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[1.12.x] LCD - Launch CountDown v1.8.0 [23 Oct 2019]


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Now with a Push Button :








Bored of yelling the launch countdown yourself ?

Do you find the launch sequence a little ... lifeless ?

So here comes an enhancement for your launch clamps : an authentical launch countdown brought to you by Athlonic Electronics.



Installation :

- You just have to install the "LaunchCountDown" folder and the "ModuleManager.dll" file in your KSP "GameData" folder.

It will upgrade your KSP stock TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer (aka launch clamp) with a countdown feature.

No additional parts needed thanks to the excellent "ModuleManager" plugin (included) from Ialdabaoth/Sarbian.

( credits and updates here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-%28Nov-11%29 )


How it works ?


  • When building your rockets, you can assign actions (Start Countdown and Abort Launch) shortcut key/button for launch clamps in the action group editor tab.
  • When on the launch pad, just Push dah "Go Flight !" Button.
  • Put your in-game engines volume around 25% for the best launch sequence experience


Be aware that it will auto-activate the launch stage once the countdown reach "Ignition" so plan your stage accordingly :


  • -> First stage : Engines AND launch clamps,
  • -> and do NOT wait ignition to put some generous throttle...


Mechjeb's autopilot users :


  1. Setup your ascension profile,
  2. Engage MJ autopilot,
  3. Start the countdown,
  4. Sit back and relax ^^


When using "Apollo Style" launch sequence :


  1. You can set your first stage with liquid fuel engines, and your second stage with launch clamps and SRB.
  2. This way you can spool up your main engines (at around 10% thrust) by activating your first stage when "engine ignition start" is announced at T-8 seconds.
  3. Gently put generous throttle when "All engines running" is announced at T-1 second.
  4. And wait for the release of the clamps and Lift-off !



Known issues :

- countdown sequence pause every seconds in KSP x64 (32bit is fine)

- you may spend too much time on the launch pad now ^^

- let me know if you find some more...

Changelog :

v1.8.0 [23 Oct 2019]
- Fixed errors (due to Refs .dll split & Net 4.x target)
- Recompiled for KSP v1.8.0.2686

v1.7.9 [28 May 2017]
- Recompiled for KSP v1.3.0 (b1804)
- Bundled Modulemanager v2.8.0

v1.7.8 [12 Oct 2016]
- Recompiled for KSP v1.2.0 (b1586)
- Removed KSPUtil reference
- Removed "using Linq" as advised by Squad
- Bundled Modulemanager v2.7.1

Older changelogs :


v1.7.7 [26 Jun 2016]
- Recompiled and updated for KSP v1.1.3 (b1289)
- Bundled Modulemanager v2.6.25

v1.7.6 [19 Apr. 2016]

- Recompiled and updated for KSP v1.1 (b1230)

- Bundled Modulemanager v2.6.22

- Bundled MiniAVC v1.0.3.2

v 1.7.5 [02 May 2015] :

- Recompiled for KSP v1.0.2

v 1.7.4 [29 Apr 2015] :

- Recompiled for KSP 1.0

- packaged with uptodate ModuleManager v1.6.2

v 1.7.3 :

- Recompiled for KSP 0.25

- Added KSP AVC version checking mod support

v 1.7.2 :

- Recompiled for KSP 0.24.2

- Fixed FASA Apollo/Atlas launchclamps support

v 1.7.1 :

- Recompiled for KSP 0.23.5 (to be on the safe side)

- Added frizzank's FASA launchclamps compatibility (ModuleManager cfg)

- Added a Debug option (spam the log with useless stuff)

- Audioclips stop when entering settings

v 1.7 :

- Added back Kerbalized audio set (made it default)

- Plugin now clear audio collections on part unload to free up memory

v 1.6.1 (Hotfix) :

- Fixed issue where audio clips were loaded for each instance of launchclamp part.

v 1.6 :

- Rewritten the code using 'Collections' to manage audio files

- This also fixed the desync sequence issue when using heavy ship/mods

- Added some screen messages accordingly to the launch sequence events

- disabled "Kerbalized" & "Default" audio set for now (better Kerbalized version in the work)

v 1.5 :

- recompiled/checked for KSP v0.23 compatibility

- targeting .NET 3.5 instead of 4.5

- including ModuleManager v1.5

v 1.4 :

- Added Kerbalized audio (first pass)

v 1.3 :

- Made audio sequences being tied to "voices" volume setting instead of engines

- Also made audio 2D+panLevel 0 to avoid weird sounds issues when zooming view

- Added "Apollo Style" launch sequence

- Added a setting window allowing to choose launch sequences

- updated with Module Manager 4992.21296 (Sarbian's version)

v 1.2 :

- Added an "Abort Launch !" button,

- Reduced the size of the UI.

v 1.1 :

- Fixed, issue when multiple launch clamp parts was present (Cybutek "using static var" trick),

- Replaced 'right-click' on launch clamp by an UI Launch button,

- Made the new UI button position persistent when dragged,

- Made the new UI button to recenter if it goes off screen on resolution change,

- Some code cleaning, optimizations.

v 1.0 : Initial release.


To do list :

- auto-detect if no engines are on the current stage to avoid wounds,

- add a KSP ApplicationLauncher button

- polish the GUI

- add a (better) Kerbalish countdown, Chatterer style,

- add an advanced mode with detailed launch procedures (checks, engine ignition, ...),

- learn to code properly and optimize methods...


Download from SpaceDock :


Download from Curse thingy :


This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.




Source code : https://github.com/Athlonic/LaunchCountDown

Edited by Athlonic
Still working with KSP 1.12.x
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Its a great addition to the mod community, However Since this isn't a earth based language why don't you create a "kerbal" countdown instead it will give that extra bit of pizazz so to speak, But overall i think you done a great job.

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Its a great addition to the mod community, However Since this isn't a earth based language why don't you create a "kerbal" countdown instead it will give that extra bit of pizazz so to speak, But overall i think you done a great job.

Yep, you are right.

Watching the video I just made is a little too serious and not enough Kerbalistic ^^

Kerbalish countdown (ala Chatterer) added to the todo list ;)

Thanks for your feedback.

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I just tried it and i must say it is fantastic, exactly what I've been looking for. Do you think that you could include some additional voice tracks? (such as apollo 11, some of the shuttle launchs etc?)

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Very nice!

I have a suggestion, we need a "hold down" options"

So like at T-Minus 5 we start the engines but don't release the clamps - we can spool up the throttle and see if anything bows up, then release the clamps and let it fly. A lot of real life launches are like this, to give the computer time to see if it needs to emergency abort before liftoff due to a bad engine startup.

Basically just 2 more options:

One Stage or Two Stage launch

Delay between stages

Also, perhaps a slider for countdown length, if you wanted to start at 20 or something.

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Very nice!

I have a suggestion, we need a "hold down" options"

So like at T-Minus 5 we start the engines but don't release the clamps - we can spool up the throttle and see if anything bows up, then release the clamps and let it fly. A lot of real life launches are like this, to give the computer time to see if it needs to emergency abort before liftoff due to a bad engine startup.

Basically just 2 more options:

One Stage or Two Stage launch

Delay between stages

Also, perhaps a slider for countdown length, if you wanted to start at 20 or something.

Great suggestion, i think. I'm also not too fond of the echo either...would be great if it were an optional bit.

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