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anyone know where the kerbal models are in the game files?

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I'm looking for the kerbal models in the game files to see if I could try and bring it into source filmmaker. unfortunately I can't for the life of me find the files. anyone know where the models are?

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Ancasta, probably not, but the question you should be asking would be "would squad really sue me for playing with their content?" the answer is probably no, considering there has been, even featured videos of people using kerbal models.

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  • 8 months later...
One look at the G-mod ragdoll posing dupes, and you will know why no individual should EVER get their hands on the Kerbal models...


Im currently looking at the models in steam workshop, Dont see any models... Ill check in game.

And by the way, Im another person that wants to create kerbal space program animations.

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don't see why it wouldn't be.

In the EULA (End User License Agreement when you install the game) You accept that you can use, mod w/e is inside GameData folder, but you can't share what's inside KSP_Data Only personal purposes only.

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They would be highly valuable for us modders to easier get sizes right, especially in Interiors. Don't see what would be wrong with that, if we just use them as references for our own models and not redistribute them. But so far it seems that noone has been able to somehow extract them.

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In the EULA (End User License Agreement when you install the game) You accept that you can use, mod w/e is inside GameData folder, but you can't share what's inside KSP_Data Only personal purposes only.

What constitutes personal use? Also does animating and rendering those models and uploading that video to youtube mean "sharing"? I mean you're not sharing the model, just a video of the model. It doesn't seem like it to me, but that's only my interpretation.

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