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Funniest/Coolest Kerbal Names


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I like the ones that start with 'Wehr-', like Wehrke, Wehrgel, Wehrlock. Not sure why, but I do. Unfortunately, none have popped up thus far in my career mode.

One name that did pop up that's really cool though is Maluki Kerman. Maluki. That is the most unique name I've seen in the game, ever.

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I had a Bilbo Kerman in my old sandbox save that I accidentally deleted. He was probably the one kerbal I've ever had who I was glad didn't have the BadS flag. I also had Luke, who had his own X-Wing (which wasn't that great of a design actually) and my kerbals without a cause, James and Dean Kerman who are always assigned together on missions.

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I one got a Kerbin Kerman.

So did I, he's never left the planet...

I also had Danburry Kerman a while back when I was new to the game. He was the first Kerbal to land and return from the Mun. After he died in a VTOL crash, I named my first space station after him.

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  • 1 month later...
So did I, he's never left the planet...

I also had Danburry Kerman a while back when I was new to the game. He was the first Kerbal to land and return from the Mun. After he died in a VTOL crash, I named my first space station after him.

I had a Danburry Kerman. I think I killed him in one of my experimental flights... :/

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