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OKAD releases rover wheel assembly


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Omni Korp Aerospace Division presents the RVW-5 Rover wheel assembly designed specifically for exploring extra-Kerbin surfaces.


Download is in GME friendly package, zip file attached at bottom of this message.


Omni Korp Aerospace Division is proud to release the alpha prototype version of its new Gantry Launch System. The GLS consists of two main parts and one optional part, a Gantry Tower, a Gantry Decoupler, and an optional Gantry Strut for those really big rockets.

Also released today is the MerkuryHLD variant package including the crew compartment as capsule with disabled SAS, the recovery compartment as an rcs fuel tank, and a small two vector rcs thruster which gives the capsule yaw pitch spin control.

Omni Korp Aerospace Division releases three high precision tricouplers today featuring greatly improved stability over previous (ie stock vanilla) models. The tricouplers are available to fit the standard 1m, 1.75m, and 2m diameter stacks.

Director Tsu Suun Boom announced today the first shipment of the Merkury capsule and an improvement to the company\'s secondary engine mount.

Note: secondary mount improvement is cosmetic only (smoothing) and the upgraded part is included in the OKAD-Merkury package.

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No problem, was fun to do, first bit of decent texturing I\'ve managed. It\'s operationally the same as the stock pod, but I\'m playing around with a variant that\'ll replace the small cylinder at top with a small rcs tank using the same texture and will allow you to stick rcs around it so it\'ll be more operationally like the Mercury capsule. Not sure about parachute though, I use blender and well that makes it harder from what I\'ve heard. Pretty sure there\'s a compatible retro booster and escape tower already out there in some other mods.

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eeeh i cant down load it,

the links don`t work. :-\

Try using another browser like Internet Explorer, there\'s a bug in this forum\'s software that Firefox chokes on.

@luigibro606 & Tiberion: thanks :)

@supertoaster98: running into a problem with the mini-rcst tank idea - it\'d need special rcs to be made and very carefully placed. Still working on the idea - it\'s almost like I need a rcs that\'s also an rcst.

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I\'m in the process of consolidating the OKAD line of products into this thread, just added the brand new tricouplers. I\'m going to try and keep related pieces together, but one offs like the secondary engine mount will go into their own mini-package. All packages will use the OKAD->Parts->partname folder layout for compatibility with GME.

Please let me know if you run across any bugs or oddities with any of the OKAD parts, thanks!

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It does. Not for fuel, just to center a large fuel tank under a triple stack.

It\'s only visual though. You can\'t have 3 top nodes so only 1 of the three tanks at the top are actually connected and delivering fuel. The other two would be dead weight and not even add to the stability as they would be free to wobble.


Capt\'n Skunky

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Try using another browser like Internet Explorer, there\'s a bug in this forum\'s software that Firefox chokes on.

@luigibro606 & Tiberion: thanks :)

@supertoaster98: running into a problem with the mini-rcst tank idea - it\'d need special rcs to be made and very carefully placed. Still working on the idea - it\'s almost like I need a rcs that\'s also an rcst.

Interesting. I have this thread open in both browsers. In IE, I have no links and no images. In FF I see the images and the links, and it tries to download an index.php file!

Now what? LOL!

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