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Ants to the Mun

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This challenge is very simple - deliver a probe to the Mun using only LV-1 (aka. the engines for ants).


- Only engines allowed are LV-1s and LV-1R (radials)

- Balanced mods allowed

- Fewest parts win

- NO RCS, no "get out and push"

- Lateral thinking is encouraged


Your Score = 224 - Your parts count

224 is my crafts part count

Modifiers (to the final score):

Scientific instruments on board - +10 per unique piece (max 40 points)

Your probe has power when crashing into the Mun - *2

Land (not crash) - *10

Return to Kerbin - *100

Manned (proper capsule, not just seat) your score = 1500 - your parts count

How to apply modifiers: final score = (base score + instruments modifier) * bonus 1 *bonus 2 ...


1) Leibniz - 18100 points (manned, landed, power, 4 instruments)

2) metaphor - 1420 points (unmanned, landed, power)




Edited by SpaceOddity
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I'll wait for radial ants. :)

One of the mods has those, but I can't remember which one ;-(. Anyway half of the challenge is creative placement of the LV engines. I just managed to get down to 101 parts.

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I can just barely get a kerbonaut to orbit with my current design... Staging is somewhat difficult to plan, as keeping TWR when you lose so much surface area for engines can be daunting. I think I have a working model though, I just need more engines, I'll post my results when I get anywhere near the moon.

Edit: Several tries and a whole lot of weird staging, and I can pull orbit and almost get to the mun... I don't think my computer can actually handle doing this challenge. The sheer number of engines that need to be firing to lift something capable of staging its way to the mun is giving me like 1 frame every few seconds at launch. I have a few more ideas about potential staging by frontloading huge numbers of engines onto ibeams or something that I'll try... But this challenge has defeated me for now x.x;.

Edited by dracklen
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Wow! Great job! I didn't think it was possible with fewer than a thousand parts. I think I will have to adjust the scoring just a little, as you have astonishing 18100 points!

(1500 - 635 = 865 base points. Plus 40 from instruments totals 905 times 10 for landing, and times 2 for power = 18100).

I think that with a little lateral thinking (and bending the rules I deliberately left vague) you should be able to return.

Edited by SpaceOddity
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Wow! Great job! I didn't think it was possible with fewer than a thousand parts. I think I will have to adjust the scoring just a little, as you have astonishing 18100 points!

As metaphor said, the radial ants help a lot - I might have needed 500 cubic octagonal struts without them. Perhaps the scoring for .21 should be 800 parts (manned) because the other 700 would be struts in .20?

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