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Project Icarus

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Project Icarus was a attempt at making a stable, high altitude craft. It also started off having no name, just being called HALVE (High Altitude Longitude stable Vehicular Energy). On the low altitude tests which did not include landing, the aircraft was very sensitive in the roll and pitch axis. These were taken down in the high altitude tests.

The first test went well, with a perfect landing, the second and third went from high altitude into orbital. The second test orbited the earth while the third orbited the sun. Needless to say, Icarus was retired the next day, without a crash to its record.

The aircraft was based off the Jefferson Starship.

Video http://youtu.be/VoTUOnelxnY (Sorry about the music).

Now working on Daedalus, and the Twin Daedalus. Pics may come soon.

Requires KW Challenger Pack and C7 Flight Pack 2.1 + Hardpoints 0.5

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