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Mission Control Building

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You know that mystery building from version 0.21.1? Well, that is the Mission control! Don't believe me? Please crash something into it for yourself. Now onto the topic...

What should we expect with the uses of this building in a future update?

I think it should allow us to manage money, objectives for missions, ect.

It just might be what is needed for career mode!

Let the discussing begin!

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Well, I hope it will be something that does deserve the name Mission Control. Like all the details of your mission. Stats, watching cam recordings from remote rovers and or bases. Communication stuff. I don't know. Plenty future features to think of. Some day science will kick in for real too. Something like that. Mission to Jool --> Mission Control --> Jool relative stuff. If I think about money management, I think more about an headquarter or an administration office building or something of that kind.

Edited by JSD
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I'm hoping it'll have advanced versions of the maneuver node system so I can pre-plan missions there... I gather there are mods floating around that allow that, but something like that function should be baked-in before they release a "career mode" where the penalty for failure is more than some lost time.

Storing mission logs or maybe a museum/memorial there would be nice too.

-- Steve

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  Anton P. Nym said:
I'm hoping it'll have advanced versions of the maneuver node system so I can pre-plan missions...

-- Steve

Using the Mission Control to plan things is awesome. Imagine also a chalkboard or something that can be "written" on with the mouse, allowing funny views into the minds of kerbals(players) and other things.


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The whole missions, money and even research are all planned. Not sure if they'll be implementing those soon or not, but one can hope.

A lot of those career-specific features will undoubtedly be handled through the mission control building. Or maybe they'll add another building or two to the KSC area to make each less cluttered. I don't know.

But I certainly wouldn't mind it if there was a pre-planning mode in the mission control building, where you setup the control nodes and stuff like Anton was talkin' about up there. That'd be cool though I'd wind up messing everything up every time and wind up just using control nodes like I do now XD

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  Sumyunguy said:
Using the Mission Control to plan things is awesome. Imagine also a chalkboard or something that can be "written" on with the mouse, allowing funny views into the minds of kerbals(players) and other things.

I... love... this... idea. :D

Please include this chalkboard, devs. I'll buy you a cookie if you do!

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  ReptilianGameplays said:
Maybe on the Mission Control you could choose missions (on career mode) on certain chosen planet.

Example: Put a Probe to orbit Kerbin at an 100Km Orbit or higher.

The background could be like the one from the video "At the Kerbal Space Center".

Yeah, that'd be nice!

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I'd like to see a vessel witch can be just controlled from the Misson Control. JSD mentioned already cameras and a remote control system. It would be nice if the signals send to the Mission Control take some time and you have to calculate that in if you need to do some adjustments in a duna orbit for examples.Just like reallife :D.

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I suggest that you manage contracts, money and missons (or if you get sued because you were crashing a vessel into a city :D) in an Administration Centere.

So everything that has to do with vessel managemant and remote controling ( like the radar dish, just with more options) can belong to the Mission Control.

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  AtomMasher said:
I suggest that you manage contracts, money and missons (or if you get sued because you were crashing a vessel into a city :D) in an Administration Centere.

So everything that has to do with vessel managemant and remote controling ( like the radar dish, just with more options) can belong to the Mission Control.

Great idea!

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