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Orbit Between Kerbin and Sun

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You are wanting the space craft to always be exactly between Kerbin and the sun? I'm afraid no such orbit exists. Placing a ship between the two would require the ship to be closer to the sun than the planet is, which means a faster orbit, so the ship will get ahead of the planet.

Edit: Or when you say in orbit around the planet, but always between the planet and sun... If the ship is orbiting the planet, it can't always be in-between the two. If it is in orbit of the planet, it will be constantly circling it.

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I'm not sure the orbit you want is possible. You would need an orbital period (how long it takes to complete one orbit) equal to Kerbin's orbital period around the sun, and i'm not sure if Kerbin's SOI is big enough for that.

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In real life, this would be possible due to lagrange points, but since in KSP only one body can enforce gravity upon you at any given time, it's not, sadly. If you're talking about an orbit around Kerbin that always is between Kerbin and the sun, that's not possible either, there's no way to have a year-long orbital period around kerbin.

(Lagrange points, in case you didn't know, occur at several points between two bodies, one orbiting the other where the gravitational forces simultaneously act on a third body to keep that third body always in the same position relative to the other two. There's five of them I believe, but I only know two, the one directly between body 1 and body 2, and the one on the opposite side of body 1 from body 2, which occur because of the decreased net gravitational force and the net effective gravitational force, respectively)

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Thanks for the replies, yeah I realized what I was thinking was impossible after trying some orbits. What about if I orbited the Sun instead of Kerbin and stayed just outside of Kerbins soi

If you orbit lower than Kerbin's Orbit, you'll go faster than Kerbin and at the same time, get ahead of Kerbin. If you orbit higher, you'll be slower than Kerbin and thus you'll end up behind it. That can't be done, you'd need Larange points for that kind of things.

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There is a little substitute of orbit between sun and kerbin - you can go prograde or retrograde and after you leave kerbin SOI you have to adjust orbit to be exacly the same like kerbins. It makes your vessel sailing the front or behind planet on the same orbit. Your vessel will never intercept planet SOI. Like i wrote on the beginning - its only substitute but you achive two goals:

1.Ship can be close to home planet.

2.Sun is shining all the time!

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