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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Part 1 and part 2 of that rule have also been ignored(by just about everyone)

I'll rewrite them whenever you think it's ok.Suijin has ~250m/s onboard,not even enough for the plane change.and I think the K drive is broken.

I redid the first two rules so as most of the battles aren't nullified.

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Okay... well...

Mint Leader's K-Drive is fighting me so bad I can't get it anywhere. The K-Drive on Suijin might be totally useless as well. Only Poseidon can move, so I guess that's what I'll have to do, then pass.


The K-Drive on Poseidon isn't working at all... Dx

I'm going to have to forfeit again. This is ridiculous.

Edited by daemonCaptrix
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Wait...poseidon has one?!.I would have **** myself had I known that.I went and checked if Suijin was working luckily not.K-drives are a risky business,they are hard to predict and so aren't very reliable.

I'm off to make something bigger than my current supercarrier.And work on battle formations/motions.

Edited by Spartwo
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TBH, I feel like I should try to make some better ships, my original ones were pretty bad. I will beat you next time Daemon, if there is one. ^_^


Well, created my first ship: The "Viper - LAC". Basically, a heavy-hitting minimalistic approach at an assault craft. Do not let it's size fool you, those missiles pack on HELL (Testing on the runway, they managed over 300m/s before burnout, and that is a lot more than what any of my previous missiles could manage.) of a punch. They are also uncannily compared to what I can normally produce (Spin stabilization, FTW!), and she sports some ablative wing armour, on top of her structural panels. (Totally not stolen from you Daemon. ;) )


I'm not sure of her range for now, but I am about to install VOID, so that will help.


Whelp. Missiles are good. Landed on the centre line too.



Viper is OP, Nerf Ples. 4 KM/S DV.


My Wolf, a carrier design, has 8Km/s of DV fully fuelled, and without fighters. If it had 36 Tons worth of fighters/payload, it wold have 3Km/s of DV. So this thing can get anywhere, and still have enough fuel to manouver around (Read as retreat, as it has very weak armour, but even if it does get broken in half, then you have two even smaller, even lighter carriers to deal with, as the core part is a central fuel tank, and the marker for the craft centres on it. :cool: I know they will probably be wrecked in their first fight, but still, I am very happy with what I have made so far.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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Yeah. They have pretty much the highest impact tolerance possible (Excluding the ridiculous structural pylons.), along with being pretty lightweight and very powerful. (Also, Spin Stabilization makes them deathly accurate.)

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Fire again! After 3 shots and 4 missles, target is finally shot down

I just checked out Shepard 3. He is till alive. Missiles, ion and liquid engines have been shot off but it still has power (radioactive cores) and RCS.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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Nice. That little Fighter looks very cool Plonio. (So much so that I based my new Redback Fighter on it. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.) Also, Daemon, that ship looks like Adine's Gunman from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Even down to the placement of the Cockpit. Do you watch it?

Either way, say hello to the Wolf:


It has by FAR, FAR, FAR the longest range of any of my ships to date. And, it has 6 teeny drone fighters, each with 4 missiles. And a spin missile of it's own, just in case. Thankfully, all of the drones have a quite decent range, along with being incredibly small targets, so I can just bring down a Wolf Class, drop a few fighters, an retreat off to gilly or something. Which is just as well, considering it has pretty bad armour.

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I've seen some of Gurren Lagann. I'm having trouble finding a gunman that looks like the Shieldmaiden, but the MARS units in general were designed to resemble anime fighting mecha, so it wouldn't surprise me.

The Wolf looks tiny and fragile. ._.

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I've seen some of Gurren Lagann. I'm having trouble finding a gunman that looks like the Shieldmaiden, but the MARS units in general were designed to resemble anime fighting mecha, so it wouldn't surprise me.

The Wolf looks tiny and fragile. ._.

Yup, but the idea behind my designs this time is minimalism, so everything is quite small. Even my BattleShip, the Slon, isn't much bigger than this. The idea is that it has sacrificed heavier armour for ridiculous range, and can literally run away to the other side of the solar system if need be. It's also a bit tricksy. The marker for the ship is on that centre segment, so that if it gets destroyed, I then have two smaller, fully independent carriers, and I still have a huge range.

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Nice. That little Fighter looks very cool Plonio. (So much so that I based my new Redback Fighter on it. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.)

Wait...this one?


or this one?


The former being my design,I don't know about the latter.

EDIT:Also,welcome tho the Eeloo club.

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Oh. Well, I didn't realise it was your design. And yes, the former.

Also, the Mobile Mission Control Ship - Arkaesus:


A long range, and essentially a flagship, the Arkaesus is a logistical support ship for a fleet. It has light armour and four of the same drones that accompany the Wolf class, along with incredible range. (Again.)

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