbitrary here.

Edited by Tw1
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The fact that when you acomplish things in this game, you do because you invested time into it and figured how to finally make it work, not because you followed a corridor and shot every terrorist in the face.

But most of all because of the way how you can do whatever the hell you want. Although it is a game focused at rockets, you can build a plane, a car, a boat, a cannon, etc.

Whatever you want to do you can try it and squad has allowed us to have as little limitations as possible. Letting people do what they want to do with this game is definitely one of the strengths of this game. I just hope when carrer mode is in, it wont limit you as much as it could

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also because of the creativity possible,

and you cant beat exploring a sol system with a craft youve thrown together through many attempts of trial and error then finally getting it and feeling so good.

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1. It´s like LEGO and in my childhood I liked to play a lot with LEGO especially LEGO-Space was a great thing, you have the freedom to do nearly anything usefull or stupid with the game.

2. It´s easy to start but also challanging.

3. A great moding community

4. Just forget - there is no militry aspect in the game !

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Is it weird that I want to brush my hand through his hair? It looks very soft and fuzzy.

I personally really like building stuff. There's something really cool about putting YOUR space station into orbit, or YOUR lander on the equivalent of the moon. It's like NASA is yours and has unlimited funding.

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I'd have to say that the element to this game has to be its sheer versatility.

Some out there like to explore the planets, some like to hone flying techniques, some like to do base RPG's, and it's all completely capable with a vast amount of skill that puts rocket science into the hands of someone who isn't exactly a tip-top engineer sort, but it still gives those people who care about real-life engineering and capabilities a run for their money.

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I totally have to agree with this. The same could be said about my favorite game round Y2K: Mindrover.

The idea about Mindrover was to pick a scenario (race, puzzle, battle, etc.), a vehicle (wheel, hovercraft or tracked) and then add components like engines, sensors and weapons. Once you finished equipping the outside you switched to the 'inside' and started programming with a variety of wires and analog and logical switches to give it a basic intelligence. Once you released your rover in the arena all you could do was wait and see if your rover was capable of surviving or winning. I lost countless hours of sleep either building and programming or tossing and turning in bed trying to figure out a better strategy.

Edit: Forgot to mention it also had, just like KSP, great mods and community.

Ah, Mindrover.

I remember it well.

Sadly, it is no more. It had troubles for a while, and now the page is just text.

I hope someday somebody makes something similar. It would be great to have something like that again :).

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