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Squad, where are you guys?


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So it's pretty obvious that a lot of people are experiencing issues with ASAS, but I don't see any sticky topic here on or Support saying 'relax, we know' or 'it's not a bug it's a feature'. Harvester responded on one topic regarding this issue, you can find him at some distant twentish page, so helpful. It all just doesn't make sense, you want people to be angry and confused? :mad:

The same was with cupolla pod exploding when switching vehicles, I found info about cause in some topic, not in some sticky (and at least HarvesteR was aware of issue, since he was posting in that topic too).

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  stupid_chris said:
Dude. They're sleeping. They don't need to tell you they know if they know they do know, and don't worry they do. Just wait until the sunshine comes young grasshopper.

If they know they should tell us they know, if they went sleeping and living knowing and didn't write anything they made mistake. And since HarvesteR already saw people saying about issues then I can assume he knows (but maybe ignored it, thinking that mods or people expectations are cause), and I assume he was awake while writing here (I hope he doesn't do sleepwriting or somthing :D ).

There are always people as patient as you, and as inpatient as me so it's better for everyone if they communicate, at least a bit.

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  AlternNocturn said:
That is not how it works. The devs usually reply to complaint threads and then push a hot fix later on that fixes it. You don't need stickies or apologies or whatnot, that doesn't fix problems.

I think communication with community is important. For instance my opinion on WarZ went down a lot, because of some stuff devs said.

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I think that the issue is expectation vs reality. The new SAS doesn't mean you can slap any old thing together and get it flying, and it means you have to provide power. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people's issues come with not putting electricity into their designs, and then the SAS using up the stored charge in the pod mid gravity-turn :)

It's not perfect, and I've outlined my points here, but the way it is designed is a huge improvement over the undamped catastrophe that was ASAS in 0.20

And, if you don't like how it works, don't put it on your rocket and fly it manually. After all, it's only a computer... :)

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  korda said:
If they know they should tell us they know, if they went sleeping and living knowing and didn't write anything they made mistake. And since HarvesteR already saw people saying about issues then I can assume he knows (but maybe ignored it, thinking that mods or people expectations are cause), and I assume he was awake while writing here (I hope he doesn't do sleepwriting or somthing :D ).

There are always people as patient as you, and as inpatient as me so it's better for everyone if they communicate, at least a bit.

No, they don't owe you nothing. They could literally not tell us a thing and release an update out of the blue without even warning us of what was going, what was in the update, when it went experimentals, and etc. They're humans, they don't have to babysit you and to hold you by the hand through every step of development. If you're impatient, then hold yourself, you shouldn't expect people to comply to your desires because you can't wait a few hours.

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  allmappedout said:
I think that the issue is expectation vs reality. The new SAS doesn't mean you can slap any old thing together and get it flying, and it means you have to provide power. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people's issues come with not putting electricity into their designs, and then the SAS using up the stored charge in the pod mid gravity-turn :)

It's not perfect, and I've outlined my points here, but the way it is designed is a huge improvement over the undamped catastrophe that was ASAS in 0.20

And, if you don't like how it works, don't put it on your rocket and fly it manually. After all, it's only a computer... :)

I don't think so... For example there are reports that SAS releases all axises when only trying to change one (no joysticks involved), thats not how it is supposed to work, according to what devs said.

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Jesus Guys... Calm down.

Maybe A/SAS is not what you imagined and I am pretty sure that C7 is sleepless because of the bad Feedback about it.

Give the Dev's time to handle it and stop all the ****storming about that they don't reply.

It's always better to work on a Problem than excusing for it.

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No, they don't owe you nothing. They could literally not tell us a thing and release an update out of the blue without even warning us of what was going...

Woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which Squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

Edited by Synapse
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  Synapse said:
Woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which Squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

Not at six in the morning we don't. It's not like it's Activison-Blizzard where they make hundreds of millions of dollars and can afford to hire people to stay up all night nannying the forums.

Yes, it's broken. I'm pretty sure I found the problem and if I'm right it should hopefully be a relatively easy fix.

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  Tiron said:
Not at six in the morning we don't. It's not like it's Activison-Blizzard where they make hundreds of millions of dollars and can afford to hire people to stay up all night nannying the forums.

Yes, it's broken. I'm pretty sure I found the problem and if I'm right it should hopefully be a relatively easy fix.

True, I agree. However he talks as though SQUAD allow us access to their free game which they developed and we don't have a right to critisize it.

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  Synapse said:
True, I agree. However he talks as though SQUAD allow us access to their free game which they developed and we don't have a right to critisize it.

Well, it's a thread that's not criticizing the PROBLEM, it's criticizing squad for not staying awake all night to address our concerns about the problem, more or less. A certain degree of derision is not entirely unwarranted.

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I don't understand either side of the forum warrior attitude most of the time. On one hand you have people bending over backward to deny there is a problem and white knighting for the devs like they are being paid, on the other its people with rabid hatred demanding the lead programmer fly to their house NOW, middle of the night be damned.

Why can't it be simple. There is a problem. Work the problem.

But, you people posting "its all fine for me, you just suck/ are used to MJ/its a feature, its supposed to work like crap" don't make finding a solution any easier.

If the people with a problem didn't have to spend 9/10th's of their energy fighting off slander from the all is well majority its entirely possible that a smoking gun could emerge. Crazy ****, but it could happen.

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  Synapse said:
Woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which Squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

We paid for the game and it's update. And as far as I know, those updates could be made without any forewarning. There could be no forums and no spaceport. You could just receive an email once every two-three months saying "A new version of KSP is available! Head to the store to download it!" and that could be all. Having this access to the development process is a gift, and Squad is free to take it back. That wouldn't be fair of them, but they still could.

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  Synapse said:
Woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which Squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

The product has to be 'as described'. If you don't expect an alpha to malfunction, that's your own misunderstanding. Caveat emptor.

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Personally, I think that there is too much emotion about this update and problems with it.

Yes, we all are customers who paid for this game, BUT we are all warned that game is in development so far and we have accepted it.

And this is GAME, not some mission critical software. All what happens is just mild inconvenience.

Developers already did a great job and sure they will do more :)

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  stupid_chris said:
No, they don't owe you nothing. They could literally not tell us a thing and release an update out of the blue without even warning us of what was going, what was in the update, when it went experimentals, and etc. They're humans, they don't have to babysit you and to hold you by the hand through every step of development. If you're impatient, then hold yourself, you shouldn't expect people to comply to your desires because you can't wait a few hours.

Excelent post.

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If this game was in a box on the shelves of a Game store, then fair enough, we have rights to complain. But it isnt, its still in development stages, which means, its going to be broken at some point while they try new features. We agreed to this experimental process by buying a pre-release incomplete game.

So for anybody that is complaining, just give them a chance. We all go on about how good Squad are at PR stuff, so i highly doubt they are ignoring us. They will be fully aware of the situation and im sure they are working hard on fixing it. But like Stupid_Chris said, they are human, they have social lives. Like us they finish work and go home and relax. So, give them time, and please be patient.

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  synapse said:
woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

it's an alpha you throwbucket

Edited by BeefTenderloin
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  Synapse said:
Customers, of which Squad provide a product.

Eventually, but not yet. The product is still in development. That's what "early access" (Steam) means.

If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

The explanation is that the product is still in development, we already know that so Squad does not need to tell us.

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  Synapse said:
Woah, let me stop you there. People pay for this game. Customers, of which Squad provide a product. If that product malfunctions, customers have a right to explanations.

The game is in ALPHA, we have way to high expectations on the whole...

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