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Campaign/Career mode seems very dull to me


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This is partially the developers' fault, as they released the game far from finished. People get used to the game the way it is, and forget they're playing around in an alpha version that is only a tiny portion of what the developers actually want the game to be. The same thing happened to Minecraft. People kept saying that things the developers added didn't seem "Minecrafty" because they didn't fit into THEIR vision of Minecraft. Well guess what? You paid $20 for the game. These people are devoting a large chunk of their lives to it. They have more say than you.

Fan toxicity is not limited to incremental-release-alpha games, actually. You usually see it take the form of players demanding what content will be in the sequel based on the content in the most current game. That's more or less what destroyed a number of once-popular series: the developers listening to their most devoted (and toxic) fans and cutting out the appeal to new and less-skillful players.

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Career mode at this point is probably the only thing that will get me back into KSP, ive just done everything there is to do at this point in sandbox.

also for the people whining about career implementation; REALLY? sandbox is still an option, why would you start a petition to limit the development of a game just because you dont like where its headed? ive never heard of something more backwards in my life. you people should be ashamed.

Edited by GalaxyGryphon
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Maybe it's just that us experienced players feel that it is not interesting since we are at the top of the learning curve and have accomplished almost everything. I have confidence that Squad will make a thoroughly entertaining campaign. Although I don't know how it would affect how a new player learns if they were limited in resources. It does seem like a good idea to narrow down the choices for a new player, as space flight and rocket construction can be overwhelming at first.

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Fan toxicity is not limited to incremental-release-alpha games, actually. You usually see it take the form of players demanding what content will be in the sequel based on the content in the most current game. That's more or less what destroyed a number of once-popular series: the developers listening to their most devoted (and toxic) fans and cutting out the appeal to new and less-skillful players.

Toxic fans cost us a sequel to the 2008 Prince of Persia, in my eyes one of the best games ever made. My wife and I still occasionally play it through, and it was one of the games we got with our PS3, in early 2009. I am myself a game designer and sometime developer, and I have no time for those fans who would try and tell me how to make a game. If you enjoy what I do, then great. If you do not, then give me a bad review and be done. I will not change my design for your desires. Nor should I have to.

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Objectives and Challenges. Yes I agree this is like a day at the office!

Well I understand other ppl might enjoy it and I might try. Because I have perspective and don't reject automatically what is not targeted to me.

I guess I am not Squad's target market. I have so little free time to play the game. I already control myself from using too much fuel and building absurdly big rockets (for realism and because of FAR mod, aerodynamics restrictions).

Edited by loknar
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As you described the game looks awesome. I still don't have it. But now I will surely have it. Tell me how to get it.

Well, Career Mode is not implemented yet. You can buy KSP at either the steam store or at kerbalspaceprogram.com, and then you will get access to Career Mode as soon as it is available.

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When you put it that way, isn't the idea of murdering Kerbals in the name of science and getting funds seem very undull? Surely crashing into the Mun (something some probes have done intentionally so scientists can observe what gets thrown upwards) would be fun, especially if the amount of science rewarded depends on how fast you ram it. Manned Munar colliding probes would be a fun way to earn funds...

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It would at least be a good way for me to get rid of sub-par applicants, since I can't just reject them and get better ones in the Astronaut Complex...

Yeah, I hope they did that for .22. I mean, I want to get some of the famous Kerbals; Scott, Kurt etc. At least I have a Kirk Kerman with my ready to go on my Laythe trip. :D

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I like the idea but I think they aren't taking it far enough. If i were a developer....

That is where your argument ends and the rest is just meaningless ramble. If you wanted to state an opinion from a developer's point of view, then be one. Otherwise you are speaking from a base of complete inexperience and ignorance. Much like many of today's movie critics.

If you want to make an argument, do it as a player. That way you can speak from a viewpoint you know of and sound a bit more credible. If you really want to be a developer, then wait until you do become one before trying to sound like one.

As for the features you would like to see but for some reason don't expect to, you are forgetting that career mode has only just surfaced, and the game is still only in alpha. You might want to peruse the upcoming features portion of the wiki and see that there is a lot yet to come, and probably quite a bit more features that Squad hasn't even shared with us yet.

I am trying not to sound too hostile here, but posts like these anymore just give me the hives. Too many people think they can do better when they don't even have the experience to do so. Granted Squad is a young company, but they do have experience with other games before KSP. What has been done so far with the game is testament to that. Compared to other games that use the Unity engine, I think they have pushed the boundaries beyond what anybody can expect. If that sounds like more praise than may be warranted, then I am not sorry. Be patient, and in time I expect you will see many of your wishes to be fulfilled. 0.22 is nowhere near the end of development, and there are many more surprises yet to come. Don't forget that there are at least two more gas giants yet to be introduced, along with their moons(Eeloo is actually going to be among the second giant's moons), as well as more asteroids to give Dres company. Take heart, and if you do decide to jump into game development, I wish you godspeed. Until then, enjoy the game as a player, for that does not make you less of a kerbonaut.

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Granted Squad is a young company, but they do have experience with other games before KSP.

I agree with your general sentiment, but if I understand correctly, Squad hasn't done anything like this before. They're not a game developer or publisher; they are a marketing company.

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