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[1.0.2] NovaPunch 2.09. - May 6th - 1.0 Compatibility Update


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Is it just me or do none of the new fuel tanks have a dry mass? At least it doesn't say in the part description.

They all have dry mass, and its not typical for drymass to be listed in description, unaware of any tank that does that.

A sure fire way to find out for yourself:

Open up the fueltanks config file in note pad (im going to look at 'NP_LFT_2_5mx1_5m' for example).

Scroll down till you see:

//------standard part parameters------

the very first line after that is 'mass =XX'


It is like this for anything holding fuel, since fuel weight is handled by global resource config, and not locally in each part.

Hope that helps clears it up a bit =)

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I just noticed that the fairings don't actually work with FAR. At least, not all of them. It should be a simple enough matter of adding the word "fairing" to all of the part names and hoping it works, but I just thought I should let you know.

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Uhh.. those tiny legs seem to have disappeared. Frizzank sent them to me with his fixed version of the big ones, but heck if I can find them. I guess they never made it into a download.

I'll dig them out for the next version.

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Uhh.. those tiny legs seem to have disappeared. Frizzank sent them to me with his fixed version of the big ones, but heck if I can find them. I guess they never made it into a download.

I'll dig them out for the next version.

Tiberion they are in the current pack, but for some reason they ended up under science......

Edited by Toyotawolf
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For some reason this mod caused crashes every so often (access violation mono.dll). I'm not sure if it was the mod exactly or just the number of parts because the crash behaved just like a memory leak in other programs. i.e. It would run fine idle for ~2-4 hours and loading a new ship or reverting/launching from the VAB/SPH would drastically reduce the amount of time before a crash and usually coincided with one. I had to uninstall but I've been able to manually unpack parts I was using and my game is stable now.

Mod List:

KAS 0.3.1

KSPX 0.2.2

SelectRoot 0.21.1

HyperEdit 1.2.2


ActionOnTheFly 1.1

DeepSpaceMod 182

HOME 1.0.31

B9 Aerospace

KW Rocketry 2.4

Kerbal Alarm Clock

ProcFairing 2.0

ProcWings .5

LazorDockingCam v29

SubassemblyManager 0.1.3

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Its a well known KSP issue - the game is a 32bit program and can only access so much memory, no matter how much your system has. Too many mods and it overlfows and causes random error and eventually crashes.

Yeah and it's becoming clearer now. Who still runs 32bit OS only? Or a single core CPU for that matter? It's 2013 FFS. =/

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Yeah and it's becoming clearer now. Who still runs 32bit OS only? Or a single core CPU for that matter? It's 2013 FFS. =/

Wanna buy me a new laptop? Thinkpad preferred.

(To be fair, this thing has two cores already.)

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Yeah and it's becoming clearer now. Who still runs 32bit OS only? Or a single core CPU for that matter? It's 2013 FFS. =/

Lots of people do, odd comment to make really, and KSP is only coded in 32 bit anyways.....so um yea again your comment is odd.

Will some of the part ordering be fixed in the next release Tiberion?

Edited by Toyotawolf
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I was wondering about the same things.

Most of the parts are terribly scattered around all tabs. Actually everything needs some ordering, i was about to say the Fuel tanks and engines were fine, but there are RCS tanks in Control and radial engines in...some other plac.

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Lots of people do, odd comment to make really, and unity is only coded in 32 bit anyways.....so um yea again your comment is odd.

Will some of the part ordering be fixed in the next release Tiberion?

You honestly think Unity would be as popular an engine as it is if it was limited to 32bit development....

True that when KSP was first developed Unity was only 32bit...that change a while ago....


If its proper sorting for fuel tanks to be with engines then its same for RCS tanks to be in wiht the RCS nozzles.....

Edited by KhaosCorp
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The RCS tanks and radial engines are in the control tab because they're 'control authority' related rather than for main propulsion, and the propulsion tab is already 3 pages long.

The only other major thing I changed was putting all "Odin" and "Thor" parts in the science tab, because they're impossible to find and build if spread out.

I have them that way on purpose, and they've been that way for a long time. Changing it now would just cause a lot of longtime users to have to go hunting again.

I don't plan on changing them before we get proper subcategory options in the VAB menu.

Also the Unity change to 64bit is VERY recent, about the same time they began supporting Linux. In fact there is a 64bit KSP version for Linux but its not exactly as simple as pushing a button to get it on Windows. It was my understanding that had some major issues to tackle for that to happen, but I don't know/recall specifics.

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Thank you for this mod - the parts are great, I find nearly all of them useful. There are maybe 4 items in the whole pack I think I'll never use. It's allowed me to build bigger rockets for bigger payloads and I imagine I'll be using a lot of NP tech to put my next space station in orbit.

What I like most is the elegance - rockets that look like the rockets we grew up watching. None of these ugly strutted Jumbo asparagus nightmares.

I did need to import the old 1.25m ASAS from the previous version because the Light Launcher craft file that comes with the new version still calls for it.

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Oh yeah sorry, I did fix that. The transform was messed up in Unity, so its been broken a good while. That plus the RCS changes in fine control mode should really let Odin perform better in docking maneuvers.

I threw together a quick patchfile with the fixes for:

The Heavierstrut node (can grab it now)

The drymass fixes listed above

The OdinFlightPack RCS thruster

Not updating the zipfile right now, so if those issues affect you, grab this: http://www./?hx5t6qd7cic5bqi

Bumping up the post about the small patch file that fixes a few things (like the craft file issue)

Those fixes will be in the next update of course, but we're both taking a quick break (me to work on Tiberdyne, and Frizzank for FASA/Gemini stuff)

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Thank you for this mod - the parts are great, I find nearly all of them useful. There are maybe 4 items in the whole pack I think I'll never use. It's allowed me to build bigger rockets for bigger payloads and I imagine I'll be using a lot of NP tech to put my next space station in orbit.

What I like most is the elegance - rockets that look like the rockets we grew up watching. None of these ugly strutted Jumbo asparagus nightmares.

I did need to import the old 1.25m ASAS from the previous version because the Light Launcher craft file that comes with the new version still calls for it.

I agree, i really like the smooth simple look, but i cannot design one this way to take up the weird and odd payloads i have. i end up with the asparagus + 10 engine designs

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You honestly think Unity would be as popular an engine as it is if it was limited to 32bit development....

True that when KSP was first developed Unity was only 32bit...that change a while ago....


If its proper sorting for fuel tanks to be with engines then its same for RCS tanks to be in wiht the RCS nozzles.....

How long would you guys say before we see a 64bit version in KSP for windows? I'm plaugued with constant crashing. 16gb of Ram and not even 4gb of it is utilized. And on top of that my computer idles at 2.1gb leaving KSP with just under 2gb to work with... thats pathetic.

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How long would you guys say before we see a 64bit version in KSP for windows?

Not terribly long after Unity releases a stable 64-bit Windows version of their engine.

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its 08/13/2013

I just can't extract file "uploads_2013_07_NovaPunch2_02b.zip",

bad archive, can't open or extract with anything,

;.; tried several times to download again, tried linux, windows, first time to happen this, anyone else same?

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