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Give up on waiting for .21


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They are working hard.. as soon as its ready it will be released.

these guys are building a great game, using a very complicated engine, concepts that will make most ppl cry, and hardly any budget.

for a Beta game that most of us payed about $10, we shouldn't be demanding or expecting anything. Squad has a great reputation for providing a great product, at an incredible price and offer support (directly from the developers themselves). can you name another game developer that offeres all this?

please let them do what they need to do and just kill the remaining time by blowing stuff up!!! after all, isn't that what initially drew all of us to love KSP???

I want the Latest and greatest just like everybody else but please remember, there are still a few developers out there more worried about offering a quality product than getting something to market to sell regardless if its any good or not.

SQUAD has done an incredible game, involving far more work than most of us would ever be willing or able to provide..

remember we are BACKING our developers, not Pushing them..

.21 will be here soon, and so will .22, 23, and 25. that's the fun in the project!! it is always growing and changeing.

it you really need something that is sloppy but rushed to be released, i will glad to send you a copy of DOOM.

Seriously, SQUAD is doing great and working hard, lets please keep that in mind.

Keep going team. We all love what you guys are doing!!!!

........Or am i the only one feeling this way?? If so i apologize and encourage the mods to remove this post quickly!!!

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I completely agree. Although even with that being said, back on July 9th when they said 0.21 was in experimental phase I made a guess based on past experience that it would be out between July 22nd and July 26th. However even though that's my estimate, it is still just a guess and could be completely wrong. If it takes longer then that it just means they're fixing more bugs, which is a good thing!

I don't see why people have to be so impatient about these things, I means unless you know your going to die in a week, there's no reason to be impatient about it.

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remember we are BACKING our developers, not Pushing them..

I agree with your post as a whole, the devs have done a great job on what is a very difficult type of game to pull off, however, I'm going to disagree with the underlying theme of this statement. I may be wrong, but I don't really recall the devs being told that they need to push updates as fast as possible. Sure, people are excited for the next update (and why wouldn't you be, it looks awesome) but, from my perspective, people just want to know rough timings for the potential release. Sure, there will be a bit of backlash from some people if the game isn't released when the devs say, however, communication would become key in this situation.

If, for example, the devs say that 0.21 will be released during the week of the 22nd July and there is an issue with some bugs somewhere and it doesn't make the release, providing the devs say exactly what has happened I think this community is mature enough to be able to accept that and be grateful that the devs are keeping us updated.

Now, I'm not saying that KSP Weekly isn't good enough, it gives me my weekly fix and I enjoy reading it. I just think that if they could put a rough timeframe on their KSP Weekly, and keep it updated as events progress, the community as a whole will be a lot happier.

That's all people want from my perspective, a potential release date (or week) of the game. I think it'd kill a lot of the rumours that start and prevent a lot of the impatient posts that come up from people not knowing when to expect the often over-hyped updates.

Now, I can almost guarantee that their first few release date estimates will be wrong and people will be more than willing to point this out to them. But as they progress in the game's development (over the period of months), these estimates will become more and more accurate as the devs get better and better at seeing where they are in the stages of the update.

Like I said, I agree with the whole point of your post, but like you're first sentence says, it will be released when it's ready. People understand this point, they just want to know when it will be ready.

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If this thread were a persuasive business suited gentleman with a carefully worded and superiorly crafted hypothesis, I would invite him inside to talk it over with coffee. And then I would bite him.

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Eleven, please don't post just reaction images, there's not too much of a problem if you just link to it, but the images themselves may cause some users with slower internet to have slower load times on the pages. It's just a bit of consideration for others, don't worry, I've edited your post with the direct link to your picture still attached, nothing else has changed, I promise, so everyone will still get the idea. It's just easier to load text than it is to load an image.



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personally I'm irritating myself more with these feel-good-threads that tell us to shut up and stick our heads in the ground...

Really, I'm sure only a handfull of the thousands of people on this forum are too impatient to wait, most of us don't have any problems with the test-versions being tested by a small group of people.

But that's my personall opinion...

*Wispers* It's 5 in the morning ...:mad: *Wispers*

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